NCR Recruitment For
General Duty Medical Officer (MBBS, MS/MD) (CLOSED)
No of NCR Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For NCR Recruitment
NCR Address
North Central Railway , Jhansi , Uttar Pradesh 201310
The engagement of Retired Railway Doctors as CMPs shall be for a Minimum of six month, a fresh contract shall be entered. The contract shall be entered into for a period of six months or less from the date of entering into the contract. Period of contract shall not be extendable on any ground. However, the Railway administration shall reserve the right to enter into fresh contract with the Retired Railway doctors for another term. The engagement shall purely is on contract basis for a period of six months or till the regular incumbent joins or attaining the age of 65 years whichever is earlier. The Retired Railway doctor engaged as Contract Medical practitioner shall not have any claim or right for his/her continuity in service or automatic extension of the term of contract. During the validity of the contract, the CMP shall be at liberty to terminate the contract for betterment of his/her career or on any other grounds by giving 15 days notice to the Railways. The contract can also be terminated by the Railways at any time during the contract by giving 15 days notice without assigning any reason whatsoever. Contract shall also be terminated, if the CMP is found to be mentally or physically incapacitated.
Rs.75000/- for General duty Doctor & for Specialist Doctor Rs. 95,000/- per month fixed, if Govt. Accommodation is not provided. If Railway accommodation is provided an amount equivalent to the sum of House Rent Allowance and License Fee of the accommodation provided will be deducted. Remuneration for Retired Railway doctors:- Rs.46000/- per month fixed (subject to the condition that remuneration+ pension drawn by retired railway doctor should not exceed the last pay drawn), if Govt. accommodation is not provided. If Railway accommodation is provided an amount equivalent to House Rent Allowance payable to a fresh entrant to Group ʻAʼ Jr. Scale and license fee of the Railway accommodation, so provided shall be deducted from the monthly remuneration payable to the CMP.
for other than Retired Railway doctors:-Candidates should not have completed more than 50 years of age as on 28.07.2020. However, age relaxation of 5 years for SC/St and 3years for OBC Candidates is admissible. Age for Retired Railway doctors:- Candidates should not have completed more than 65 years of age as on 28.07.2020..
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Candidates should upload their Application from along with Original and attested copies of all Certificates in the given email id i.e Application may be downloaded from official website ( of Jhansi Division. Interview Date: 29.07.2020 onwards (online through whatsapp no. of the candidates) Time: 10:00 AM TO 13.00 PM. In case the number of candidates are more and they cannot be interviewed on the nominated day, they will be interviewed on the next working day/days.
The contract Doctors shall not be entitled for Railway quarter etc. as a matter of right. However, if available, they will be provided accommodation. The detailed instructions with regard to their duties while on contract with the Railways shall be given to them in the event of their selection along with the offer of engagement. (ii) Willing candidates should upload their application form along with Attested copies of all Certificates & Mark Sheets on the given email id i.e. upto 1000 hrs on 29.07.2020. (iii) The offer of engagement to the selected candidates shall be issued subject to the availability of vacancy as per requirement in Hospitals/Health Units located at different stations as is where is basis. Administration has right to change the place of posting as per administrative needs. (iv) The places of notified vacancies may be changed as per requirement of the administration. (v) The notification can be downloaded from N. C. Railway website (vi) After approval of the panel by competent authority, the suitable candidates will be called through speed post/registered letter, Telephone calls and SMS to report on a particular fixed date at DIVISIONAL RAILWAYHOSPITAL Divisions Jhansi Division)
Detail of
29.07.2020 (Wednesday) 10.00 hrs to 13.00 hrs
Venue of
Divisional Hospital, North Central Railway, Jhansi
Official Website Document