Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics

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সাহা ইনস্টিটিউট অফ নিউক্লিয়ার ফিজিক্স

Job Posts

Post: Engineer ‘C’

Essential qualifications & Experience:

  • The candidate should be a first-class (60% marks) graduate Engineer (B.E. / B.Tech or equivalent) in the Electrical Engineering discipline.
  • Minimum 2 (two) years post-qualification experience in the relevant field.

Desirable Qualification:

  • Having working experience in a reputed organization in the field of erection, operation, and maintenance of 33 KV / 440V sub-station, switchyard equipments, ACB, distribution panels, motors, starters, DG Set with AMF panels, lifts.
  • Should have knowledge in estimation, schedule of works, tendering, and experience in different electrical projects.
  • Having Electrical supervisor’s permit issued by the State Licensing Board will be an added advantage.
  • Experience in erection and commissioning of HVAC works and equipment.
  • OR
  • Experience of working with high and low voltage (AC and DC) power supplies and knowledge of associated safety measures.
  • Experience or knowledge of working in radiation zones.
  • Willingness to undertake shift duties if required.
  • Knowledge/experience in preparation of budget estimates, tender documents, schedule of works, etc.
  • Experience in maintaining HVAC, AC chillers, motors, etc.

Age limit: 30 years as on the closing date for submission of the online application. Relaxation of age limit, if any, will be as per GOI rules.


  • For Engineer-‘C’ Posts – The shortlisted candidates among eligible applicants meeting the requirements as per the advertisement, usefulness of his/her expertise in the relevant field and essential qualifications will be called for Interview. A written test may also be conducted. Final selection will be made through in-person interview.
  • For Technician-‘B’ Posts – Written test followed by Trade test for the shortlisted candidates.
  • For LDC Posts – Written test followed by Skill test for typing speed for the shortlisted candidates.


    • Interested candidates must apply only in ONLINE mode. Detailed instructions for filling up the online application form are available on the website.


Engineer ‘C’ Vacancy – Last Date 25 August 2023 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP Kolkata) recruits Engineer ‘C’ posts. MBA, Experienced candidates can apply.

Deputy Controller of Accounts (MBA)(CLOSED) Recruitment in Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics - SINP Kolkata

SINP Kolkata Recruitment For
Deputy Controller of Accounts (MBA)(CLOSED)
SINP Kolkata Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SINP Kolkata Recruitment
SINP Kolkata Address
Bidhannagar, , Kolkata, West Bengal 700064
5 (five) years of service at Level-9/10 in the same stream with APAR score of 8 and above in each of the last five years.
50 years as on the closing date of receiving applications. Relaxation of age limit if any as per GOI rules.
MBA (Specialization in Financial Management). Working in a responsible position in a government / central autonomous / reputed private institution in Accounts department, covering planning / preparation of Plan & Budget Estimates, management of funds, financial accounting, preparation of final accounts and various statements of accounts & taxation etc. Good knowledge of GOI rules, regulations and procedure and well versed with the usage of computers for the preparation of relevant documents related to his field of work
The selected person will have the overall responsibility of running a smooth and efficient Accounts Department under the supervision of the Registrar of the Institute.
How to
Apply For
SINP Kolkata
vacancy :
Applications in the prescribed application form (available in the website www.saha.ac.in) and the duly self-attested documents in support of age, educational qualification, experience and caste certificate should be sent to the Registrar, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, 1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 064 by email as indicated above on or before 5:00 PM of June 15, 2020. I
(i) THE APPLICATIONS DULY COUNTERSIGNED BY THE EMPLOYER SHOULD BE SENT BY E-MAIL TO THE REGISTRAR ON THE SINP E-MAIL ADDRESS dca.deputation@saha.ac.in along with attested scanned copies of all the relevant documents. (ii) Application fee NIL . (iii) The attested scanned copies of APAR for the last 5 years forwarded by the employer from his official email id are also acceptable, as early as possible but not later than 15 days from the last date of submitting application to enable this Institute to shortlist the candidates. (iv) Attested photo copies of documents in respect of age, educational qualification, experience and caste certificate/ex-serviceman (for reserved categories only) of the candidate must be submitted along with the application. (v) No correspondence/interim queries will be entertained from the candidates regarding their selection/test/interview/appointment. Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate. (vi) THE INSTITUTE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FILL UP OR NOT FILL UP THE POST. (vii) Interested candidates are advised to refer the SINP website on regular basis for any subsequent amendments/modifications etc.
Official Website Document

Deputy Controller of Accounts Vacancy – Last Date 15 September 2020 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP Kolkata) recruits Deputy Controller of Accounts posts. MBA, Experienced candidates can apply.

