MCQ Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots Advertisement 1. What is the term used for the divine essence that resides in every being, according to the Upaniṣhads?ĀtmanDharmaKarmaSamsaraQuestion 1 of 202. Who among the following is known as the "Great Hero" in Jainism?Siddhārtha GautamaVardhamānaMahāvīraŚhvetaketuQuestion 2 of 203. The Buddha founded a community of monks and nuns known as:SanghaSabhaRishikasYajñaQuestion 3 of 204. Which of the following gods is primarily invoked in Vedic rituals for maintaining truth and order in the cosmos?MitraIndraVaruṇaAgniQuestion 4 of 205. Ahimsa, a key concept in Buddhism and Jainism, originally meant:Non-possessionNon-injuryNon-sufferingNon-actionQuestion 5 of 206. Aparigraha in Jainism refers to:Non-violenceNon-possessionRebirthNon-attachmentQuestion 6 of 207. The Upaniṣhads introduced the concept of brahman. What does it refer to?The cycle of birth and rebirthThe supreme, unchanging realityThe soul of an individualThe ritual of sacrificeQuestion 7 of 208. The Rig Veda, one of the four Vedas, is primarily a collection of:Prayers and hymnsRitual instructionsPhilosophical discussionsStories and fablesQuestion 8 of 209. The Banyan Tree is considered a symbol of Indian civilisation because it:Provides food and shelterRepresents India's cultural diversity and unityIs worshipped as a godIs part of Buddhist teachingsQuestion 9 of 2010. What does the word "Sangha" mean in the context of Buddhism?TeacherEnlightenmentCommunity of monks and nunsPath of liberationQuestion 10 of 2011. In Jainism, which of the following teachings refers to the idea that truth has many aspects?AhimsaAparigrahaAnekāntavādaSamsaraQuestion 11 of 2012. According to the Buddha, what are the two causes of human suffering?Desire and greedIgnorance and attachmentKarma and rebirthAttachment and violenceQuestion 12 of 2013. What is the "ṛitam" referred to in the Vedic worldview?A form of prayerThe cosmic order and truthA group of deitiesA ritual sacrificeQuestion 13 of 2014. Which of the following is NOT true about the Vedic society?They lived in janas or clansThe Vedas mention many professionsRulers were selected democraticallyThey worshipped multiple gods and goddessesQuestion 14 of 2015. What does "Tat tvam asi" convey in the Upaniṣhads?You are separate from the divineYou are part of a larger communityYou are that supreme realityYou are bound by your karmaQuestion 15 of 2016. Which of the following is NOT one of the four Vedas?Ṛig VedaSāma VedaYajur VedaUpaniṣhad VedaQuestion 16 of 2017. Which of the following is NOT one of the four Vedas?Ṛig VedaSāma VedaYajur VedaUpaniṣhad VedaQuestion 17 of 2018. The Charvaka school believed that:Only karma can lead to liberationThe material world is the only realityMeditation is the path to enlightenmentRebirth is inevitableQuestion 18 of 2019. Who among the following is regarded as a rishika in the Vedic tradition?A female sageA male healerA kingA warriorQuestion 19 of 2020. In which part of India is Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha, located today?NepalBiharOdishaUttar PradeshQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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