SSB Odisha

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Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Recruitment in State Selection Board, Odisha

SSB Odisha Recruitment For
Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)
No of SSB Odisha Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SSB Odisha Recruitment
SSB Odisha Address
GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA , Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
(a) A candidate must have Master's Degree in the concemed subject from a recognized University or integrated six years Post Craduate Master's course from Regional College of Education recognized by NCERT with at least 50% marks in ag$egate or its equivalent grade. (b) A candidate must have acquired B.Ed. or equivalent Degree recognized by National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi as equivalent with B. Ed. from a recognized University / Institution. (c) B. Ed. qualification is not the mandatory eligibility criterion for the post of PGT in Commerce, Education, Geology, Home Science, Logic & Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, IRPM, Telugu & Urdu subjects. &- J (d) B.Ed. qualification is the mandatory criterion for the post of PGT in Botany, Chemistry, Economics, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Mathematics, Odia, Physics, Political Science, Sanskrit and Zoology subjects.
Scale of Pay of 44,9001-1,42,,4001- as per Pay Matrix of Level l0
38 years.
a) The candidate must be a citizen of India. b) fne candidate should be able to speak, read and write Odia. c) He/she must have: i. Passed Middle School Examination with Odia as a language subject; or ii. Passed Matriculation or equivalent examination with Odia as a medium of 5 *-_ examination in non-language subjects; or iii. Passed Odia as a language subject in the final examination of Class-VII or above; or iv. Passed a test in Odia in Middle English School Standard conducted by the School & Mass Education Department, Govt. of Odisha. d) A candidate must be of good character. e) A candidate who has more than one spouse living will not be eligible for appointment unless the State Government has exempted his / her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons. 0 Government servants, whether temporary or permanent, are eligible to apply, provided that they must inform their respective head of office in writing regarding submission of their applications for this recruitment and produce 'No Objection Certificate
How to
Apply For
SSB Odisha
vacancy :
a) Candidate must apply online through the website of State Selection Board, Odisha. b) Candidate must go through the detailed INSTRUCTIONS before filling up the Online Application Form. c) Candidates are required to upload their latest passport size photograph (taken within fifteen days before the submission of application) along with scanned image of their full signature and left-hand thumb impression, which must be clearly identifiable / visible. Otherwise, the application of the candidate is liable to be rejected. d) fne requisite fee must be deposited online at the time of submission of online application. e) Candidates are advised to submit the online application form well within the timeline rvithout waiting for the closing date to avoid last hour rush. 0 Candidates are advised to be very careful while fitling up the online application form as there is no edit option after final submission of the same. Similarly, while depositing the application fee, they must ensure that the Application ID No. allotted to them is entered correctly. After successful payment of Application Fee of requisite amount against the Application ID allotted, the process of online application will be completed and the candidate witl be able to download the application form from the SSB website after 24 hours. Deposit of application fee against a wrong Application ID shall amount to non-submission of application and the candidate shall not be enrolled for appearing the written test. State Selection Board shall not be responsible for any act of omission or commission of the candidates. No request, either through offline or online mode for effecting any 8 JP-- t ? changes in the application form shall be entertained. On successful payment of application fee, the candidates should download the application form and keep it with them for future reference.
Official Website Document

Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) & Post. Vacancies (1061) – Last Date 18 April 2024, State Selection Board, Odisha (SSB Odisha) recruits Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) posts. Candidate with B. Ed./ PG can apply.

Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT-Arts) Recruitment in State Selection Board, Odisha

