MANIT – Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology MANIT
मौलाना आज़ाद नेशनल इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ टेक्नोलॉजी
Superintendent Recruitment in Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
MANIT Recruitment For
No of MANIT Recruitment
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date For MANIT Recruitment
MANIT Address
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal Link Road No.-3, Near Kali Mata Mandir , Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh 462003
i) First Class Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized university or its institute in any discipline. Or Master’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized university or institute with at least 50% marks or equivalent grade. ii) *Knowledge of Computer Applications viz. Word processing, Spread Sheet.
Pay Scale
PB: 2 (Rs.9,300-34,800) with GP of Rs. 4,200/- Level-06
Age Limit
30 Years
How to Apply For MANIT vacancy :
Interested candidates can apply Last date - 24/11/2024
General Instructions
1. The applicant must be a citizen of India. 2. Filling of application will be accepted only through online mode followed by submission of duly signed hard copy of the application form along with all relevant documents to the given address on or before 04/12/2024 (04:30 PM). The link to submit the online application shall be hosted in the institute website. 3. Only the following emails to be used for any correspondence regarding Non- Teaching Recruitment. No other mode for correspondence shall be entertained. Communication addressed to any other email-id shall not be entertained. Candidates are advised to strictly adhere to the mode of correspondence. a) Related to any Administrative matters - b) Related to any Technical issues of Online Application Portal- Candidates are advised to submit their application strictly as per the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement. No Query regarding this shall be entertained. 4. The applicant must ensure his/her eligibility for the post in respect of Age, Qualification and other requisite criteria and only then he/she should apply. 5. The age limit and qualification/experience etc. for the post shall be determined as on the last date of submission of online application. Crucial date for claiming SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ESM/PwD status or any other benefit viz. fee concession, reservation, agerelaxation, etc, where not specified otherwise, will be the last date to submit the online application. A person seeking appointment on the basis of reservation to OBCs must ensure that he/she possesses the caste/ community certificate and does not fall in creamy layer on the crucial date. The OBC (NCL) Certificate (wherever applicable) obtained/issued on or after 01.04.2024 would only be considered. The EWS Certificate (wherever applicable) of previous financial year (obtained after 01.04.2024) would only be considered. Prescribed formats in this regard are hosted at Institute website as Annexure-II with the advertisement. 6. Candidates may also note that in respect of the above, their candidature will remain provisional till the veracity of the concerned document is verified by the Appointing Authority. Candidates are cautioned that they will be debarred from the examination conducted by the institute in case they fraudulently claim SC/ ST/ OBC/EWS/ESM/PwD status or avail any other benefit. Maximum age limit for each post shall be as per Recruitment Rules. Only date of birth indicated in SSC/Matriculation Marksheet/Certificate will be accepted. No subsequent request for change shall be entertained. 7. The above post has been identified as “suitable” for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD/PwD). PwBD reservation shall be followed as per Govt of India norms. The PwD/PwBD candidates shall be given compensatory time, facility of scribe and/or other facilities for the Test as per Govt. of India norms. The facility of the scribe shall be provided only if he/she has opted for the same while filling the application form. 8. Candidates belonging to Unreserved/EWS/OBC category have to pay application fee of Rs.1000/- (Rs. One thousand only) through online mode which is non-refundable. Only SC, ST, PwD & Women candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee. 9. Age relaxation will be as per Govt. of India norms/rules. No age relaxation will be allowed to SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against UR vacancies. 10. One-time age relaxation as mentioned in letter No. F.35 – 5/2018 – TS.III dated 20th February, 2019 (copy enclosed) issued by Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development (Now Ministry of Education), Department of Higher Education shall be extended for internal employees of the institute as per the said letter. 11. Applicants should enclose/attach self-attested photocopies of mark sheets/certificates in support of all the qualifications and relevant experience along with application. All Marks sheet, Certificates, Degrees, No Objection Certificate (NOC) and other documents must be produced in original at the time of document verification as well as at the time of joining or whenever desired by the institute. In case, it is detected that the documents mentioned/ submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has undesirable or clandestine antecedents/ background and has suppressed the said information, then he/she shall not be allowed to appear in Written/Skill Test or to join. In case of detection of any such willful concealment, action will be taken even after joining. 12. Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless Institute is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the post. 13. Posting of the selected candidate would be at the discretion of the Competent Authority and as per the functional requirement of the institute. 14. The candidates applying for the said post should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all stages of the examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If, on verification, at any time before or after the Written Test/Skill Test, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the Written Test/Skill Test will be cancelled. 15. Mere fulfillment of eligibility criteria does not entitle a candidate to be called for Written Test/ Skill Test. The Institute reserves the right to restrict number of candidates to be called for Written Test/Skill Test by shortlisting the applications on the basis of such shortlisting criteria as may be decided by the Institute. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates not considered for written test/ Skill Test/appointment. 16. The institute reserves all the rights to set higher standards and parameters, to shortlist the candidates, which may include highest qualification prescribed in the recruitment rules, desirable/preferable qualification and/or experience, and other requirements mentioned in the advertisement/recruitment rules. 17. Name of the shortlisted candidates will be displayed on the Institute website. All information regarding the advertisement will be provided through the Institute website. Candidates are also advised in their own interest to provide their working e-mail id and to whitelist the e-mail id so that communications, if any, from Institute does not end up in spam folder. Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt of intimation via e-mail/sms due to any technical reason/problem not attributable to the Institute. 18. The candidates are required to visit the institute website regularly to keep themselves updated about any progress in recruitment process. 19. Candidates already in Government/ Semi Government/Autonomous Bodies/PSUs/ Quasi Government service should send their application through proper channel duly enclosing No Objection Certificate (NOC) in the prescribed format. An advance copy of application should reach the institute before the last date. Mere submission of advance copy of the Application form, does not entitle a candidate to be called for Written Test/ Skill Test unless the same is received through proper channel duly enclosing “No Objection Certificate” in the prescribed format (Annexure-III) from the competent Authority. 20. Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage. 21. Request for individual acknowledgements shall not be entertained.22. The institute reserves the right to alter / insert any corrections / additions in the advertisement / website in the event of any typographical error etc. before the last date of submission of applications form, for which the candidates are advised to be in the lookout for announcements on the institute website: 23. MANIT Bhopal is not responsible for any discrepancy in submitting details through online application. The applicants are therefore, advised to strictly follow the instructions. The particulars furnished by the applicant in the Application Form will be taken as final and further processing of the application will be based on these particulars only. Frivolous representation/clarification made through any correspondence without reading the instructions given in the advertisement thoroughly will not be entertained. 24. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that he/she is eligible as per the Advertisement. The Institute shall not be responsible for any error/omission/commission/ suppression of any information provided by the applicants, knowingly or unknowingly, while filling up the application form. In case the applicant gets shortlisted/selected on the basis of incorrect, forged, or fabricated details, his/her candidature shall be liable to be cancelled at any stage of recruitment and appropriate legal action under applicable law shall be initiated against such applicants. The Institute reserves the right to alteration/modification/correction in the list of finally provisionally eligible and not-eligible candidates. 25. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of screening / selection which may be detected at any stage, even after the issuance of appointment letter, the institute reserves the right to modify / withdraw / cancel such letter(s) without any communication made to the candidate. 26. Appointment to the post is subject to being found medically fit by the Competent Authority. 27. The vacancies shown above are provisional / tentative and subject to variation. The Institute reserves the right not to fill the advertised post or to fill additional vacancies arising out in course of time. The Institute reserves the right to withdraw the advertised post at any time without giving any reason. 28. Pay of the selected candidate will be fixed as per Institute Norms. 29. All the appointees shall be governed by the New Pension Scheme (NPS). 30. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature. 31. The decision of the Institute in all matters related to this recruitment shall be final. No correspondence/interim inquiries will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection. Any dispute with regard to the selection/recruitment process will be subject to Courts/Tribunals having jurisdiction over Bhopal (M.P). 