सेंट्रल इंस्टिट्यूट फॉर रिसर्च ऑन बुफ्फालोज
No. of Position
Phone: 01662-281622; Website: cirtb.icar.gov.in
Walk-in interview for the post of Research Associate under approved
NLM Project entitled “Development of Urine-Based Biosensor for
Pregnancy Diagnosis in Ruminants
Name of the project
Pl of the Project
3. Essential Qualification
5.Age as on 16.06.2023
6. Monthly emolument
7. Period of Contract
For website
NLM Project entitled “Development of Urine-Based
Biosensor for Pregnancy Diagnosis in Ruminants
Dr. Ashok Kumar Balhara, Sr. Scientist
Ph.D degree in the discipline of Veterinary or Animal
Biochemistry/Animal Biotechnology/Organic
chemistrylAgricultural Chemicals/Chemistry/
Analytical Chemistry or
Master’s or Animal degree in Veterinary Biochemistry/Animal Biotechnology/Chemistry/
Analytical Chemistry with 4/5 years of Bachelor’s
degree recognized from university having
1 division or 60% or equivalent overall grade
point average, with at least three years of research
experience as evidenced as evidenced from
engagements as circulated vide F. No.2-9/2012
HRD dated 25.04.2014 and one research paper in
Science Citation Index (SCI)/NAAS rated (more than
4.0) Journal as per OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of DST
dated 30.01.2019.
Experience in Animal Metabolite Chemistry as
Evidenced by Paper/Patent/Product.
Upper age limit – 40 for men; 45 years for women
(Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 Years for
OBC candidates as per rules)
Rs.54000/- per month + HRA for PhD and 49000/
per month +HRA for Master Degree holder per
month + 9% HRA. No other allowances admissible.
3 Years (2023-24 to 2025-26) Co-terminus with the
project or up to 31 March, 2026 and subject to
satisfactory work or can be terminated as per project
duration/ funds unavailability 8 Date of walk-in 16.06.2023 at 11.00 AM at ICAR-CIRB, Hisar
2 Walk-in interview for the post of Research Associate under approved NLM Project
entitled “Applications of nfrared Thermography as Innovative Non-Invasive
Technological Solution in Early Mastitis Detection”.
1 No. of Position
2. Name of the project
Pl of the Project
3 Essential Qualification
4 Desirable
5. Age as on 16.06.2023
6. Monthly emolument
7. Period of Contract
NLM Project entitled “Applications of Infrared
Thermography as Innovative Non-Invasive
Technological Solution in Early Mastitis Detection”.
Mrs. Sunesh Balhara, Scientist
Ph.D Degree ir the Computer Science &
Engineeringl Information Technology/Data
Science/Physics/Statistics. or
Master’s Degree in the Computer Science/
Computer Science
Engineering/lT/Physics/Statistics with 4/5 years of
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University
with first Division/60% or eqivalent with at least
three years of research experience as evidenced as
evidenced from Fellowship/Associate-ship/
Traininglother engagements as circulated vide
F.No.2-9/2012-HRD dated 25.04.2014 and
one research paper Citation in Science
Index (SCI)/NAAS rated (more than 4.0) Journal as
per OM SR/S9/Z-09/2018 of DST dated
Experience in Thermal Imaging/Data Mining/Atificial Intelligence as Evidenced by
Upper age limit – 40 for men; 45 years for women
(Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 Years for
OBC candidates as per rules) Rs.54000/- per month + HRA for PhD and 49000/
per month +HRA for Master Degree holder per month + 9% HRA. No other allowances admissible.
3 Years (2023-24 to 2025-26) Co-terminus with the
project or up to 31 March, 2026 and subject to
satisfactory work or can be terminated as per project duration/ funds unavailability
8 Date of walk-in 16.06.2023 at 11.00 AM at ICAR-CIRB, Hisar
Research Associate Vacancy Last Date 16 June 2023 (Hisar, Haryana) Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) recruits Research Associate Posts. Candidates with M.Sc, MVSC, M.Phil/Ph.D experience can apply.
Manpower (Attendant) (12th Pass)(CLOSED) Recruitment in Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes - CIRB
Date For CIRB Recruitment
Apply For
vacancy :
Manpower (Attendant) Vacancy Last Date 06 November 2020 (Hisar, Haryana) Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) recruits Manpower (Attendant) Posts. Candidates with 12th Pass experience can apply.
Young Professional I (B.Sc) Recruitment in Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes - CIRB
Date For CIRB Recruitment
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vacancy :
Young Professional I Vacancy Last Date 03 November 2020 (Hisar, Haryana) Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) recruits Young Professional I Posts. Candidates with B.Sc. experience can apply.
Junior Research Fellow (M.Sc) Recruitment in Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes - CIRB
Date For CIRB Recruitment
Apply For
vacancy :
Junior Research Fellow Vacancy Last Date 02 November 2020 (Hisar, Haryana) Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) recruits Junior Research Fellow Posts. Candidates with M.Sc. experience can apply.
About Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (सेंट्रल इंस्टिट्यूट फॉर रिसर्च ऑन बुफ्फालोज):
Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar is a public funded agricultural university located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It offers training on Advanced Buffalo Husbandry.
It was transferred to Indian Council of Agricultural Research in the year 1985 to the Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes. Sub-campus at Bir Dosanjh, Nabha, Patiala District was opened in 1987. The divisions are: Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology, Animal Physiology & Reproduction and Animal genetics & Breeding. It has strength of 41 scientist, 45 technical, 71 support and 20 admin staff to conduct research, test, training.
In,it became India’s second center to produce cloned buffalo.
Website Address:https://cirb.icar.gov.in/
Postal Address:7, Sector 14, Hisar, Haryana 125001
Tel: 01662-281602
Formore Government jobs, Please visit
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