SSB Odisha Recruitment For
Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT-Arts)
No of SSB Odisha Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SSB Odisha Recruitment
SSB Odisha Address
State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha, Unit – II, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
Bachetor's Degree in Arts/Commerce or a Shastri (Sanskrit) Degree from a recognized University with two school subjects (Schoot subjects as defined in the proviso hereunder) s-- from a recognized University having 50% marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ST/PWD/SEBC candidates) AND Bachetor in Education (B.Ed.l / 3 years integrated B.Ed.-M.Ed. from any NCTE recognized lnstitution. OR Four-years lntegrated B.A. B.Ed. from any NCTE recognized lnstitution with two school subjects (school subjects as defined in the proviso hereunder) having 50% marks in aggregate (45% f or SC/ST/PWD/SEBC candidates). ln any case, the candidate must have passed the Bachetor's Degree with any two school subjects offered as Pass / Hons. / Etective / Optional / Computsory / Foundation subjects out of the fottowing: Economics, Engtish, Geography, Hindi, History, lndian Economy, lndian Geography, lndian Potity, Landmarks in lndian History, odia, Potiticat science and Sanskrit. *Condidates possessing a Pass/ Hons. / Elective / Optionol / Compulsory / Foundation subiect in Communicative English and / or Business Economics are provisionalty allowed to porticipote in the recruitment process. However, their candidoture shall be subject to the final result of SLP Dy. No.27251/2023,27254t2023,27259/2023,27260/2023 and other similar coses, if ony, pending before the Apex Court.
(Levet-9) Rs.35,400/-
21 - 38 years
ln order to be etigibte for recruitment to the post of Teachers in Non-Govt. Aided High Schoots ,a candidate must futfit the fottowing conditions: a. Be a citizen of lndia. b. Be abte to read and write Odia with any of the foltowing quatifications: i. He/she must have passed HSC Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or any equivatent examination with Odia as a Language Subject i.e. First / Second or Third Language. Or ii. He/she mirst have passed +2 / Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha with Odia as an examinabte subject. Or iii. He/she must have passed Odia Examination of HSC (1Oth) standard conducted by the BSE, Odisha. c. Candidates possessing Academic/Training quatifications from Boards / Universities / lnstitution outside Odisha shatl have to produce the fottowing documents faiting which they shatt not be considered etigibte for setection. i. Proof of equivatency from any recognized University/Board of the State of Odisha. ii. Affitiation of their institution to a recognized University/Board. iii. Recognition of such training course and lnstitute by NCTE. d. A candidate furnishing certificates and mark-sheets with grades / grade-points shatl have to furnish numerical equivatence of grades/grade points from the examining bodies faiting which he/she shatl not be considered etigibte for selection. Must have passed Odisha Secondary School Teacher Etigibitity Test (OSSTET) in concerned category and concerned subject conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. e o 5 Candidates who have apptied for OSSTET-2023 may appty quoting BSE Apptication No. /Registration No. Their candidature shatt be accepted subject to passing of OSSTET in same subject and same category. They witl have to produce OSSTET certificate before document verification to be etigibte for setection. f . Must not have more than one spouse tiving. Provided that the Government frey, if satisfied that such morriage fs permissible under the personal law applicoble to such person or there ore other grounds for being so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Government servants, whether temporary or permanent or working on probation must submit 'No Objection Certificate' issued by the competent Authority during document verification.
How to
Apply For
SSB Odisha
vacancy :
a. Candidate must appty online through the website of State Selection Board, Odisha. b. Candidate must go through the detaited INSTRUCTIONS availabte in the link before fitting up Online Apptication Form. c. lt is extremety important that candidates shoutd give their percentage of marks secured in Matriculation (10th), Higher Secondary (12th / +2), Under-graduate (+3) / B.Ed. / B.H.Ed./ Shikshashastri degrees etc. white fitting up the ontine apptication form by effecting necessary conversion of C.G.P.A into equivatent percentage of marks as per the conversion formuta of their respective degree awarding Board / Council / University / institution. ln case of integrated B.A. B.Ed. degrees tl'ie percentage of marks secured in B.Ed. must atso be shown separately. Simitarty, candidates apptying for the posts of P.E.T shoutd also reftect their percentage of marks in C.P. Ed / D.P. Ed. /B.P.Ed and M.P. Ed. accordingly. d. Candidates are required to uptoad their latest passport size photograph atong with scanned image of their full signature and left-hand thumb impression, which must be ctearly identifiabte / visibte. Otherwise, the application of the candidate is liabte to be rejected. e. Candidates are advised to submit the on-tine apptication form wett in advance without waiting for the closing date to avoid last hour rush. f . Candidates are advised to be very careful while filling up the online apptication form as there is no edit option after finol submission of the some. Similorly, while depositing the application fee, they must ensure thdt the Application tD No. ollotted to them is entered correctly. After successful payment of opplication fees of requisite amount against the application ld allotted, the process of online application will be completed and the candidote will be oble to download the application form from the SSB website after 24 hours. Deposit of applicqtion fee ocainst o wrone tion lD shall omount to non- of application and the candidote shall not be enrol, for appearinq the examination. State Selection Board sholl not be responsible for any oct of omission or commission of the candidates. No request, either through offline or online mode for effecting any chonges in the application form shall be entertained. On successful payment of the application fee, the candidates should download the applicotion form and keep it with them for future reference. The decision of the State Selection Board, Odisha in matter of selection shall be final and binding. Any canvassing or misrepresentation or suppression of facts / information by the candidate will result in cancellation of his I her candidature or penalty as decided by the State Selection Board, Odisha.
Official Website Document

Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT-PCM) Recruitment in State Selection Board, Odisha

