CRPF – Central Reserve Police Force


केन्द्रीय रिज़र्व पुलिस बल

Constable (General Duty) Recruitment in Central Reserve Police Force

CRPF Recruitment For
Constable (General Duty)
No of CRPF Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For CRPF Recruitment
CRPF Address
Block No.-1, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, Delhi 110 003
Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized board.
Level-3 Rs. 21,700-69,100.
18 to 23 years
Sportsperson of merit who have represented a State or the Country in any recognized National repute Games / National Championship (Both Junior & Senior) or International repute Championship conducted under the aegis of respective Federation / Association recognized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports or conducted by the Indian Olympic Association during last three years from 01 /Oll2O2l to 3t/12/2023. Sportsperson of merit who have represented their University in A11 India Inter-University Tournaments conducted by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) during last three years from OI /Ol l2021 to 3r/t2/2023. Sportspersons of merit who have represented State School Team in National School Games conducted by School Games Federation of India (SGFD during last three years from 01/01 12021 to 31/1212023.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Online application mode will be opened w.e.f. 16.01.2024 at 09:00 AM and will be closed on 15.02.2024 at l2:OO PM on CRPF recruitment website https: / /recruitment.crpf.eov.in/ (bl Eligible and interested candidates should apply only through CRPF Recruitment website httos: / lrecrui crof.sov.inl Candidates are advised to fill the application form after reading the instructions carefully. The application must be submitted ONLINE only. No application will be accepted offline. Candidature of the candidate who submitted application offline will be rejected summarily. The candidate has to upload copy of certificate or document for sport discipline mentioned at Para-2 above in support of his/her highest medal/position or highest level of participation in the sports achievement mentioned at Para4(d) on CRPF recruitment website in their profile created on the https:11 recruitment.crpf, sov.inl before applying for the (ivl (v) be (cl post, else his/her online application will be rejected during scrutiny. Page 11 of 32 (dl APPLICATION FEE & M,ODE OF PAYMENT - Male candidates belonging to Unresenred (UR), Other Backward Classes (OBC) and Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category applying for recruitment to the post of Constable (GD) under Sports Quota should pay Rs.1 OO I - (Rupees one hundred on$ as application fee through the CRPF Recruitment website https: I I recnitment. crnf.sov.in/ . Application received with any other mode of fee payment will be summarily rejected. Fee are exempted for Females and candidates nsins to Scheduled Caste lSCl and Scheduled Tribe (STl catesorv. Note :- (il Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. (iil Fee paid by modes other than above will not be accepted and the application of such candidates will be rejected forthright and the payment made shall stand forfeited.
1) If candidates are found to indulge at any stage in any of the malpractices listed below during the conduct of recruitment or thereafter, their candidature for this recruitment will be cancelled :- (a) Leaving the Recruitment Venue uninformed during the Recruitment. (b) Assault, use of force, causing bodily harm, misbehaving, intimidating or threatening in any manner with the recruitment functionaries' i.e. Supervisor, Invigilator, Security Guard or CRPF representatives etc. (c) Obstruct the conduct of recruitment/ instigate other candidates not to appear in recruitment. (d) Making statements which are incorrect or false, suppressing material information, submitting fabricated documents, etc. (e) obtaining support/ influence for his/ her candidature by any irregular or improper means in connection with his/ her candidature. (0 Damaging recruitment related equipments. (g) Appearing in the recruitment with forged Admit card, identity proof, etc. (h) Possession of fire arms/ weapons during the recruitment process. (i) Threatening/intimidating examination functionaries with weapons / ftre arms etc. Impersonatef procuring impersonation by any person. (k) Attempt to hack to manipulate recruitment data and systems at any point before, during or after the recruitment. Note: The CRPF may also report the matter to Police/Investigating Agencies, etc. as deemed fit, for taking further necessary action. 2)A11 candidates who have been called for Documentation, PST and DME will bring a clear and legible print out of the online application form submitted by them for purpose of identification, etc or else they will not be permitted to enter the venue. The print out will be retained by CRPF personnel for office use. Page 18 of Disclaimer :- Information given in this advertisement and on CRPF Recruitment website are guidelines only. In case of any ambiguity, the existing rules and regulations of CRPF/ Government of will be final DIG t) 1s) CRPF will not be responsible for any power failure, internet related problems etc faced by the candidates while applying online. 16) https : / / recruitment.crpf.gov.in / all candidates are advised to An notice 1n to the StI ect recruitment further information respect bj v I will be published on only Hence on the above link from time to t7l Incomplete applications will be summarily in this regard will be entertained. rejected and no correspondence 18) Change in category will not be entertained at later stage and the cand.idature of such candidate shall be cancelled. by CRPF 1e) No application received after the last date as mentioned above be accepted. 20l' Al1 disputes and differences, if any, will be subject to the the courts within the territorial limits of Delhi jurisdiction of 2t) For any queries, complaints or clarification the candidates can call number i 1 L6025 The candidates will not be considered for involved/convicted/arrested in any criminal case under IPC or any other Act of the central Government or state Government. recruitment if 22), 23' The performance of sports persons will be if a sportsperson fails to give the desired result in respective discipline of sports, he/she will be given an option to merge with combatized GD cadre or to be discharged periodically reviewed and from service as per rules.
Official Website Document