32. CGPA/OGPA/DGPA to percentage (%) conversion certificate should be obtained from the Institute/University if same is not mentioned in the mark sheet/degree. The same should also be enclosed with the application form while sending it to the institute. 33. Records of the candidates not selected (excluding waitlisted) shall not be preserved beyond Six (06) months from the date of declaration of the final result. 34. Electronic or any other type of calculators, log tables, slide rules, cellular/mobile phones and such IT gadgets /pagers or any other electronic equipment or device or any other equipment capable of being used as a communication device are not allowed inside the premises where the Selection Process is being conducted. Any infringement of the above instructions shall entail disciplinary/suitable action. Use of Analog watch by candidates is allowed inside the Test Venue. However, use of watches fitted with any special accessory that might be used as a communication device or smart watches is strictly prohibited, and candidates are not allowed to take such watches into the Test Venue. Candidates are advised not to bring any valuables/costly items to the Selection Process venue, as safe keeping of the same cannot be assured. The institute will not be responsible for any loss in this regard. 35. MANIT Bhopal shall not be responsible for arrangements concerning boarding and lodging of the applicants. 36. Check list for Candidates at the time of submitting application: a. Whether all details in online application form have been filled up correctly? b. Whether copies of all documents in support of educational qualifications, experience, date of birth, category etc. uploaded in online portal and enclosed with application form? c. Whether applicable application fee paid? 37. The Last date for receipt of hard copy of downloaded online application form along with duly self-attested all supporting document in the institute is 04/12/2024 (04:30 PM). Applications received after last date will be liable to be summarily rejected. 38. Applications submitted not through prescribed mode (as mentioned in the advertisement) will not be considered. The name of the post applied for must be superscribed on the envelope without fail. The envelop carrying application, and other relevant document as mentioned in the advertisement shall be sent only by Speed Post/ Registered Post to following address: To, The Recruitment Cell (Non-Teaching) Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal Link Road No.-3, Near Kali Mata Mandir Bhopal - 462003 (M.P.) 39. All pages of the application form along with supporting documents must be numbered and signed/self attested by the candidates. Total pages must be written on the first page of the application form. 40. Institute strives to have a workforce, which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply. 41. Candidates should submit their application forms sufficiently in time without waiting for last date, no request for any extension of last date will be considered on any ground whatsoever. 42. All candidates are required to carefully read the Instructions given with the Advertisement and strictly adhere to them. 43. SELECTIONS IN THIS INSTITUTE ARE MADE PURELY ON MERIT AND CANDIDATES ARE STRONGLY ADVISED NOT TO PAY MONEY TO ANY PERSON ASSURING OF EMPLOYMENT AND NOT TO BRING ANY INDIVIDUAL/POLITICAL INFLUENCE.
Superintendent (Vacancies 05) Last Date – 24 November 2024 (Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) recruits Superintendent post. Candidates with Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree experienced can apply.
Junior Research Fellow or Project Associate I (M.Sc, M.E/M.Tech) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
MANIT Recruitment For
Junior Research Fellow or Project Associate I (M.Sc, M.E/M.Tech) (CLOSED)
No of MANIT Recruitment
Minimum Salary
Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date For MANIT Recruitment
MANIT Address
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh 462003
(a) M.Sc. /M. Tech in Chemistry/Physics/Chemical Engineering/Materials Science/Nanoscience (with min. 60 % marks or 6.5 CGPI). (b) NET (including lectureship/assistant professorship) /GATE qualification or other national level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc.
Pay Scale
Rs.25000/- Rs. 31000/-
How to Apply For MANIT vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-07/09/2023
Junior Research Fellow or Project Associate I Vacancy Last Date 07 Sepember 2023 (Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) recruits Junior Research Fellow or Project Associate I post. Candidates withM.Sc, M.E/M.Tech can apply.
MANIT Bhopal Faculty Recruitment(CLOSED)
Vacancy Details
Sl. No.
Name of the Post
Group and Level of Pay
Number of Posts
Department/Disciplines where vacancies exist
Assistant Professor Grade-II (on Contract Basis)
Group A, Level-10 (Entry pay ₹70,900/-) (Pre-revised pay in PB-3, AGP Rs. 6000).
Total Vacancies (Including Backlog): 62 [UR-30, OBC-15, SC-07, ST-06, EWS-4]
Detailed on subsequent pages of this advertisement
Assistant Professor Grade-I
Group A, Level-12 (Entry pay ₹1,01,500/-) (Pre-revised pay in PB-3, AGP Rs. 8000).
Associate Professor
Group A, Level-13A2 (Entry Pay ₹1,39,600/-) (Pre-revised pay in PB-4, AGP Rs. 9500).
Total Vacancies (Including Backlog): 44 [UR-20, OBC-12, SC-07, ST-03, EWS-2]
Group A, Level-14A (Entry pay ₹1,59,100/-) (Pre-revised pay in PB-4, AGP Rs. 10500).