SSB Odisha Recruitment For
Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT-PCM)
No of SSB Odisha Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SSB Odisha Recruitment
SSB Odisha Address
State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha, Unit – II, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
Bachetor's Degree in Science / B.Tech. / B.E with two school subjects (schoot subjects as defined in the proviso hereunder) from a recognized University having 50% marks in aggregate (45%for SC/ST/PWD/SEBC candidates) AND Bachetor in Education (B.Ed.) / 3 years integrated B.Ed. - M.Ed. from any NCTE recognized lnstitution. OR Four-years lntegrated B.Sc. B.Ed. from any NCTE recognized lnstitution with two school subjects (school subjects as defined in the proviso hereunder) having 50% marks in aggregate (45% f or SC/ST/PWD/SEBC candidates) Provided that: ln any case the candidate must have passed the Bachelor's Degree with any two school subjects offered as Pass / Hons. / Elective / Optionat / Compulsory subject out of the following: i. For Trained Graduate Teacher-Science (PCM): Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. ii. For Trained Graduate Teacher-Science (CBZ): Chemistry, Botany, Zootogy, Biotogy, Biotechnotogy. * Candidates possessing a Pass / Hons. / Etective / Optionat / Compulsory subject in 'Life Science' are provisionatty altowed to participate in the recruitment process. However, their candidature shatl be subject to the resutt of SLP Dy. No. 27263/2023 and other simitar cases, if any, pending before the Apex Court.
(Levet-9) Rs.35,400/-
21 - 38 years
ln order to be etigibte for recruitment to the post of Teachers in Non-Govt. Aided High Schoots ,a candidate must futfit the fottowing conditions: a. Be a citizen of lndia. b. Be abte to read and write Odia with any of the foltowing quatifications: i. He/she must have passed HSC Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or any equivatent examination with Odia as a Language Subject i.e. First / Second or Third Language. Or ii. He/she mirst have passed +2 / Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha with Odia as an examinabte subject. Or iii. He/she must have passed Odia Examination of HSC (1Oth) standard conducted by the BSE, Odisha. c. Candidates possessing Academic/Training quatifications from Boards / Universities / lnstitution outside Odisha shatl have to produce the fottowing documents faiting which they shatt not be considered etigibte for setection. i. Proof of equivatency from any recognized University/Board of the State of Odisha. ii. Affitiation of their institution to a recognized University/Board. iii. Recognition of such training course and lnstitute by NCTE. d. A candidate furnishing certificates and mark-sheets with grades / grade-points shatl have to furnish numerical equivatence of grades/grade points from the examining bodies faiting which he/she shatl not be considered etigibte for selection. Must have passed Odisha Secondary School Teacher Etigibitity Test (OSSTET) in concerned category and concerned subject conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. e o 5 Candidates who have apptied for OSSTET-2023 may appty quoting BSE Apptication No. /Registration No. Their candidature shatt be accepted subject to passing of OSSTET in same subject and same category. They witl have to produce OSSTET certificate before document verification to be etigibte for setection. f . Must not have more than one spouse tiving. Provided that the Government frey, if satisfied that such morriage fs permissible under the personal law applicoble to such person or there ore other grounds for being so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Government servants, whether temporary or permanent or working on probation must submit 'No Objection Certificate' issued by the competent Authority during document verification.
How to
Apply For
SSB Odisha
vacancy :
a. Candidate must appty online through the website of State Selection Board, Odisha. b. Candidate must go through the detaited INSTRUCTIONS availabte in the link before fitting up Online Apptication Form. c. lt is extremety important that candidates shoutd give their percentage of marks secured in Matriculation (10th), Higher Secondary (12th / +2), Under-graduate (+3) / B.Ed. / B.H.Ed./ Shikshashastri degrees etc. white fitting up the ontine apptication form by effecting necessary conversion of C.G.P.A into equivatent percentage of marks as per the conversion formuta of their respective degree awarding Board / Council / University / institution. ln case of integrated B.A. B.Ed. degrees tl'ie percentage of marks secured in B.Ed. must atso be shown separately. Simitarty, candidates apptying for the posts of P.E.T shoutd also reftect their percentage of marks in C.P. Ed / D.P. Ed. /B.P.Ed and M.P. Ed. accordingly. d. Candidates are required to uptoad their latest passport size photograph atong with scanned image of their futl signature and left-hand thumb impression, which must be ctearly identifiabte / visibte. Otherwise, the application of the candidate is liabte to be rejected. e. Candidates are advised to submit the on-tine apptication form wett in advance without waiting for the closing date to avoid last hour rush. f . Candidates are advised to be very careful while filling up the online apptication form as there is no edit option after finol submission of the some. Similorly, while depositing the application fee, they must ensure thdt the Application tD No. ollotted to them is entered correctly. After successful payment of opplication fees of requisite amount against the application ld allotted, the process of online application will be completed and the candidote will be oble to download the application form from the SSB website after 24 hours. Deposit of applicqtion fee ocainst o wrone tion lD shall omount to non- of application and the candidote shall not be enrol, for appearinq the examination. State Selection Board sholl not be responsible for any oct of omission or commission of the candidates. No request, either through offline or online mode for effecting any chonges in the application form shall be entertained. On successful payment of the application fee, the candidates should download the applicotion form and keep it with them for future reference. The decision of the State Selection Board, Odisha in matter of selection shall be final and binding. Any canvassing or misrepresentation or suppression of facts / information by the candidate will result in cancellation of his I her candidature or penalty as decided by the State Selection Board, Odisha.
Official Website Document

Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT.CBZ) Recruitment in State Selection Board, Odisha

