Young Professional-I (YP-I) Recruitment in ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres (ICAR-CRIJAF) ICAR-CRIJAF Recruitment ForYoung Professional-I (YP-I) No of ICAR-CRIJAF Recruitment 1 Minimum Salary ₹30,000/- per month (fixed) Last Date For ICAR-CRIJAF Recruitment 24/12/2024 ICAR-CRIJAF Address Nilgunj, Barrackpore, Kolkata, West Bengal 700121 Qualification Bachelor of Science in Genetics, Microbiology, Agriculture, or BiochemistryAge Limit 21 to 45 years Desirable Qualifications Experience in chemical analysis of fiber/plant is desirableExperience Requirements Desirable but not mandatoryDesired Skills Expertise related to chemical quality parameter estimation for Cinchona, jute, allied fibers, and LacEligibility CriteriaIndian citizens aged 21 to 45 years (relaxation as per rules)Job Responsibilities Engaged in the NASF Project for developing portable sensor instruments with a focus on fluorometryHow toApply For ICAR-CRIJAF vacancy : Email application to <a></a> by 24.12.2024, 5:00 PM with a single PDF file including the application form, resume, self-attested certificates, and relevant research publications General Instructions Applicants must be Indian citizens; candidates in employment must provide a No Objection Certificate (NOC); no TA/DA will be provided for the interview; selected candidates will have no claim for regular appointmentDetail of Interview Scheduled for 27.12.2024 at 10:00 AM in offline modeVenue of Interview ICAR-CRIJAF, Nilgunj, Barrackpore, Kolkata - 700121Job Type contractualJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2024/12/24 ", "title":" Young Professional-I (YP-I) ", "datePosted":" 2024/12/17 11:37:09 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" ₹30,000/- per month (fixed) ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Engaged in the NASF Project for developing portable sensor instruments with a focus on fluorometry ","employmentType":" contractual ", "experienceRequirements":" Desirable but not mandatory ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Research under Accounting & Finance ",//industry "qualifications":" Experience in chemical analysis of fiber/plant is desirable ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" Applicants must be Indian citizens; candidates in employment must provide a No Objection Certificate (NOC); no TA/DA will be provided for the interview; selected candidates will have no claim for regular appointment ",//responsibilities "skills":" Expertise related to chemical quality parameter estimation for Cinchona, jute, allied fibers, and Lac ",//skills "image": " ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres (ICAR-CRIJAF) ", "logo":" " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" West Bengal ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Nilgunj, Barrackpore ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Kolkata ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 700121 "//postalCode } } } } Young Professional-I (YP-I) (Vacancy 01) Last Date – 24 December 2024 (Kolkata,West Bengal), ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres (ICAR-CRIJAF) recruits Young Professional-I (YP-I) post. Candidates with Bachelor of Science in Genetics, Microbiology, Agriculture, or Biochemistry, Experienced can apply. Young Professional-I (B.Sc) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers CRIJAF Recruitment ForYoung Professional-I (B.Sc) (CLOSED) No of CRIJAF Recruitment 02 Minimum Salary Please check with the concern authority or website Last Date For CRIJAF Recruitment 18/03/2022 CRIJAF Address Nilganj, Barrackpore, Kolkata, West Bengal 700121 Qualification Bachelor of Science degree in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry /Agricultural Physics/ Soil and Water Conservation/Agricultural Chemicals /Agronomy/Microbiology /Biotechnology/Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from recognized university with minimum 60% marksPay ScaleRs. 25,000/- per monthAge Limit The minimum age under YP Category will be 21 years and maximum age limit will be 45 years as per ICAR guidelines Desirable Qualifications Master of Science Experience in field work, soil sampling, soil and plant sample analysis, Rs. 25,000/- per month 31.03.2023 (may extended as per ICAR and NICRA guidelines carbon sequestration, life cycle analysis, biomass analysis, biochemical estimation for sugars, ethanol, structural carbohydrates, setting up saccharification and fermentation processHow toApply For CRIJAF vacancy : 1. Date &amp; Place of Interview:- 23.03.2022 (Wednesday) Online through digital platform (google meet) 2. All candidates must send the prescribed application form to by making a single PDF file including duly filled application proforma and all other required documents. 3. Candidates are required to send scanned copies of duly filled application along with all the documents by making a single PDF file addressed to the Director, ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore, affixed with recent passport size photograph and copies of self-attested marksheeets, certificates in support of age, qualifications, experience (if any), testimonials, caste (if any) and other credentials to within 05:00 PM on 18.03.2022 General Instructions . Only Indian citizens are eligible for appearing in the online interview. 2. All candidates must send the prescribed application form to by making a single PDF file including duly filled application proforma and all other required documents. The PDF file name should be given as candidate's full name followed by his/her year of birth, like shyamkumar1990 where Shyam Kumar is full name and year of birth is 1990. 3. Maximum 10 numbers of eligible shortlisted candidates will be called for the online panel interview. No one will be allowed to appear in the interview unless he/she is called for the interview. 