MCQ Class 7 Science Chapter 12 Forests: Our Lifeline Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Science Class 7th 1. Which industry totally depends upon forest product?Textile industryAgricultureRubber industryFurniture industryQuestion 1 of 112. The rainfall will be less in absence of:villageforeststownnone of theseQuestion 2 of 113. Which of the following is not a forest product?PlywoodSealing waxRubberKeroseneQuestion 3 of 114. The branchy part of a tree above the stem is calledcanopyleavescrownsaplingsQuestion 4 of 115. Bark from which of the following tree is used to cure malaria?PeepalCinchonaOrangeMangoQuestion 5 of 116. Forests are calledBrown heartBlack skinGreen lungsRed kidneyQuestion 6 of 117. Cutting of tree on large scale is calledAfforestationUrbanizationIndustrializationDeforestationQuestion 7 of 118. Select the country that is the largest producer of fuel wood in the world.IndonesiaIndiaChinaRussiaQuestion 8 of 119. The insects butterflies help flowering plant in:humusdeforestationpollinationnone of theseQuestion 9 of 1110. Thing that is not obtained from the wood ismatchstickspaperthermocolplywoodQuestion 10 of 1111. A tree species in Mauritius failed to reproduce because of extinction of a fruit eating bird. The bird wasSkuaCondorDoveDodoQuestion 11 of 11 Loading...
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