SSB Odisha Recruitment For
Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT.CBZ)
No of SSB Odisha Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SSB Odisha Recruitment
SSB Odisha Address
State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha, Unit – II, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
Bachetor's Degree in Science / B.Tech. / B.E with two school subjects (schoot subjects as defined in the proviso hereunder) from a recognized University having 50% marks in aggregate (45%for SC/ST/PWD/SEBC candidates) AND Bachetor in Education (B.Ed.) / 3 years integrated B.Ed. - M.Ed. from any NCTE recognized lnstitution. OR Four-years lntegrated B.Sc. B.Ed. from any NCTE recognized lnstitution with two school subjects (school subjects as defined in the proviso hereunder) having 50% marks in aggregate (45% f or SC/ST/PWD/SEBC candidates) Provided that: ln any case the candidate must have passed the Bachelor's Degree with any two school subjects offered as Pass / Hons. / Elective / Optionat / Compulsory subject out of the following: i. For Trained Graduate Teacher-Science (PCM): Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. ii. For Trained Graduate Teacher-Science (CBZ): Chemistry, Botany, Zootogy, Biotogy, Biotechnotogy. * Candidates possessing a Pass / Hons. / Etective / Optionat / Compulsory subject in 'Life Science' are provisionatty altowed to participate in the recruitment process. However, their candidature shatl be subject to the resutt of SLP Dy. No. 27263/2023 and other simitar cases, if any, pending before the Apex Court.
(Levet-9) Rs.35,400/-
21 - 38 years
ln order to be etigibte for recruitment to the post of Teachers in Non-Govt. Aided High Schoots ,a candidate must futfit the fottowing conditions: a. Be a citizen of lndia. b. Be abte to read and write Odia with any of the foltowing quatifications: i. He/she must have passed HSC Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or any equivatent examination with Odia as a Language Subject i.e. First / Second or Third Language. Or ii. He/she mirst have passed +2 / Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha with Odia as an examinabte subject. Or iii. He/she must have passed Odia Examination of HSC (1Oth) standard conducted by the BSE, Odisha. c. Candidates possessing Academic/Training quatifications from Boards / Universities / lnstitution outside Odisha shatl have to produce the fottowing documents faiting which they shatt not be considered etigibte for setection. i. Proof of equivatency from any recognized University/Board of the State of Odisha. ii. Affitiation of their institution to a recognized University/Board. iii. Recognition of such training course and lnstitute by NCTE. d. A candidate furnishing certificates and mark-sheets with grades / grade-points shatl have to furnish numerical equivatence of grades/grade points from the examining bodies faiting which he/she shatl not be considered etigibte for selection. Must have passed Odisha Secondary School Teacher Etigibitity Test (OSSTET) in concerned category and concerned subject conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. e o 5 Candidates who have apptied for OSSTET-2023 may appty quoting BSE Apptication No. /Registration No. Their candidature shatt be accepted subject to passing of OSSTET in same subject and same category. They witl have to produce OSSTET certificate before document verification to be etigibte for setection. f . Must not have more than one spouse tiving. Provided that the Government frey, if satisfied that such morriage fs permissible under the personal law applicoble to such person or there ore other grounds for being so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Government servants, whether temporary or permanent or working on probation must submit 'No Objection Certificate' issued by the competent Authority during document verification.
How to
Apply For
SSB Odisha
vacancy :
a. Candidate must appty online through the website of State Selection Board, Odisha. b. Candidate must go through the detaited INSTRUCTIONS availabte in the link before fitting up Online Apptication Form. c. lt is extremety important that candidates shoutd give their percentage of marks secured in Matriculation (10th), Higher Secondary (12th / +2), Under-graduate (+3) / B.Ed. / B.H.Ed./ Shikshashastri degrees etc. white fitting up the ontine apptication form by effecting necessary conversion of C.G.P.A into equivatent percentage of marks as per the conversion formuta of their respective degree awarding Board / Council / University / institution. ln case of integrated B.A. B.Ed. degrees tl'ie percentage of marks secured in B.Ed. must atso be shown separately. Simitarty, candidates apptying for the posts of P.E.T shoutd also reftect their percentage of marks in C.P. Ed / D.P. Ed. /B.P.Ed and M.P. Ed. accordingly. d. Candidates are required to uptoad their latest passport size photograph atong with scanned image of their full signature and left-hand thumb impression, which must be ctearly identifiabte / visibte. Otherwise, the application of the candidate is liabte to be rejected. e. Candidates are advised to submit the on-tine apptication form wett in advance without waiting for the closing date to avoid last hour rush. f . Candidates are advised to be very careful while filling up the online apptication form as there is no edit option after finol submission of the some. Similorly, while depositing the application fee, they must ensure thdt the Application tD No. ollotted to them is entered correctly. After successful payment of opplication fees of requisite amount against the application ld allotted, the process of online application will be completed and the candidote will be oble to download the application form from the SSB website after 24 hours. Deposit of applicqtion fee ocainst o wrone tion lD shall omount to non- of application and the candidote shall not be enrol, for appearinq the examination. State Selection Board sholl not be responsible for any oct of omission or commission of the candidates. No request, either through offline or online mode for effecting any chonges in the application form shall be entertained. On successful payment of the application fee, the candidates should download the applicotion form and keep it with them for future reference. The decision of the State Selection Board, Odisha in matter of selection shall be final and binding. Any canvassing or misrepresentation or suppression of facts / information by the candidate will result in cancellation of his I her candidature or penalty as decided by the State Selection Board, Odisha.
Official Website Document

