MCQ Class 7 Science Chapter 3 Heat Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 7th 1. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat?AluminiumIronSteelAll of theseQuestion 1 of 102. A device used to measure the temperature ismercurythermometertransistornone of theseQuestion 2 of 103. Which of the following thermometers has a kink?Clinical thermometerLaboratory thermometerBoth (a) and (b)Digital thermometerQuestion 3 of 104. What is the range of the temperature reading of a clinical thermometer?32°C – 42°C35°C – 42°C-10°C – 110°C0°C – 100°CQuestion 4 of 105. What is the range of the temperature reading of a laboratory thermometer?0°C – 100°C-10°C – 110°C35°C – 42°C-10°C – 100°CQuestion 5 of 106. The transfer of heat from hotter body to colder body is calledconvectionconductioninductionradiationQuestion 6 of 107. The process of transferring of heat without any contact between the source of heat and the heated object is calledradiationconductionconvectioninductionQuestion 7 of 108. The materials which allow the heat to pass through them easily are calledpoor conductorsinsulatorsconductorssemiconductorsQuestion 8 of 109. Which of the following is an insulator?ZincCopperWoodIronQuestion 9 of 1010. The air from the sea is calledwindsea breezeland breezenone of theseQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
Good question I get 10 out of 10
It helped me a lat in understanding the concept thx more tests will be helpful
wonderful question tnq
Good questions. Concept understanding is more important I got 10 points
So helpful I got 9/10
I really got 8/10 my 2nd trial that’s why I got two incorrect but I will try harder this app really helps in my preparation 😁