4. Candidates are required to send scanned copies of duly filled application along with all the documents by making a single PDF file addressed to the Director, ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore, affixed with recent passport size photograph and copies of self-attested marksheeets, certificates in support of age, qualifications, experience (if any), testimonials, caste (if any) and other credentials to within 05:00 PM on 18.03.2022. The applications received after the mentioned date & time limit will be summarily rejected. Only short listed candidates will get email and online credential/link for the interview through their email ID (given in their application proforma) on 23.03.2022. 5. Candidates who are already working/ or in similar positions must attachNo Objection Certificate obtained from their employer/ supervisor with their email application. 6. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the post advertised in case of non-availability of any suitable candidate or due to any other reasons without adducing any reason thereof. 7. The Institute reserves the right to reject any application form due to nonobservance any or all of the above instructions. 8. The selected candidate will be stationed at Barrackpore or at project sites as required from time to time and will have to conduct extensive field work involving frequent travel, laboratory works and survey of different sites for sample collection. 9. Selected Candidate will be required to produce all original hard copy documents at the time of joining for verification of their soft copy documents submitted along with the email-application. 10. The selected candidate shall have no right to claim for regular appointment at ICAR-CRIJAF/ICAR at any point of time. 11. The decision of the Director, ICAR-CRIJAF will be final and binding on all aspects.Detail of Interview 23/03/2022Job Type CONTRACTORJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2022/03/18 ", "title":" Young Professional-I (B.Sc) (CLOSED) ", "datePosted":" 2024/12/17 11:37:09 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" - ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Bachelor of Science degree in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry /Agricultural Physics/ Soil and Water Conservation/Agricultural Chemicals /Agronomy/Microbiology /Biotechnology/Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from recognized university with minimum 60% marks ","employmentType":" CONTRACTOR ", "experienceRequirements":" ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Science & Engineering ",//industry "qualifications":" Master of Science Experience in field work, soil sampling, soil and plant sample analysis, Rs. 25,000/- per month 31.03.2023 (may extended as per ICAR and NICRA guidelines carbon sequestration, life cycle analysis, biomass analysis, biochemical estimation for sugars, ethanol, structural carbohydrates, setting up saccharification and fermentation process ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" . Only Indian citizens are eligible for appearing in the online interview. 2. All candidates must send the prescribed application form to by making a single PDF file including duly filled application proforma and all other required documents. The PDF file name should be given as candidate's full name followed by his/her year of birth, like shyamkumar1990 where Shyam Kumar is full name and year of birth is 1990. 3. Maximum 10 numbers of eligible shortlisted candidates will be called for the online panel interview. No one will be allowed to appear in the interview unless he/she is called for the interview. 4. Candidates are required to send scanned copies of duly filled application along with all the documents by making a single PDF file addressed to the Director, ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore, affixed with recent passport size photograph and copies of self-attested marksheeets, certificates in support of age, qualifications, experience (if any), testimonials, caste (if any) and other credentials to within 05:00 PM on 18.03.2022. The applications received after the mentioned date & time limit will be summarily rejected. Only short listed candidates will get email and online credential/link for the interview through their email ID (given in their application proforma) on 23.03.2022. 5. Candidates who are already working/ or in similar positions must attachNo Objection Certificate obtained from their employer/ supervisor with their email application. 6. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the post advertised in case of non-availability of any suitable candidate or due to any other reasons without adducing any reason thereof. 7. The Institute reserves the right to reject any application form due to nonobservance any or all of the above instructions. 8. The selected candidate will be stationed at Barrackpore or at project sites as required from time to time and will have to conduct extensive field work involving frequent travel, laboratory works and survey of different sites for sample collection. 9. Selected Candidate will be required to produce all original hard copy documents at the time of joining for verification of their soft copy documents submitted along with the email-application. 