Research Associate - I (Ph.D) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP Kolkata)

SINP Kolkata Recruitment For
Research Associate - I (Ph.D) (CLOSED)
No of SINP Kolkata Recruitment
Date For SINP Kolkata Recruitment
SINP Kolkata Address
SINP, Kolkata, West Bengal 700064
Ph.D in Science from any recognized Institute/University. Those who have submitted their Ph.D thesis and are awaiting award of the degree are also eligible to apply. However, the fellowship offered to such candidates will be as per DAE guidelines.
Rs.47,000/- p.m for Research Associate-I Rs.49,000/- p.m for Research Associate-II Rs.54,000/- p.m for Research Associate-III House Rent Allowance (HRA) and other allowances will be admissible as per DAEs guidelines issued from time to time.
Maximum 35 years as on last date of receiving the application.
For Chemical Sciences Division: Experience in computational chemistry involving kinetics/energetic/dynamics. Experience in LASERS involved in molecular spectroscopy and dynamics OR Experience in environmental ultra-low-level radioactivity measurement (both gamma and beta emitter) and having experience in ICP class of instruments. For High Energy Nuclear & Particle Physics Division: Candidates with Ph.D degree and research experience in the field of high energy nuclear and particle physics. Preference will be given to candidates with hardware experience in the above mentioned field of research.
How to
Apply For
SINP Kolkata
vacancy :
Interested and eligible candidates should apply by email only to vacancy.ra@saha.ac.in with the subject matter ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF RA-I 2019……….. Division.
The following details are to be appended in the application:- (a) Complete Bio-data Proforma with e-mail ID/ Phone No. (b) Details of qualification i.e. Examination passed, year, division, and percentage of marks from Graduation onwards (c) Details of Publications (d) Details of Conferences/workshops attended (e) Each application should include the names of three (03) referees with contact details, including email. (f) Ph.D Certificate or proof of submission of thesis as the case may be. All applications are to be received at SINP on or before 28.06.2019. Please keep track of details/amendments on this web page.
Official Website Document

Research Associate – I Vacancies – Last Date 28 June 2019 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP Kolkata) recruits Research Associate – I posts. PhD experienced candidates can apply.

Research Associates (Ph.D) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP Kolkata)

SINP Recruitment For
Research Associates (Ph.D) (CLOSED)
No of SINP Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For SINP Recruitment
SINP Address
Sector-I, Block – ‘AF’, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700064
Ph.D in Physical Sciences or Scholars who have submitted Ph.D. thesis and are yet to receive their Ph.D degree (provisional or otherwise). The candidates will have to submit the Ph.D thesis by 01.07.2019.
Maximum 35 years as on last date of receiving the application.
For Theory Division: Research experiences in any of the areas of current pursuit in the Theory Division. For Applied Nuclear Physics Division: Experience in design, fabrication and use of gaseous ionization detectors with competence demonstrated in more than one areas including experimental activities, numerical simulation, data acquisition and analysis, track fitting and tomography algorithm development. For Biophysics & Structural Genomics Division: Good publication record and proven ability of using biophysical and biochemical techniques. Preference will be given to candidates with research experience commensurate with ongoing research activities in the division.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Interested and eligible candidates should apply by email only to vacancy.ra@saha.ac.in with the subject matter ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF RA2019……….. Division. All applications are to be received at SINP on or before 16th April, 2019.
Tenure: The initial tenure of the selected RA will be (01) one year. After completion of the 1st year, the Institute, upon review of the academic performance, may consider extension for another year. In exceptional cases, the Institute may review academic performance and consider extension for another year, i.e. for the 3rd year. There will be no extension beyond the 3rd year.
Official Website Document

Research Associates Vacancies – Last Date 16 April 2019 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP Kolkata) recruits Research Associate posts. Ph.D. degree candidates can apply.


About Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP Kolkata) – सहा इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ नुक्लेअर फिजिक्स:

The Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) is an institution of basic research and training in physical and biophysical sciences located in Bidhannagar, Kolkata, India. The institute is named after the famous Indian physicist Meghnad Saha.
The Palit Research Laboratory used to be a laboratory under the Department of Physics in the University of Calcutta. Meghnad Saha became the Palit Professor of Physics at the University of Calcutta in 1938. Realizing the ensuing importance of nuclear physics, he reorganized the curriculum to include nuclear physics and commissioned some necessary instruments. Soon the necessity of a small-scale cyclotron was felt. Thanks to the help of Jawaharlal Nehru and patronage of J.R.D.Tata, the foundation stone of the Institute of Nuclear Physics was laid at Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Calcutta in 1949. The building was inaugurated in 1950 by Irène Joliot-Curie. The institute shifted to its new building in Bidhannagar in the late 1980s.
Website Address:https://www.saha.ac.in/web/
Contact Us:Sector – 1, Block – AF Bidhan nagar,
Kolkata- 700064

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2024-06-17 17:25