MCQ Class 6 Social Science Chapter 13 The Value of Work Advertisement 1. Who said the following: "When you are doing any work, do not think of anything beyond. Do it as worship, as the highest worship"?Mahatma GandhiSwami VivekanandaRabindranath TagoreDr. B.R. AmbedkarQuestion 1 of 202. What type of activity is Geeta Aunty engaged in as a pilot in the Indian Air Force?Non-economic activityVoluntary serviceEconomic activityCharityQuestion 2 of 203. Which of the following is an example of an economic activity?A farmer selling produce in the marketCooking food for familyVolunteering to teachTaking care of grandparentsQuestion 3 of 204. What is meant by 'payment in kind'?Cash payment for servicesInterest earned on savingsNon-cash payment received for work performedA fee paid to a professionalQuestion 4 of 205. Which activity in Anu and Kabir's story is classified as non-economic?Geeta Aunty working as a pilotParents running a shopRohan teaching computer skills for freeA lawyer arguing a caseQuestion 5 of 206. What is 'value addition' in economic activities?Teaching children for freePaying wages to workersPlanting trees during Van MahotsavTransforming raw materials into finished productsQuestion 6 of 207. Which of the following is a non-economic activity?A truck driver transporting goodsA carpenter selling furnitureA mother cooking dinner for her familyA doctor treating patients for a feeQuestion 7 of 208. In the story, Rohan volunteers to teach which subject during the weekends?GeographyGardeningKnittingComputer skillsQuestion 8 of 209. Which festival promotes tree plantation and conservation of forests in India?Van MahotsavSwachh Bharat AbhiyanHoliDiwaliQuestion 9 of 2010. What does the term 'sevā' mean in the context of this chapter?Paid serviceBusiness workPayment in cashVoluntary selfless serviceQuestion 10 of 2011. Which of the following activities is NOT an economic activity?a) A shopkeeper selling goodsA doctor treating patients for freeA farmer selling crops in the marketA technician operating a bulldozerQuestion 11 of 2012. Kavya's uncle, who operates a bulldozer, is an example of someone engaged in which type of activity?Educational activityVoluntary workEconomic activityNon-economic activityQuestion 12 of 2013. What does Kavya’s aunt do apart from her job at the post office?She operates a bulldozerShe works in a mango orchardShe helps students prepare for school examsShe teaches knitting to womenQuestion 13 of 2014. Which of the following is an example of a non-economic activity mentioned in the chapter?A mother helping her children with homeworkA software engineer working for a salaryA truck driver transporting goodsA person selling school bags in the marketQuestion 14 of 2015. Sahil, a farm laborer, earns his payment in which form besides cash?ClothesMangoesMilkFurnitureQuestion 15 of 2016. What type of payment is Sahil receiving when he is given mangoes for his work?Payment in cashWageSalaryPayment in kindQuestion 16 of 2017. Which activity is NOT mentioned as part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the chapter?Running a businessCleaning public placesCleaning parksCleaning streets and roadsQuestion 17 of 2018. Which of the following is an example of collective community participation?Van Mahotsav, a festival for promoting tree plantationA shopkeeper selling clothesA farmer working on his own fieldA person selling chairs in the marketQuestion 18 of 2019. In the context of the chapter, what does the term 'salary' refer to?Non-cash payment for workA one-time bonusA fixed regular payment to employeesPayment in kindQuestion 19 of 2020. Which of the following is classified as an economic activity in the chapter?Parents helping children with homeworkA youth taking care of their grandparentsA teacher conducting classes for a salaryA person teaching for free in a community centreQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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