10. The selected candidate shall have no right to claim for regular appointment at ICAR-CRIJAF/ICAR at any point of time. 11. The decision of the Director, ICAR-CRIJAF will be final and binding on all aspects. ",//responsibilities "skills":" ",//skills "image": " ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers ", "logo":" " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" West Bengal ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Nilganj, Barrackpore ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Kolkata ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 700121 "//postalCode } } } } Young Professional-I Vacancies Last Date – 18 March 2022 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers recruits Young Professional-I post. Candidates with B.Sc, Experienced can apply. Research Associate -I (M.E/M.Tech, M.Phil/Ph.D) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers CRIJAF Recruitment ForResearch Associate -I (M.E/M.Tech, M.Phil/Ph.D) (CLOSED) No of CRIJAF Recruitment 01 Minimum Salary Please check with the concern authority or website Last Date For CRIJAF Recruitment 15/03/2022 CRIJAF Address Nilganj, Barrackpore, Kolkata , West Bengal 700121 Qualification (i) Ph.D. in any branch of Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Biochemistr y/ or (ii) having at least three years of research experience after M. Tech in the Plant Science/Plant biotechnology or allied subjects with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.Pay ScaleRs. 47,000/- plus 24% HRA per month)Age Limit 21 to 40 years for men and 21 to 45 years for women with age relaxation as per Government of India rules 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (non-creamy layer) meant for Government of India employment Desirable Qualifications Research experience in Plant biotechnology / Plant transformation /Plant genomics evidenced by at least three research publications in high impact factor journals is desirable.How toApply For CRIJAF vacancy : 1. Date &amp; Place of Interview:- 21.03.2022 (Monday) Online through digital platform (google meet) 2. All candidates must send the prescribed application form to by making a single PDF file including duly filled application proforma and all other required documents. 3. The PDF file name should be given as candidate's full name followed by his/her year of birth, like shyamkumar1990 where Shyam Kumar is full name and year of birth is 1990. 4. Candidates are required to send scanned copies of duly filled application along with all the documents by making a single PDF file addressed to the Director, ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore, affixed with recent passport size photograph and copies of self-attested marksheeets, certificates in support of age, qualifications, experience (if any), testimonials, caste (if any) and other credentials to within 05:00 PM on 15.03.2022. Detail of Interview 21/03/2022 Venue of Interview Online through digital platform (google meet)Job Type OTHERJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2022/03/15 ", "title":" Research Associate -I (M.E/M.Tech, M.Phil/Ph.D) (CLOSED) ", "datePosted":" 2024/12/17 11:37:09 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" - ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" (i) Ph.D. in any branch of Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Biochemistr y/ or (ii) having at least three years of research experience after M. Tech in the Plant Science/Plant biotechnology or allied subjects with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. ","employmentType":" OTHER ", "experienceRequirements":" ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Science & Engineering ",//industry "qualifications":" Research experience in Plant biotechnology / Plant transformation /Plant genomics evidenced by at least three research publications in high impact factor journals is desirable. ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" ",//responsibilities "skills":" ",//skills "image": " ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers ", "logo":" " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" West Bengal ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Nilganj, Barrackpore ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Kolkata ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 700121 "//postalCode } } } } Research Associate -I Vacancy – Last Date 15 March 2022 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers recruits Research Associate -I post. Candidates with M.E/M.Tech, M.Phil/Ph.D, Experienced can apply. Subject Matter Specialist (M.Sc, MVSC, MFSc) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers - CRIJAF CRIJAF Recruitment ForSubject Matter Specialist (M.Sc, MVSC, MFSc) (CLOSED) No of CRIJAF Recruitment 09 Minimum Salary Please check with the concern authority or website Last Date For CRIJAF Recruitment 08/01/2021 CRIJAF Address Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fiber, Kolkata, West Bengal 731235 Qualification Persons analogous holding i.e. post Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy) or equivalent post in any KVK of lCAR Unit having Master'sdegree in from a university.How toApply For CRIJAF vacancy : It is requested that the vacancy may be circulated amongst the eligible and desirous candidates, if any, working at Krishi Vigyan Kendras of ICAR. The application of only such candidates who can be relieved immediately in the event of their selection may please be forwarded in the proforma to the undersigned along with the following documents : 1. Attested copies of APAR for the last 5 years. 2. Certificates of all educational qualifications. 