HINDI TEACHER Recruitment in State Selection Board, Odisha

SSB Odisha Recruitment For
No of SSB Odisha Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SSB Odisha Recruitment
SSB Odisha Address
State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha, Unit – II, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
1. Bachelor's Degree with Hindi as one of the Etective/ Optionat/ Hons. / Pass subjects from a recognized University with minimum 50y marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ST/SEBC/ PwD Candidates) and One of the fottowing Training quatifications: i.Hindi Sikshan Parangat from Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra ii.B.H.Ed., a course prescribed by NCTE from a recognized University / lnstitution iii.B.Ed. in Hindi, a course prescribed by NCTE, from Dakhin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Madras, B.Ed. from any NCTE recognized lnstitution. OR 2. Bachelor's Degree from a recognized University with minirnum 50% marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ST/SEBC/PwD candidates) with one of the fottowing quatifications: i. Rastrabhasa Ratna from Rastrabhasa Prachar Samiti, Wardha ii. Shastri (Hindi) from Odisha Rastrabhasa Parishad, puri iii. Snataka (Acquired by June-2005, the date up to which the temporary recognition has been granted) from Hindi Shiksha Samiti, Odisha, Cuttack. and One of the foltowing Training quatifications: i. Hindi Shikshan Parangat from Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra ii. B.H.Ed., a course prescribed by NCTE, from a recognized University / lnstitution. iii. B.Ed. in Hindi, a course prescribed by NCTE, from Dakhin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Madras. iv. B.Eci. from any NCTE recognized lnstitution.
(Levet-9) Rs.35,400/-
21 - 38 years
ln order to be etigibte for recruitment to the post of Teachers in Non-Govt. Aided High Schoots ,a candidate must futfit the fottowing conditions: a. Be a citizen of lndia. b. Be abte to read and write Odia with any of the foltowing quatifications: i. He/she must have passed HSC Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or any equivatent examination with Odia as a Language Subject i.e. First / Second or Third Language. Or ii. He/she mirst have passed +2 / Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha with Odia as an examinabte subject. Or iii. He/she must have passed Odia Examination of HSC (1Oth) standard conducted by the BSE, Odisha. c. Candidates possessing Academic/Training quatifications from Boards / Universities / lnstitution outside Odisha shatl have to produce the fottowing documents faiting which they shatt not be considered etigibte for setection. i. Proof of equivatency from any recognized University/Board of the State of Odisha. ii. Affitiation of their institution to a recognized University/Board. iii. Recognition of such training course and lnstitute by NCTE. d. A candidate furnishing certificates and mark-sheets with grades / grade-points shatl have to furnish numerical equivatence of grades/grade points from the examining bodies faiting which he/she shatl not be considered etigibte for selection. Must have passed Odisha Secondary School Teacher Etigibitity Test (OSSTET) in concerned category and concerned subject conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. e o 5 Candidates who have apptied for OSSTET-2023 may appty quoting BSE Apptication No. /Registration No. Their candidature shatt be accepted subject to passing of OSSTET in same subject and same category. They witl have to produce OSSTET certificate before document verification to be etigibte for setection. f . Must not have more than one spouse tiving. Provided that the Government frey, if satisfied that such morriage fs permissible under the personal law applicoble to such person or there ore other grounds for being so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Government servants, whether temporary or permanent or working on probation must submit 'No Objection Certificate' issued by the competent Authority during document verification.
How to
Apply For
SSB Odisha
vacancy :
a. Candidate must appty online through the website of State Selection Board, Odisha. b. Candidate must go through the detaited INSTRUCTIONS availabte in the link before fitting up Online Apptication Form. c. lt is extremety important that candidates shoutd give their percentage of marks secured in Matriculation (10th), Higher Secondary (12th / +2), Under-graduate (+3) / B.Ed. / B.H.Ed./ Shikshashastri degrees etc. white fitting up the ontine apptication form by effecting necessary conversion of C.G.P.A into equivatent percentage of marks as per the conversion formuta of their respective degree awarding Board / Council / University / institution. ln case of integrated B.A. B.Ed. degrees tl'ie percentage of marks secured in B.Ed. must atso be shown separately. Simitarty, candidates apptying for the posts of P.E.T shoutd also reftect their percentage of marks in C.P. Ed / D.P. Ed. /B.P.Ed and M.P. Ed. accordingly. d. Candidates are required to uptoad their latest passport size photograph atong with scanned image of their full signature and left-hand thumb impression, which must be ctearly identifiabte / visibte. Otherwise, the application of the candidate is liabte to be rejected. e. Candidates are advised to submit the on-tine apptication form wett in advance without waiting for the closing date to avoid last hour rush. f . Candidates are advised to be very careful while filling up the online apptication form as there is no edit option after finol submission of the some. Similorly, while depositing the application fee, they must ensure thdt the Application tD No. ollotted to them is entered correctly. After successful payment of opplication fees of requisite amount against the application ld allotted, the process of online application will be completed and the candidote will be oble to download the application form from the SSB website after 24 hours. Deposit of applicqtion fee ocainst o wrone tion lD shall omount to non- of application and the candidote shall not be enrol, for appearinq the examination. State Selection Board sholl not be responsible for any oct of omission or commission of the candidates. No request, either through offline or online mode for effecting any chonges in the application form shall be entertained. On successful payment of the application fee, the candidates should download the applicotion form and keep it with them for future reference. The decision of the State Selection Board, Odisha in matter of selection shall be final and binding. Any canvassing or misrepresentation or suppression of facts / information by the candidate will result in cancellation of his I her candidature or penalty as decided by the State Selection Board, Odisha.
Official Website Document

