MCQ Class 7 Science Chapter 11 Light Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 7th 1. The path of the light isalways a straight linea curved linea zig-zag linedepends on the mediumQuestion 1 of 102. Which one shows lateral inversion?Plane mirrorConvex mirrorConcave mirrorAll of theseQuestion 2 of 103. Image formed by a plane mirror isvirtual and erectreal and erectvirtual and invertedreal and invertedQuestion 3 of 104. Boojho and Paheli were given one mirror each by their teacher. Boojho found his image to be erect and of the same size whereas Paheli found her image erect and smaller in size. This means that the mirrors of Boojho and Paheli are, respectivelyplane mirror and concave mirrorconcave mirror and convex mirrorplane mirror and convex mirrorconvex mirror and plane mirrorQuestion 4 of 105. Which of the following can be used to form a real image?Concave mirror onlyPlane mirror onlyConvex mirror onlyBoth concave and convex mirrorsQuestion 5 of 106. If an object is placed at a distance of 0.5 m in front of a plane mirror, the distance between the object and the image formed by the mirror will be2 m1 m0.5 m0.25 mQuestion 6 of 107. You are provided with a concave mirror, a convex mirror, a concave lens and a convex lens. To obtain an enlarged image of an object you can use eitherConcave mirror or a Convex mirrorConcave mirror or Convex lensconcave mirror or concave lensconcave lens or convex lensQuestion 7 of 108. An erect and enlarged image can be formed byonly a convex mirroronly a concave mirroronly a plane mirrorboth convex and concave mirrorQuestion 8 of 109. You are provided with a convex mirror, a concave mirror, a convex lens and a concave lens. You can get an inverted image fromboth concave lens and convex lensboth concave mirror and convex mirrorboth concave mirror and convex lensboth convex mirror and concave lensQuestion 9 of 1010. An image formed by a lens is erect. Such an image could be formed by aconvex lens provided the image is smaller than object.concave lens provided the image is smaller than object.concave lens provided the image is larger than object.concave lens provided the image is of the same size.Question 10 of 10 Loading...
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in 10 question options are same not soo helpful same as book