MCQ Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 7th 1. The false feet of Amoeba are used forexchange of gases onlycapturing food and movementcapturing food onlymovement onlyQuestion 1 of 102. The component of food which is complex isproteinfatcarbohydrateall of theseQuestion 2 of 103. The breakdown of complex components of food into simpler substances is calleddigestioningestionegestionassimilationQuestion 3 of 104. Which of the following animals swallow its prey?AntHuman beingsSnakesHumming birdsQuestion 4 of 105. Enzymes present in saliva convertsfats into fatty acids and glycerolstarch into simple sugarscomplex sugars into simple sugarsproteins into amino acidsQuestion 5 of 106. From where do we take in food?OesophagusStomachAnusMouthQuestion 6 of 107. The digestive tract and the associated glands together constitute thenutrition systemalimentary canaldigestive systemoesophagusQuestion 7 of 108. The teeth of the first set that grow during infancy are calledstarting teethpermanent teethmilk teethall of theseQuestion 8 of 109. The teeth of the second set that replace the milk teeth are known ashard teethmilk teethpermanent teethtemporary teethQuestion 9 of 1010. The process of taking food in the body is known asassimilationdigestionegestioningestionQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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