CLASSICAL TEACHER (Sanskrit) Recruitment in State Selection Board, Odisha

SSB Odisha Recruitment For
No of SSB Odisha Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SSB Odisha Recruitment
SSB Odisha Address
State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha, Unit – II, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
Bachetor's Degree with Sanskrit as one of the Etective/ Optionat/ Hons. /Pass subjects from a recognized University with minimum 50% marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ST/PWD/SEBC Candidates) and Shiksha Shashtri (Sanskrit), a course prescribed by NCTE, from a recognized University / lnstitution / B.Ed. from any NCTE recognized lnstitution. OR Shashtri in Sanskrit with minimum 50% of marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ST/PWD/SEBC Candidates) from a recognized University / lnstitution. and Shiksha Shastri (Sanskrit), a course prescribed by NCTE from a recognized University /lnstitution / B.Ed. from any NcrE recognized lnstitution.
(Level 9) Rs.35,400/-
21 - 38 years
ln order to be etigibte for recruitment to the post of Teachers in Non-Govt. Aided High Schoots ,a candidate must futfit the fottowing conditions: a. Be a citizen of lndia. b. Be abte to read and write Odia with any of the foltowing quatifications: i. He/she must have passed HSC Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or any equivatent examination with Odia as a Language Subject i.e. First / Second or Third Language. Or ii. He/she mirst have passed +2 / Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha with Odia as an examinabte subject. Or iii. He/she must have passed Odia Examination of HSC (1Oth) standard conducted by the BSE, Odisha. c. Candidates possessing Academic/Training quatifications from Boards / Universities / lnstitution outside Odisha shatl have to produce the fottowing documents faiting which they shatt not be considered etigibte for setection. i. Proof of equivatency from any recognized University/Board of the State of Odisha. ii. Affitiation of their institution to a recognized University/Board. iii. Recognition of such training course and lnstitute by NCTE. d. A candidate furnishing certificates and mark-sheets with grades / grade-points shatl have to furnish numerical equivatence of grades/grade points from the examining bodies faiting which he/she shatl not be considered etigibte for selection. Must have passed Odisha Secondary School Teacher Etigibitity Test (OSSTET) in concerned category and concerned subject conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. e o 5 Candidates who have apptied for OSSTET-2023 may appty quoting BSE Apptication No. /Registration No. Their candidature shatt be accepted subject to passing of OSSTET in same subject and same category. They witl have to produce OSSTET certificate before document verification to be etigibte for setection. f . Must not have more than one spouse tiving. Provided that the Government frey, if satisfied that such morriage fs permissible under the personal law applicoble to such person or there ore other grounds for being so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Government servants, whether temporary or permanent or working on probation must submit 'No Objection Certificate' issued by the competent Authority during document verification.
How to
Apply For
SSB Odisha
vacancy :
a. Candidate must appty online through the website of State Selection Board, Odisha. b. Candidate must go through the detaited INSTRUCTIONS availabte in the link before fitting up Online Apptication Form. c. lt is extremety important that candidates shoutd give their percentage of marks secured in Matriculation (10th), Higher Secondary (12th / +2), Under-graduate (+3) / B.Ed. / B.H.Ed./ Shikshashastri degrees etc. white fitting up the ontine apptication form by effecting necessary conversion of C.G.P.A into equivatent percentage of marks as per the conversion formuta of their respective degree awarding Board / Council / University / institution. ln case of integrated B.A. B.Ed. degrees tl'ie percentage of marks secured in B.Ed. must atso be shown separately. Simitarty, candidates apptying for the posts of P.E.T shoutd also reftect their percentage of marks in C.P. Ed / D.P. Ed. /B.P.Ed and M.P. Ed. accordingly. d. Candidates are required to uptoad their latest passport size photograph atong with scanned image of their full signature and left-hand thumb impression, which must be ctearly identifiabte / visibte. Otherwise, the application of the candidate is liabte to be rejected. e. Candidates are advised to submit the on-tine apptication form wett in advance without waiting for the closing date to avoid last hour rush. f . Candidates are advised to be very careful while filling up the online apptication form as there is no edit option after finol submission of the some. Similorly, while depositing the application fee, they must ensure thdt the Application tD No. ollotted to them is entered correctly. After successful payment of opplication fees of requisite amount against the application ld allotted, the process of online application will be completed and the candidote will be oble to download the application form from the SSB website after 24 hours. Deposit of applicqtion fee ocainst o wrone tion lD shall omount to non- of application and the candidote shall not be enrol, for appearinq the examination. State Selection Board sholl not be responsible for any oct of omission or commission of the candidates. No request, either through offline or online mode for effecting any chonges in the application form shall be entertained. On successful payment of the application fee, the candidates should download the applicotion form and keep it with them for future reference. The decision of the State Selection Board, Odisha in matter of selection shall be final and binding. Any canvassing or misrepresentation or suppression of facts / information by the candidate will result in cancellation of his I her candidature or penalty as decided by the State Selection Board, Odisha.
Official Website Document

