MCQ Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landforms and Life Advertisement 1. Flash floods are caused by:ErosionLandslidesCloudburstsVolcanic eruptionsQuestion 1 of 202. Which river is known for its tributaries like the Yamuna and Ghaghara?NarmadaGangaGodavariBrahmaputraQuestion 2 of 203. Hills are defined as:Higher than mountainsShorter with less steep slopes than mountainsSimilar to plateausAlways snow-cappedQuestion 3 of 204. The Himalayas are an example of:Old mountainsVolcanic mountainsFold mountainsEroded mountainsQuestion 4 of 205. Which landform is often considered the birthplace of civilisations?MountainsDesertsPlateausPlainsQuestion 5 of 206. Landslides are common in which type of landform?PlainsMountainsDesertsCoastal regionsQuestion 6 of 207. Which of the following landforms is commonly used for mining activities?PlateausPlainsCoastal regionsValleysQuestion 7 of 208. Which Indian woman was the first to climb Mount Everest?Kalpana ChawlaBachendri PalMary KomArunima SinhaQuestion 8 of 209. The Deccan Plateau is famous for which of the following natural resources?Gold and diamondsOil reservesCoal and iron oreAgricultural productsQuestion 9 of 2010. Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, is part of which mountain range?AlpsAndesRockiesHimalayasQuestion 10 of 2011. Which type of precipitation is common in mountain regions at high altitudes?RainSnowHailstonesDewQuestion 11 of 2012. Which mountain range is considered one of the oldest in India?HimalayasAravallisWestern GhatsSatpuraQuestion 12 of 2013. The Deccan Plateau is located in which part of India?North IndiaEast IndiaSouth IndiaWest IndiaQuestion 13 of 2014. Lava plateaus are known for their rich soil, which is ideal for:MiningFishingAgricultureTourismQuestion 14 of 2015. Montane forests, found on mountain slopes, are typically home to which type of trees?Deciduous treesConifer treesFruit treesPalm treesQuestion 15 of 2016. Which landform is best suited for human settlement due to its flat surface and fertile soil?MountainsPlateausPlainsDesertsQuestion 16 of 2017. Mountains with permanent snow at their peaks are called:Old mountainsGlacier mountainsSnow-capped mountainsEroded mountainsQuestion 17 of 2018. Which of the following is not a characteristic of plateaus?Flat surfaceSteep sidesHigh altitudeCovered in snowQuestion 18 of 2019. The Ganga plains are formed by the deposition of:Volcanic lavaRiver sedimentsWind erosionGlacial iceQuestion 19 of 2020. Life in the mountains often involves which challenge?Avalanches and landslidesLack of waterExcessive heatFloodplainsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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