MCQ Chapter 1 Animals in Prison Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. What was Jawaharlal Nehru popularly called by children?Uncle NehruChacha NehruGuru NehruBapu NehruQuestion 1 of 202. Which book is the excerpt Animals in Prison taken from?Letters from a Father to His DaughterThe Discovery of IndiaAn AutobiographyGlimpses of World HistoryQuestion 2 of 203. What does the excerpt primarily showcase about Nehru?His political ambitionsHis love for natureHis revolutionary ideasHis legal knowledgeQuestion 3 of 204. Where did Jawaharlal Nehru complete his education?Oxford UniversityHarrow and CambridgeHarvard UniversitySorbonne UniversityQuestion 4 of 205. What does Nehru describe as "a wonderful example of 'live and let live'"?Observing naturePrison routinesThe attitude of animalsBirds chirpingQuestion 5 of 206. How long did Nehru spend in the Dehra Dun jail cell?One yearTwo yearsFourteen and a half monthsSix monthsQuestion 6 of 207. What privilege did Nehru enjoy in Dehra Dun jail?Daily meals outsideWalks outside the jail gateMeeting visitors dailyWatching moviesQuestion 7 of 208. What natural feature brought Nehru comfort during his prison walks?Fields of flowersTowering HimalayasFlowing riversThick forestsQuestion 8 of 209. What season in Dehra Dun did Nehru find particularly pleasant?SummerWinterSpringAutumnQuestion 9 of 2010. Which trees surprised Nehru by shedding their leaves in winter?Mango treesPeepal treesBanyan treesNeem treesQuestion 10 of 2011. What did Nehru consider his "old friends" in his cell?The guardsWasps and hornetsThe walls and grassFellow prisonersQuestion 11 of 2012. What animals lived in the rafters of Nehru's cell?BatsLizardsBirdsMonkeysQuestion 12 of 2013. Why did Nehru stop trying to exterminate wasps in his cell?He was afraid of themThey fought back bravelyThey stung him repeatedlyHe wanted to study themQuestion 13 of 2014. Which animal did Nehru have a horror of?CentipedesScorpionsBatsSnakesQuestion 14 of 2015. How did Nehru describe the antics of monkeys in Bareilly jail?AnnoyingEntertainingFearfulPeacefulQuestion 15 of 2016. What made Nehru notice the variety of life in his yard?Observing insects closelyThe visits of fellow prisonersReading books on natureHis walks outside the gateQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Nehru use to feed baby squirrels in Lucknow jail?A bottle capA pen filler with cottonA small spoonA dropperQuestion 17 of 2018. What kind of bird nested over Nehru's cell door in Dehra Dun?ParrotsMainasPigeonsKoelsQuestion 18 of 2019. Which bird was known for its persistent call in the monsoon?KoelBrain-Fever birdEagleParrotQuestion 19 of 2020. What sight during the monsoon amused Nehru?Rain dripping from the ceilingEagles swooping downWild ducks flying overheadThe Brain-Fever bird callingQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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