Urdu Teacher Recruitment in State Selection Board, Odisha

SSB Odisha Recruitment For
Urdu Teacher
No of SSB Odisha Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SSB Odisha Recruitment
SSB Odisha Address
State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha, Unit – II, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
1. Atim I Fazil with 50% marks in aggregate (45% f or SC/ST/SEBC/PwD Candidates) and B.Ed / Urdu B.Ed. from any NCTE recognized University/lnstitution. OR 2. B.A. (Persian) with 50% marks in aggregate (45y
(Levet-9) Rs.35,400/-
21 - 38 years
ln order to be etigibte for recruitment to the post of Teachers in Non-Govt. Aided High Schoots ,a candidate must futfit the fottowing conditions: a. Be a citizen of lndia. b. Be abte to read and write Odia with any of the foltowing quatifications: i. He/she must have passed HSC Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or any equivatent examination with Odia as a Language Subject i.e. First / Second or Third Language. Or ii. He/she mirst have passed +2 / Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha with Odia as an examinabte subject. Or iii. He/she must have passed Odia Examination of HSC (1Oth) standard conducted by the BSE, Odisha. c. Candidates possessing Academic/Training quatifications from Boards / Universities / lnstitution outside Odisha shatl have to produce the fottowing documents faiting which they shatt not be considered etigibte for setection. i. Proof of equivatency from any recognized University/Board of the State of Odisha. ii. Affitiation of their institution to a recognized University/Board. iii. Recognition of such training course and lnstitute by NCTE. d. A candidate furnishing certificates and mark-sheets with grades / grade-points shatl have to furnish numerical equivatence of grades/grade points from the examining bodies faiting which he/she shatl not be considered etigibte for selection. Must have passed Odisha Secondary School Teacher Etigibitity Test (OSSTET) in concerned category and concerned subject conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. e o 5 Candidates who have apptied for OSSTET-2023 may appty quoting BSE Apptication No. /Registration No. Their candidature shatt be accepted subject to passing of OSSTET in same subject and same category. They witl have to produce OSSTET certificate before document verification to be etigibte for setection. f . Must not have more than one spouse tiving. Provided that the Government frey, if satisfied that such morriage fs permissible under the personal law applicoble to such person or there ore other grounds for being so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Government servants, whether temporary or permanent or working on probation must submit 'No Objection Certificate' issued by the competent Authority during document verification.
How to
Apply For
SSB Odisha
vacancy :
a. Candidate must appty online through the website of State Selection Board, Odisha. b. Candidate must go through the detaited INSTRUCTIONS availabte in the link before fitting up Online Apptication Form. c. lt is extremety important that candidates shoutd give their percentage of marks secured in Matriculation (10th), Higher Secondary (12th / +2), Under-graduate (+3) / B.Ed. / B.H.Ed./ Shikshashastri degrees etc. white fitting up the ontine apptication form by effecting necessary conversion of C.G.P.A into equivatent percentage of marks as per the conversion formuta of their respective degree awarding Board / Council / University / institution. ln case of integrated B.A. B.Ed. degrees tl'ie percentage of marks secured in B.Ed. must atso be shown separately. Simitarty, candidates apptying for the posts of P.E.T shoutd also reftect their percentage of marks in C.P. Ed / D.P. Ed. /B.P.Ed and M.P. Ed. accordingly. d. Candidates are required to uptoad their latest passport size photograph atong with scanned image of their full signature and left-hand thumb impression, which must be ctearly identifiabte / visibte. Otherwise, the application of the candidate is liabte to be rejected. e. Candidates are advised to submit the on-tine apptication form wett in advance without waiting for the closing date to avoid last hour rush. f . Candidates are advised to be very careful while filling up the online apptication form as there is no edit option after finol submission of the some. Similorly, while depositing the application fee, they must ensure thdt the Application tD No. ollotted to them is entered correctly. After successful payment of opplication fees of requisite amount against the application ld allotted, the process of online application will be completed and the candidote will be oble to download the application form from the SSB website after 24 hours. Deposit of applicqtion fee ocainst o wrone tion lD shall omount to non- of application and the candidote shall not be enrol, for appearinq the examination. State Selection Board sholl not be responsible for any oct of omission or commission of the candidates. No request, either through offline or online mode for effecting any chonges in the application form shall be entertained. On successful payment of the application fee, the candidates should download the applicotion form and keep it with them for future reference. The decision of the State Selection Board, Odisha in matter of selection shall be final and binding. Any canvassing or misrepresentation or suppression of facts / information by the candidate will result in cancellation of his I her candidature or penalty as decided by the State Selection Board, Odisha.
Official Website Document

