Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow
The application of Senior Research Fellow is invited by The Professor and Lead, Department of Agricultural Economics, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agriculture University, Navsari for the purpose of filling up temporary and time-bound vacant positions in the Development Scheme of “Interlocking and exploring export potentiality for Horticultural crops in South Gujarat” (B.H.: 12042). The detailed information is given in the below-mentioned table. The vacant post may be extendable further depending on the availability of funds and satisfactory performance of the candidate. Interested candidates are requested to submit their application form supported with attested copies of certificates pertaining to the qualifications and experience to the office of Department of Agricultural Economics, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agriculture University, Navsari-396 450 (Gujarat) on or before 30/06/2023 (Friday) at 17:00 hrs in duplicate by registered post or by courier or personally. Mention “Application for Senior Research Fellow” on the sealed envelope. The prescribed format of the application is attached herewith as well as at NAU website (Career & jobs) for your ready reference. The list of eligible candidates and interview schedule will be communicated on the above-said website (Career & jobs).
Details of the Senior Research Fellow (SRF) Post
Emolument (Fixed)
Age Limit
Essential Qualification(s)
Job Requirements
Rs. 31,000/- PM + HRA 10% for 1st and 2nd year & Rs. 35,000/- PM + HRA 10% for 3rd year onward (Fixed)
35 years for men and 40 years for women
Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics OR Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics with 4/5 years bachelor’s degree
Relevant research experience as evidenced from fellowship/associateship/training/other engagements. Computer Application, good communication, and writing skills
Candidate should have experience about Export of horticultural crops. He also has good analytical skills, field Survey, data collection, and preparation of a report on the computer.
*Degree program must be completed from ICAR/UGC recognized University/Institute.
Terms and Conditions:
The above position is purely on a temporary basis and co-terminus with the project. It will fill from the date of joining to 29.02.2024. There is no provision for re-employment after termination of the project.
Selected candidates can be discontinued owing to administrative reasons at any time by the issue of one week’s notice. They may also leave the assignment on their own volition, by giving one week’s notice. At the end of the contract period, the appointee has no right to claim any employment or engagement in the NAU.
Above age limit relatable to SC/ST/OBC as per Government of India rules.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
The applicants must bring with them original documents along with the duly filled-in application form (Annexure-1), one passport size photograph, and one set of photocopy of related documents at the time of the interview, failing which he/she shall not be allowed to appear in the interview.
No objection certificate from his/her employer and experience certificate in original should be produced at the time of the interview, if applicable.
Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
Interview committee reserves all rights to reject any or all candidates.
The relevant details pertaining to recruitment are available on NAU website: under the Career & job section. Regularly visit the mentioned website for updated information regarding the application.
Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – Last Date 30 June 2023 (Navsari, Gujarat), Navsari Agricultural University (NAU) recruits Senior Research Fellow post . M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D Experienced can apply.
Senior Research Fellow ( M.Sc) Recruitment in Navsari Agricultural University
NAU Recruitment For
Senior Research Fellow ( M.Sc)
No of NAU Recruitment
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
M.Sc. (Agri.) in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry/ Agronomy
Pay Scale
Rs. 31.0001/- 35.000/-
Desirable Qualifications
Relevant researcl.t experience as evidenced frorr fellowship/ associatesh i p/ trai ning/other engagerrents. Computer Application, good cornmunication and writing skills
Job Responsibilities
E,xtension activities like on-f'arrr and off--farm training/ dernonstration ol improved technologies to tlte tarnrers, analysis ol soiI sanrples, sLlrvey data collection. statistical analysis and preparation of documents on computer, other research activitics running at the centre etc.
How to Apply For NAU vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-24/02/2023
General Instructions
1. The above position is pLrrely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the pro.iect. It rvill be fllled from date of joinirrg to 3l-03-2023 or till completion of pro.iect. Alter tenritratiotr ol the project, the appointee has no right to claim any ernployment or engageluent in thc NAU. 2. Appointrnent would be discontinued owing to administrative reason or misconduct or tailLrre to perform the duties assigned to the candidate at any point of time during pro.jcct pcriod by issue of one week's notice. 'fhe rrature of job includes on farm and off farm training/demonstration of improved technologies to the farrners, analysis of soil samples and otlrer research and extetisiotl activities running at the station. The candidate should have driving license fbr two r.vheeler/motorcycle with gear and have basic knowledge of computer' 4. Above age limit is relatable to SC/ST/OBC as per Goverrrment of India rules. 5. No TA, DA will be paid for attending the interview' 6. 'l'he candidate musi bring with them original documents alons r,r,ith one passport siz.c photograph ancl one set of'photocopy of related documents at the tirne ot'interview, tailing rvhich he/she shall not be allowed to appear irr the intervierv. 7. No ob1ection certificate from trisTher employer and experience certitlcate in origirtalshoLrld bc produoed at the tirne of interview, if applicable. 8. Canvassing in any manner will lead to cancellation of calrdidatLtrc' 9. lnterview committee reserves atl rights to reject any or all candidates. 10. Job location and office timing: ARS, NAU, Tanchha (nearly 35 krn far lrorn BharLrch railway station on Bharuch-Jambusar highway). The office timing of the center is 08:00 a'm. -5:l0p.m. I t. l'he relevant details per-taining to under carrier and jobs section
Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – Last Date 24 February 2023 (Navsari, Gujarat), Navsari Agricultural University (NAU) recruits Senior Research Fellow post.M.Sc Experienced can apply.