3. Vigilance &amp; Integrity certificates. b. The duly completed application along with the above documents must reach to this office through proper channel on or before 08.01.2021. c. Incomplete applications or those received after prescribed due or without CR dossiers/Vigilance/Integrity certificates will not be considered. Conditions of Inter-lnstitutional Job Type CONTRACTORJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2021/01/08 ", "title":" Subject Matter Specialist (M.Sc, MVSC, MFSc) (CLOSED) ", "datePosted":" 2024/12/17 11:37:09 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" - ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Persons analogous holding i.e. post Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy) or equivalent post in any KVK of lCAR Unit having Master'sdegree in from a university. ","employmentType":" CONTRACTOR ", "experienceRequirements":" ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Staffing ",//industry "qualifications":" ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" ",//responsibilities "skills":" ",//skills "image": " ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers - CRIJAF ", "logo":" " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" West Bengal ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fiber ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" Kolkata ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 731235 "//postalCode } } } } Subject Matter Specialist Vacancy – Last Date 08 January 2021 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers recruits Subject Matter Specialist post. Candidates with M.Sc., MVSC, MFSc Experienced can apply. Young Professional I (B.Sc) (CLOSED) Recruitment in Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers - CRIJAF CRIJAF Recruitment ForYoung Professional I (B.Sc) (CLOSED) No of CRIJAF Recruitment 01 Minimum Salary Please check with the concern authority or website Last Date For CRIJAF Recruitment 07/11/2020 CRIJAF Address Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers , kolkata, West Bengal 700120 Qualification Graduate in Agriculture or relevant plant science subject.Pay ScaleRs.15,000/- per month.Age Limit 21 to 45 years with relaxation as per rule. Experience Requirements Experience in Plant and seed material handling, seed testing and data analysis.How toApply For CRIJAF vacancy : Eligible candidates are invited to apply online for contractual engagement of nonregular nature as Young Professional-I under ICAR funded Seed Technology Research component of AICRP-National Seed Project (Crops) at this Institute: 2. All candidates must send the prescribed application form to None will be allowed to appear in the interview unless he/ she sends duly filled in prescribed application form to the said email. 3. Candidates are required to send scanned copies of application addressed to the Director, ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore, affixed with recent passport size photograph and copies of self-attested certificates in support of age, qualifications, experience, testimonials and other credentials to within 05:00 PM on 07.11.2020. The applications received after the mentioned date &amp; time limit will be summarily rejected. List of the candidates who are eligible for online Interview will be informed through email on 11.11.2020 4. Selected Candidate will be required to produce all original documents at the time of Joining. Job Type CONTRACTORJob Deatils: Official Website Document { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "validThrough":" 2020/11/07 ", "title":" Young Professional I (B.Sc) (CLOSED) ", "datePosted":" 2024/12/17 11:37:09 ", "baseSalary":{"@type":"MonetaryAmount", "value":" - ", "currency":"INR" }, "description":" Graduate in Agriculture or relevant plant science subject. ","employmentType":" CONTRACTOR ", "experienceRequirements":" Experience in Plant and seed material handling, seed testing and data analysis. ",//experienceRequirements "industry":" Staffing ",//industry "qualifications":" ",//qualifications "responsibilities":" ",//responsibilities "skills":" ",//skills "image": " ", // Image property added "hiringOrganization":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":" Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers - CRIJAF ", "logo":" " }, "jobLocation":{ "@type":"Place", "address":{ "@type":"PostalAddress", "addressRegion":" West Bengal ", "addressCountry":"India", "streetAddress":" Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers ",//streetAddress "addressLocality":" kolkata ",//addressLocality "postalCode":" 700120 "//postalCode } } } } Young Professional I Vacancy – Last Date (Interview) 07 November 2020 (Kolkata, West Bengal), Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers recruits Young Professional-I post. Candidates with B.Sc, Experienced can apply.About us: Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers (CRIJAF) – सेंट्रल रिसर्च इंस्टिट्यूट फॉर जुटे एंड अलाइड फिबेर्स:Jute Agricultural Research Laboratory (JARL) under Central Jute Commission was established in 1938 at Dhaka. After partition of the country, Jute Agricultural Research Laboratory shifted to Chinsura in West Bengal and then at the present location of Nilganj, Barrackpore in year of 1953 as Jute Agricultural Research Institute (JARI). JARI was taken over by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 1966. In January 1990, the institute has been rechristened to its present name Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (CRIJAF). To carry out research work on allied fibres and seed, the institute established four research stations viz., Ramie Research Station at Sorbhog, Assam in 1959; Sisal Research Station at Bamra, Odisha in 1962; Sunhemp Research Station at Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh in 1963 and Central Seed Research Station for Jute & Allied Fibres at Budbud, West Bangal in 1956. Besides, the institute has nine (9) SAU based and six (6) ICAR institute based collaborating centres for multi-locational testing and revalidation of the technologies under All India Co-ordinated Research Projects on Jute & Allied Fibres (AICRP on JAF) now functioning as All India Network Projects on Jute and Allied Fibres (AINP on JAF). CRIJAF is the apex institute in the country to consider researches on JAF for developing production technologies to increase the productivity in a suitable manner.Address: ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India Barrackpore, Kolkata 700120, INDIAContact us: 91-33-25356124Website Address: more Government jobs, Please visit