इंडिया एक्सिम बैंक
Management Trainee (MT) (Banking Operations)(Post Graduation (MBA) Recruitment in Exim Bank of India
Date For Exim Bank of India Recruitment
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Exim Bank of India
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Management Trainee Vacancy Last Date – 10 November 2023 (Chennai , Tamil Nadu ), Exim Bank of India (EBI ) recruit Management Trainee posts. Post Graduation ,MBA Experienced candidates can apply.
ABOUT Exim Bank of India; इंडिया एक्सिम बैंक
Exim Bank of India represents a rare case of an institution where the concept and need for such an institution had been debated for a long period-more than two decades – before it was finally set up in 1982. The two decades prior to the establishment of Exim Bank witnessed significant changes in the industrial and the trade scenario. Indian exports during the fifties and the early sixties consisted of primary commodities and traditional manufactures like jute and cotton textiles. The dominant viewpoint was that in India’s case, expansion in domestic demand alone could realistically serve as the engine for economic growth, since export expansion opportunities were limited and there were fundamental constraints (like inadequate infrastructure) to export growth. The ideology relating to the manufacturing sector was to promote industrialization through import substitution. As a result, the export sector remained neglected with a small share in India’s GDP.
Nevertheless, the process of industrial development in India promoted through the import substitution strategy provided an impetus to the growth of a large and diversified industrial base, particularly the engineering industry. A number of emerging industrial sub-sectors also proved to be internationally competitive. The change in India’s export profile commenced slowly in the sixties with a growing share of non-traditional manufactured goods and value-added products.
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