Constable (General Duty) Post. Vacancy(169) – Last Date- 15 February  2024 (Delhi), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) recruits Constable (General Duty) post. Candidates with Matriculation or its equivalent degree can apply.

Clinical Prosthetist and Orthotist ( MPO) Recruitment in Central Reserve Police Force

CPRF Recruitment For
Clinical Prosthetist and Orthotist ( MPO)
No of CPRF Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For CPRF Recruitment
CPRF Address
Central Reserve Police Force, New Delhi, 110 003
Master in Prosthetics and Orthotics (MPO) and having experience in working with Amputees and hospitals handling patients and Person with Disabilities. Knowledge of Hindi, English and the local language.
Rs. 30,000/- to Rs. 40,000/-
55 years
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-27/02/2023
a) Candidate will opt for selection for the post applied on contractual basis. b) He/She will perform the duties of the appointed post under the guidance and supervision of Medical Officer /In-charge of Hospital. c) The Medical professionals so engaged either on contractual or on hiring basis will regularly attend the hospitals from 0900 hours to 1700 hours or working hours of the institution where he/she is being employed in any emergency, if services required can be taken beyond prescribed time. d) He/She will be paid a consolidated remuneration as per the rates/remuneration as advertised. These Medical professionals appointed on contractual/hiring basis will not be entitled for any other allowances, benefits or concessions as admissible to regular Govt. employees. e) The contractual Medical professionals appointed will be engaged for 11 months initially. f) No TA/DA and boarding / lodging will be provided during walk-in-interview. g) No TA/DA will be paid during the period of engagement in CRPF on contractual basis/hiring basis. h) No transportation will be provided during the period of engagement in CRPF. i) He/She will be authorized for 2 & 1/2 days E/L per month as per CCS Leave Rules 1972 for contractual Employee. After exhausting admissible leave, if leave availed with permission of competent authority, it would be treated as unpaid leave. If absent without sanctioned leave it will be treated as unpaid leave and indiscipline on the part of individual. j) During the continuance of contract period he/she will be subject to follow the standard of discipline of the force and will execute the orders of administrative authority either written or verbal. k) During the period of contract if he/she will fails to deliver in terms of quality and norms specified or due to any other reason, their services can be terminated at any time by giving 01 months notice. l) He/she will not claim to regular absorption either during the period of contract or after completion of the period. 3. While appearing for Walk-in-interview, the candidates should bring documents in original & photocopies of all relevant documents (Degree, Age Proof & Experience Certificate etc.) application in plain paper superscripting the name of post applied for & five passport size recent photographs. Interview will be followed by Medical Examination. 4. Interested candidates may also refer to our website www.crpf.gov.in for full details.
Official Website Document

Clinical Prosthetist and Orthotist  Vacancy – Last Date- 27 February  2023 (Delhi), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) recruits Clinical Prosthetist and Orthotist posts. Candidates with MPO can apply.


