CIL Recruitment For
Sr. Medical Officer (Dental)
No of CIL Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For CIL Recruitment
CIL Address
Coal Bhawan, Premises No-04 MAR,, Plot No-AF-III, Action Area-1A, Kolkata , West Bengal 700156
(a) BDS from recognized Institute/College approved by Dental Council of India with 1-year post qualification experience from a Hospital/Clinic. (b) The Experience of private practice/ self-clinic may also be considered as post qualification experience. Note: 1.) Candidates who have obtained the required eligible qualification from Foreign University/Institute, will also be considered provided they submit the certificate of passing qualifying examination from MCI. 2.) For eligibility, the Candidate should have obtained Registration Number from Medical Council India/State Medical Council/ Dental Council of India/ State Dental Council against their qualification. 3.) 1 year Internship period being part of the curricula will not be considered as Experience.
₹ 60,000-1,80,000*
35 years.
The Experience of private practice/ self-clinic may also be considered as post qualification experience.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
The Prescribed format of the application form for the post of Medical Executives is enclosed herewith. The candidates will be required to send the duly filled in application form as an advance copy in the format along with self-attested copy of the testimonials through speed post to Dy. GM(P)/HoD(EE), South Eastern Coalfields Limited, Bilaspur which should reach within the stipulated time i.e. 11.04.2024 by 5.00 PM. In case, the application of the candidates not received within the stipulated date, it will not be entertained. • No other mode of delivery (by hand/email/couriers, etc) of applications would be accepted/entertained. • A Candidate can apply for only one post in a Subsidiary. If applications are received for Sr. Medical Officer as well as Medical Specialists/Sr. Medical Specialists in a subsidiary, then the application will be considered against Medical Specialists/Sr. Medical Specialists, as the case may be, whether or not it is the recent one. • If more than one application is received from a candidate for the same post, most recent (current) application will be considered as final. • Documents to be submitted is as mentioned in the application format. • Candidates shortlisted for interview is advised to present themselves to the interview locations with all the documents needed in original along with 2 photocopies of each along with the duly filled Application form as provided with the advertisement. • At the interview locations, the applications along with the original documents of the Candidates will be screened. Any Candidate whose application is incomplete or any discrepancy found w.r.t eligibility criteria, non-availability of original certificate, Attempt • Certificate then such Candidate will not be considered for personal interview.
i) DNB period may be considered as post qualification experience for candidates who are having qualification of DNB in addition to the required minimum qualification Likewise, MDS period may also be considered as post qualification experience. ii) However, those candidates who have not passed DNB course, the period spent in DNB course will not be considered as post qualification experience like MDS, MD/MS period may also be considered as post qualification experience for the candidates applying for the post Sr Medical Officer for which minimum qualification is MBBS. However, those candidates who have not passed MD/MS/MDS, the period spent in MD/MS/MDS course will not be considered as post qualification experience. iii) The Administrative action/decision to fill the vacancies are vested with cadre controlling authority i.e Chairman, CIL as per the cadre scheme and same will be followed. iv) Candidates dismissed from service by the previous employer including CIL by way of disciplinary action will not be eligible for appointment. v) Character and antecedent verification of the appointees will be done post appointment and in case of any discrepancy or concealment of information is found, the appointment will stand null and void abinito. vi) No application fee will be charged from the Candidates. vii) The cases of Bond transfer will be governed as per extant rule/DoPT/DPE guideline.
Official Website Document