Young Professional I (B.Sc, M.Sc)(CLOSED) Recruitment in Navsari Agricultural University
NAU Recruitment For
Young Professional I (B.Sc, M.Sc)(CLOSED)
No of NAU Recruitment
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Post Graduate in Agril. Entomology with 01 year experience Or Graduate in Crop Science i.e. B.Sc. (Agri.) with 60% marks and 04 year experience. Knowledge of IT applications, virtual meeting platforms and computer skills (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). Preference will be given to candidate having work experience in similar kind of project.
Pay Scale
Age Limit
21 to 45 years
How to Apply For NAU vacancy :
Interested candidates can apply online Last date - 19/09/2022
General Instructions
• The above position is purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project, it will be filled from date of joining till 28.02.2023. The recruitment will be extended as per the availability of the grant. There is no provision for re-employment after termination of project. • The YP-1 service is on full time basis. • Selected candidates can be discontinued owing to administrative reasons at any time by issue of one week’s notice. They may also leave the assignment on their own by giving one week’s notice. At the end of contract period, the appointee has no right to claim any employment or engagement in the NAU. • Terms and conditions stated in the revised guidelines for YP-1 vide ICAR letter F.No.Agril.Edn.1-06/2020- A&P dated 4th December 2020 shall hold true for the YP-1 of this project with regard to TA/DA, Attendance, Working Hours/ Days/ leave entitlement, deduction in Income Tax, Age Limit, IPR etc. No HRA will be paid to YP-1. • Above age limit is relaxable to SC/ST/OBS as per Government of Gujarat rules. • No TA/ DA will be paid for appearing in the interview. • The applicant must bring their original documents with them and one set of photocopy of related documents/ testimonials at the time of interview, failing which he/she shall not be allowed to appear the interview. • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from his/ her employer and experience certificate in original should be produced at the time of joining the duties. • Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidate. • Interview committee reserves all rights to reject any or all candidate. • The relevant details pertaining to recruitment is available on NAU website: under Career & Job section
Young Professional I Vacancy – Last Date 19 September 2022 (Navsari, Gujarat), Navsari Agricultural University (NAU) recruits Senior Research Fellow post. B.Sc, M.Sc , Experienced can apply.
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) - M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D Recruitment in Navsari Agricultural University
NAU Recruitment For
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) - M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D
No of NAU Recruitment
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date For NAU Recruitment
NAU Address
Dandi Rd, Erugam, , , Navsari, Gujarat 396450
M.Sc. in Agri. Chemistry and Soil Science / Ph.D in Agri. Chemistry and Soil Science
Pay Scale
Rs.3 1000/- per month + HRA for I st and 2nd year, Rs.35000/- per month + HRA from 3rd year
Age Limit
35 year for male and 40 years for female
How to Apply For NAU vacancy :
1. Last date of submit application form: 29/11/2021 2. List of eligible candidates will be displayed on Dt. 10/12/2021 on university web site ( along with date, time and venue of interview. 3. Date of Interview: Tentatively 22/12/2021 4. The relevant details pertaining to recruitment is available on NAU website: Career & job section. 5. Place of Interview: Director of Research, University Bhavan, NAU, Navsari-396450 6. The interested Candidates are requested to remain present along with the complete bio-data as per attached application form. Attach the certificated copies of all relevant documents chronologically as per attached 'Documents/ checklist' and also bring the original document.
General Instructions
1. The above position is purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project, it will from date of joining to 28.02.2022. There is no provision for re-employment after termination of project. 2. No T A, DA will be paid for the attending the interview. 3. Above age limit relatable to SC/ST/OBC as per Government of Gujarat rules. 4. Selected candidates can be discontinued owing to administrative reasons at any time by issue of one weeks' notice. They may also leave the assignment on their own violation, by giving one week's notice. At the end of contract period, the appointee has no right to claim any employment in the NAU. 5. No objection certificate from his/ her employer and experience certificate in original should be produced at the time of interview, if applicable. 6. The applicants must bring with them original documents along with duly filled in application form (Annexure-I), one passport size photograph and TWO SET of photocopies of related documents at the time of interview, filling which he/ she shall not be allowed to appear in the interview. 7. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidates. 8. Interview Committee reserve all right to reject any or all candidates.
Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – Last Date 29 November 2021 (Navsari, Gujarat), Navsari Agricultural University (NAU) recruits Senior Research Fellow post. M.Sc, M.Phil/Ph.D, Experienced can apply.
About Navsari Agricultural University (नवसारी एग्रीकल्चरल यूनिवर्सिटी) :
Navsari Agricultural University of erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University has been bestowed with the status of a full-fledged independent State Agricultural University with effect from May 1, 2004. Navsari Agricultural University is imparting agricultural education up to Ph.D. level in all the established faculties of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Veterinary to develop quality agricultural professional manpower, NAU also imparts vocational education and training through Diploma / Certificate courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Livestock Inspection, Bakery, Landscaping & Gardening and Fisheries through Agricultural Polytechnics and Agri-Clinics for Horticulture and Agricultural Schools, LITC, Bakery, Gardner and Fisheries training centers respectively.
Navsari Agricultural University undertakes fundamental, applied and verification research in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, agricultural engineering and animal sciences through respective faculties, two zonal research stations, three main crop based research stations, three regional research stations and six satellite research stations. Contact Us: I/c. Registrar,
Navsari Agricultural University,
Navsari-396 450
E-mail: Telephone Number : Office : (02637)282823 Fax :(02637)283794
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