General Deputy Medical Officer (MBBS)(CLOSED) Recruitment in Central Reserve Police Force

CPRF Recruitment For
General Deputy Medical Officer (MBBS)(CLOSED)
No of CPRF Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For CPRF Recruitment
CPRF Address
, Block No.-1, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, , New Delhi, Delhi 110 003
MBBS, Internship
Rs. 85,000/- lump-sum for Specialists MOs and Rs. 75,000/- for GDMOs.
Maximum age of 70 years.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
1. Interested candidates may also refer to our website www.crpf.gov.in for terms and conditions/ full details as applica ble for contractual appointment of GDMOs and Specialist MOs. 2. While appearing for Walk-in-interview, the candidates should bring documents in original & photocopies of all relevant documents (Degree, Age Proof & Experience Certificate etc.) application in plain paper superscripting the name of post applied for and three passport size recent photographs. Interview will be followed by Medical Examination.
Detail of
From 22.11.2021 to 29.11.2021.
Official Website Document

General Deputy Medical Officer Vacancy – Last Date (Interview) 22.11.2021 to 29.11.2021 (Delhi), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) recruits General Deputy Medical Officer posts. Candidates with MBBS can apply.

Sewer Man (ITI pass) Recruitment in Central Reserve Police Force

CRPF Recruitment For
Sewer Man (ITI pass)
No of CRPF Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For CRPF Recruitment
CRPF Address
31BN,CRPF, Mayur vihar Phase-3, New Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi 110012
ITI or experience in respective fields for the post mentioned
As per the rate fixed by the Delhi Govt. for skilled / unskilled labour respectively
18 - 40 years
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Interested candidates will attend an interview by a board of officers on 27/10/2021 at 1130 hrs at 31BN,CRPF, Mayur vihar Phase-3, New Delhi along with required educational/ professional certificate and voter ID/Adhar card and other credentials etc.
1) The engagement will be on daily wages basis and totally temporary basis. 2) If a labour commits misconduct and the same is proved, his services will be terminated with immediate effect. CRPF Recruitment They will not be entitled to the benefits of service. 3) The casual worker may be given one weekly off after six days continuous work payment to the casual workers may be restricted only to the days on which they actually perform duty under the Government with a weekly off. However they will be paid for a National holiday, if it falls on a working day 4) No benefits other than specified above will be admissible to the casual labourer with temporary Status. 5) If any casual labour will be absent from duty more than- one week without proper permission of Competent authority his service will be terminated without assigning any reasons. 6) In case of any dispute on the matter, the decision of the Commandant-31 BN, CRPF, shall be final. Ile also reserves the right to take any decision on the issue without assigning any reasons.
Official Website Document

Sewer Man Vacancy – Last Date 25 October 2021 (Delhi), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) recruits Sewer Man posts. Candidates with ITI pass can apply.

Deputy Commandant (Engineer) - B.Tech/B.E (CLOSED) Recruitment in Central Reserve Police Force

CRPF Recruitment For
Deputy Commandant (Engineer) - B.Tech/B.E (CLOSED)
No of CRPF Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For CRPF Recruitment
CRPF Address
Deputy Inspector General (Pcrs), Directorate General, CRPF, CGO Complex, Block No.l, Lodhi Road, , New Delhi, Delhi 110 003
Level 11 (67700 - 2, 08,700)
The maximum age limit for eligibility for deputation shall be not exceeding fifty-two years on the date of receipt of application.
By Deputation: Officers of Central or the State Government Departments - (i) (a) holding analogous posts on regular basis e, or (b) with five years' regular service in level 10 (Rs. 56,100 - in the pay matrix; and (ii) possessing a degree in Civil Engineering with five years' experience in execution of civil works.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Applications in Proforma of willing and eligible officers may be forwarded alongwith and requisite certificates by the concerned authority as mentioned in to the Deputy Inspector General (Pcrs), Directorate General, CRPF, CGO Complex, Block No.l, Lodhi Road, New Delhi — 110 003 so as to reach within 30 days of publication of the Vacancy Circular/ Advertisement in the Employment News.
Official Website Document



About Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)

The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF; Hindi: केंद्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल) is the largest of India’s Central Armed Police Forces. It functions under the aegis of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) of the Government of India. The CRPF’s primary role lies in assisting the State/Union Territories in police operations to maintain law and order and counter-insurgency. It came into existence as the Crown Representative’s Police on 27 July 1939. After Indian Independence, it became the CRPF on the enactment of the CRPF Act on 28 December 1949.
Postal Address: Directorate General
Block No.-1, C.G.O. Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003, INDIA
E-mail : igadm@crpf.gov.in
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2024-12-17 11:51