Total Vacancies (Including Backlog): 21 [UR-8, OBC-07, SC-03, ST-02, EWS-1]
The number of vacancies is tentative and may be increased and/or decreased at any time.
Important Instructions
The candidate must have prescribed credit-points. Detailed on subsequent pages of this advertisement.
Horizontal reservation of PwD to be maintained as per the Government of India norms. As per Section 34 of the Rights of PwDs Act,,the PwD vacancies are earmarked for different Disabilities as under:
Blindness & low vision.
Deaf & hard of hearing.
Locomotor Disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy.
Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness.
Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clause (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the posts identified for each disabilities.
Apart from Indian Citizens, candidates holding Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card would also be eligible to apply for the above posts. Candidates may refer to subsequent pages for detailed instructions and eligibility criteria.
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Vacancy Last Date 03 August 2023 (Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) recruits Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor post. Candidates with B.Tech./BE or any other equivalent degree, M.Tech./ME/MS can apply.
For Computer Science and Engineering: Candidates having first class in UG and PG with Ph.D in relevant disciplines. (Submitted/Awarded)
For Architecture & Planning Departments: Candidates having first class in UG and PG. Preference shall be given to the candidates having Ph.D.
For Mathematics, Bioinformatics & Computer Applications (MBC): Master degree in relevant discipline with Ph.D. (Submitted/Awarded)
For Civil Engineering: Expertise in Surveying and Geodesy (Geoinformatics) with Ph.D (Submitted/Awarded)
For Humanities: Expertise in Economics & IPR. With Ph.D
For Physics & Chemistry: Masters Degree in relevant discipline with Ph.D
Remuneration: Rs.65,000/- per month for Ph.D. awarded candidates and Rs.50,000/- per month for Ph.D Submitted Candidates.
Contract period: The tenure of Appointment shall be for the current odd semester up to the end of the semester and may or may not be extended further.
General Instructions:
Candidates who have already served in the Institute for more than five semesters in their entire career, their candidature shall not be considered.
Eligible candidates may submit their application and resume along with self-attested photocopies of Certificates & Testimonials to the Concerned Head of Department in the institute on or before 07/07/2023.
Candidate must bring Original Certificates & Testimonials for verification.
Director reserves the right to select/reject any Candidate/all Candidates called for an interview.
Temporary Faculty Vacancy Last Date -07 July 2023 (Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) recruits Temporary Faculty post. Candidates with M.A, M.Arch, M.Sc, M.E/M.Tech, M.Phil/Ph.D, M.Plan can apply.
Research Assistant (RA) Position(CLOSED)
No. of Position Available: 01
Age: Less than 35 years
Remuneration: Rs. 16,000 per month consolidated
Duration: 1 year
Essential Educational Qualification: The essential qualification is a Postgraduate degree from a
reputed institution with a minimum of 55% marks. Candidates with NET/SLET/M.Phil./Ph.D. will be given
preferences. The candidates should be conversant with computational skills.
Key Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Field work, literature review, tabulation, and drafting research report
Managing and assisting the Project Director with the ongoing project
Coordinating the department’s academic events and activities
How to apply: Interested candidates are requested to submit a detailed CV along with the attested
photocopies of the relevant certificates/documents. The above-mentioned details should be sent via email to: The last date of submission of application
and references is 27/06/2023.
Note: The selection process will include an interview with the prospective candidates. The
selection will be based on the qualification, experience, and overall performance of the candidate during the
interview as per the evaluation by the selection committee. The shortlisted candidates will be informed through
e-mail for interview date, timing, and venue.
Research Assistant Vacancy Last Date -27 June 2023 (Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) recruits Research Assistant post. Candidates with Any Post Graduate can apply.
About Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MACT) – मौलाना आज़ाद नेशनल इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ टेक्नोलॉजी:
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal, also known as National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (NIT Bhopal), formerly Maulana Azad College of Technology (MACT), is an Institute of National Importance under the NIT Act in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. It is part of the group of publicly funded institutions in India known as National Institute of Technology. Website Address: Contact Us:Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India
(MANIT, An Institute of National Importance) Pin:462003 Contact No.:+91 755 4051000, 4052000
+91 755 2670900 Fax:+91-755 2670562