MCQ Class 6 Social Science Chapter 14 Economic Activities Around Us Advertisement 1. What are economic activities?Activities that create monetary valueActivities that do not involve moneyAll activities related to educationActivities related to leisureQuestion 1 of 202. Which of the following is an example of a primary sector activity?Manufacturing carsBanking servicesMining coalSoftware developmentQuestion 2 of 203. The activity of converting raw materials into products is categorized under which sector?Primary sectorSecondary sectorTertiary sectorQuaternary sectorQuestion 3 of 204. Which of the following is a secondary sector activity?Teaching in a schoolHarvesting cropsManufacturing furnitureSelling groceriesQuestion 4 of 205. Which economic sector is also known as the 'service sector'?Primary sectorSecondary sectorTertiary sectorNone of the aboveQuestion 5 of 206. What is the main characteristic of primary sector activities?Involvement in production of servicesDirect dependence on natureUse of heavy machineryCreation of financial servicesQuestion 6 of 207. The interdependence among the three economic sectors is crucial for:Isolating activitiesEconomic growth and prosperityReducing productionExporting only primary goodsQuestion 7 of 208. Which cooperative is used as an example of economic interdependence in the chapter?AmulNandiniSudhaVerkaQuestion 8 of 209. What type of economic activity does the processing of milk into butter and cheese belong to?Primary sectorSecondary sectorTertiary sectorNone of the aboveQuestion 9 of 2010. The main activity of the tertiary sector is:Production of raw materialsProcessing raw materialsProviding services to support other sectorsManaging factoriesQuestion 10 of 2011. Which of the following is NOT a primary sector activity?FishingAgricultureTextile manufacturingLivestock rearingQuestion 11 of 2012. In which sector would repairing electronic devices be classified?Primary sectorSecondary sectorTertiary sectorNone of the aboveQuestion 12 of 2013. Which process involves converting milk into milk powder?Primary activitySecondary activityTertiary activityNone of the aboveQuestion 13 of 2014. What term is used for large buildings used for storing products before they are sold?FactoriesWarehousesRetail storesOfficesQuestion 14 of 2015. What advice did Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel give to the farmers in Anand district?To rely on middlemenTo form a cooperativeTo sell milk directly to consumersTo stop selling milkQuestion 15 of 2016. The main product of primary sector activities is:Raw materialsFinished goodsServicesTechnologyQuestion 16 of 2017. What are the three main sectors of economic activities?Agriculture, manufacturing, servicesPrimary, secondary, tertiaryRaw materials, production, salesIndustrial, agricultural, serviceQuestion 17 of 2018. Which sector would banking services fall under?Primary sectorSecondary sectorTertiary sectorNone of the aboveQuestion 18 of 2019. What is the primary sector also known as?Agricultural sectorService sectorCommercial sectorIndustrial sectorQuestion 19 of 2020. Which sector includes activities like healthcare, transportation, and communication?Primary sectorTertiary sectorIndustrial sectorSecondary sectorQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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