MCQ Class 6 Social Science Chapter 6 The Beginnings of Indian Civilisation Advertisement 1. Harappans were the first in Eurasia to grow which of the following crops?CottonSugarcaneWheatTeaQuestion 1 of 202. Which Harappan site is known for its dockyard, indicating maritime trade?Mohenjo-daroKalibanganLothalHarappaQuestion 2 of 203. What did Harappan craftspeople use to make shell bangles?WoodSilverConch shellsIvoryQuestion 3 of 204. Which of the following was a common method for Harappans to manage water in cities like Dholavira?Wells made of metalStone reservoirsWooden water tanksRiver irrigationQuestion 4 of 205. What was the approximate time period during which the Indus-Sarasvatī civilization flourished?1500–1000 BCE2600–1900 BCE3000–2000 BCE500–200 BCEQuestion 5 of 206. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a civilization, as mentioned in the chapter?Writing systemAdvanced agricultureRegular warfareUrban planningQuestion 6 of 207. Harappan cities were primarily built using which construction material?WoodStoneMud bricksFired bricksQuestion 7 of 208. The map in the chapter shows the main settlements of the Indus-Sarasvatī civilization along which geographical feature?Mountain rangesCoastal areasRiver valleysDesertsQuestion 8 of 209. What was one of the main types of food consumed by the Harappans, based on archaeological findings?Millet and vegetablesFish and riceBarley and dairy productsMaize and beansQuestion 9 of 2010. Which of the following was NOT a part of the Harappan trade?GoldPotteryTeaOrnamentsQuestion 10 of 2011. Which animal figure frequently appears on Harappan seals?TigerUnicornElephantLionQuestion 11 of 2012. How many wells have been counted in Mohenjo-daro, showing the importance of water management?2005007001000Question 12 of 2013. What was the purpose of small Harappan seals made of steatite?JewelryToolsTrade identificationWeaponryQuestion 13 of 2014. The Harappans are known to have created toys and games. Which of the following has been discovered in their cities?A footballA gamesboardA cricket batA bicycleQuestion 14 of 2015. What was the primary cause of the decline of the Indus-Sarasvatī civilization?Invasion by foreign armiesA shift to a rural lifestyleEconomic collapseClimatic changes and drying up of the Sarasvatī RiverQuestion 15 of 2016. What does the word ‘metallurgy’ refer to in the context of the Harappan civilization?The art of making potteryTechniques of extracting metals and studying their propertiesCrafting stone toolsWeaving textilesQuestion 16 of 2017. Which of the following was NOT a craft practiced by the Harappans?PotteryMetalworkingGlassblowingWeavingQuestion 17 of 2018. The Harappans used which of the following methods to irrigate their crops?WellsReservoirsNatural rainfall onlyRiver canalsQuestion 18 of 2019. Which of the following Harappan cities is known for having three distinct zones?Mohenjo-daroKalibanganDholaviraHarappaQuestion 19 of 2020. Harappan houses typically had which of the following features?Wooden roofsLarge balconiesIndividual bathroomsStone floorsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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