P.E.T Recruitment in State Selection Board, Odisha

SSB Odisha Recruitment For
No of SSB Odisha Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SSB Odisha Recruitment
SSB Odisha Address
State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha, Unit – II, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751009
+2 or its equivatent examination from a recognized lnstitution and C. P. Ed. / D. P. Ed. / B. P. Ed. /M. P. Ed from a recognized Board/ University.
(Level 8) Rs.29,200/-
21 - 38 years
ln order to be etigibte for recruitment to the post of Teachers in Non-Govt. Aided High Schoots ,a candidate must futfit the fottowing conditions: a. Be a citizen of lndia. b. Be abte to read and write Odia with any of the foltowing quatifications: i. He/she must have passed HSC Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or any equivatent examination with Odia as a Language Subject i.e. First / Second or Third Language. Or ii. He/she mirst have passed +2 / Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha with Odia as an examinabte subject. Or iii. He/she must have passed Odia Examination of HSC (1Oth) standard conducted by the BSE, Odisha. c. Candidates possessing Academic/Training quatifications from Boards / Universities / lnstitution outside Odisha shatl have to produce the fottowing documents faiting which they shatt not be considered etigibte for setection. i. Proof of equivatency from any recognized University/Board of the State of Odisha. ii. Affitiation of their institution to a recognized University/Board. iii. Recognition of such training course and lnstitute by NCTE. d. A candidate furnishing certificates and mark-sheets with grades / grade-points shatl have to furnish numerical equivatence of grades/grade points from the examining bodies faiting which he/she shatl not be considered etigibte for selection. Must have passed Odisha Secondary School Teacher Etigibitity Test (OSSTET) in concerned category and concerned subject conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. e o 5 Candidates who have apptied for OSSTET-2023 may appty quoting BSE Apptication No. /Registration No. Their candidature shatt be accepted subject to passing of OSSTET in same subject and same category. They witl have to produce OSSTET certificate before document verification to be etigibte for setection. f . Must not have more than one spouse tiving. Provided that the Government frey, if satisfied that such morriage fs permissible under the personal law applicoble to such person or there ore other grounds for being so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. Government servants, whether temporary or permanent or working on probation must submit 'No Objection Certificate' issued by the competent Authority during document verification.
How to
Apply For
SSB Odisha
vacancy :
a. Candidate must appty online through the website of State Selection Board, Odisha. b. Candidate must go through the detaited INSTRUCTIONS availabte in the link before fitting up Online Apptication Form. c. lt is extremety important that candidates shoutd give their percentage of marks secured in Matriculation (10th), Higher Secondary (12th / +2), Under-graduate (+3) / B.Ed. / B.H.Ed./ Shikshashastri degrees etc. white fitting up the ontine apptication form by effecting necessary conversion of C.G.P.A into equivatent percentage of marks as per the conversion formuta of their respective degree awarding Board / Council / University / institution. ln case of integrated B.A. B.Ed. degrees tl'ie percentage of marks secured in B.Ed. must atso be shown separately. Simitarty, candidates apptying for the posts of P.E.T shoutd also reftect their percentage of marks in C.P. Ed / D.P. Ed. /B.P.Ed and M.P. Ed. accordingly. d. Candidates are required to uptoad their latest passport size photograph atong with scanned image of their full signature and left-hand thumb impression, which must be ctearly identifiabte / visibte. Otherwise, the application of the candidate is liabte to be rejected. e. Candidates are advised to submit the on-tine apptication form wett in advance without waiting for the closing date to avoid last hour rush. f . Candidates are advised to be very careful while filling up the online apptication form as there is no edit option after finol submission of the some. Similorly, while depositing the application fee, they must ensure thdt the Application tD No. ollotted to them is entered correctly. After successful payment of opplication fees of requisite amount against the application ld allotted, the process of online application will be completed and the candidote will be oble to download the application form from the SSB website after 24 hours. Deposit of applicqtion fee ocainst o wrone tion lD shall omount to non- of application and the candidote shall not be enrol, for appearinq the examination. State Selection Board sholl not be responsible for any oct of omission or commission of the candidates. No request, either through offline or online mode for effecting any chonges in the application form shall be entertained. On successful payment of the application fee, the candidates should download the applicotion form and keep it with them for future reference. The decision of the State Selection Board, Odisha in matter of selection shall be final and binding. Any canvassing or misrepresentation or suppression of facts / information by the candidate will result in cancellation of his I her candidature or penalty as decided by the State Selection Board, Odisha.
Official Website Document

Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT-Arts) & Various Post. Vacancies(2064) – Last Date 7 February 2024, State Selection Board, Odisha (SSB Odisha) recruits Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT-Arts)/ TGT-PCM/ TGT-BCZ/ Hindi Teacher/ Classical Teacher (Sanskrit)/ Urdu Teacher/ P.E.T posts. Candidate with C. P. Ed. / D. P. Ed. / B. P. Ed. /M. P. Ed, Graduate, B.Ed, B.Tech./ B.E/ can apply.


About State Selection Board, Odisha (SSB Odisha)

The office of the State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education was set up by Government of Odisha as a statutory body in the year 1975 under erstwhile Education & Youth Services Department for carrying out selection of suitable candidates against the sanctioned Direct Payment posts in the state Cadre (both in teaching and non-teaching) in the aided non-government colleges of the state.
Website –
Office Address – State Selection Board, Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha, Unit – II, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751009

2024-06-17 17:19