AMU Recruitment For
Senior Resident (DNB, BUMS, PG Diploma, MS/MD)
No of AMU Recruitment
Please check with the concern authority or website
Date For AMU Recruitment
AMU Address
Aligarh Muslim University , Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202002
PG Degree (MD/MS)/PG Diploma/DNB in Radiodiagnosis. Dr Degree in Unani Medicine from a University established by law and Included in II Schedule of IMCC Act, 1970 with at least three years experience In a similar position in any Govt. or recognized Hospital after graduation.
40 years
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Interested Candidates can be apply Last Date-12/09/2023
I. Online Applications are invited from Indian Nationals (including Overseas Citizens of Indian (OCI) Cardholders under Section-7A of the Citizenship Act, 1955) for recruitment to the Teaching Posts. 2. The Application Form is to be filled only in the Online Mode at the Careers Portal of the University https:/ 3. Separate Application Forms are to be filled for each post detailed under a different Serial Number of the advertisement. 4. The non-refundable Processing Fee for each Application Form is Rs. 5001- and is to be paid only in the Online Mode at the Careers Portal. However, PwD candidates are exempted from payment of prescribed Processing Fee, In case they upload an authentic Disability Certificate on the prescribed Proforrna with the Application Form. 5. Applicants must follow all the instructions as given in the Advertisement and the User Manual available on the Careers Portal. 6. After successful submission of the online Application Form, the applicant must: • Take the printout of the PDF file of the Application Form on A-4 Size paper. • Append his/her signature and paste front facing recent photograph at the designated place on the Application Form. • Attach attested copies of all relevant documents, with the Application Form. • Submit the Application Form by post, complete in all respect, super-scribing on the top-left side of the cover, the post applied for, advertisement number and its date, to the Office of the Principal, Aimal Khan Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aliearh 202001 (UP) India on or before the last date of submission of the Application Form. 7. Applications received late or without necessary supporting documents viz., Degrees/Certificate/Mark Sheet/Experience Certificate etc. or not attested by the Head of the Department/Institution/ Gazetted Officer/self-attested shall be summarily rejected. The University will not be responsible for any late receipt/non-receipt of the Application Form. 8. Incomplete Application Forms or applications on plain paper will not be entertained and shall be summarily rejected. 9. Qualifications, experience, other eligibility conditions, etc. will be reckoned as in the last date of submission of Application Form. 10. The request for including any document(s)/information in the Application Form after the last date of submission shall not be entertained. 11. The University reserves the right to alter/insert and/or make any corrections/ additions in the advertisement, or to cancel the advertisement (either in full or a part thereof) without assigning any reason. Amendment/Corrigendum, if any in the advertisement shall be published only on the Careers Portal. 12. The number and nature of the posts may vary from the advertisement at the time of Interview. 13. The prescribed qualifications and experience are minimum and the mere fact that an applicant possesses the same will not entitle him/her for being called for interview. The University reserves the right to restrict the applications to be called for interview to a reasonable number on the basis if Rules/Criteria or any other condition that it may deem fit. The University may constitute a Committee to scrutinize the applications and short-listing the applicants. Call letters for interview will be sent only to the short-listed applicants and no correspondence will be made with applicants who are not short-listed. 14. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of scrutiny/selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of interview letter/appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel the selection process. 15. The University reserves the right to get selected applicants examined by an Internal Medical Board. 16. The relaxation in the percentage of marks will be given as per the rule of the Government of India. 17. Additional Rules for Posts earmarked under PwD Category: (i) Only such persons may apply for the posts earmarked for PwD candidates who have degree of relevant disability to a minimum extent of 40% and for which they will have to upload a Disability Certificate on the prescribed Proforma (Appendix-I available on the Careers Portalp issued by the Competent Authority. (ii) Applicable Categories of Disabilities are as follow: (A) Applicable and low vision (VH); (B) Deaf and hard of hearing (HH); (C) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy (OH); (D) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; (E) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (A) to (D) including deaf-blindness. (iii) PwD Certificate needs to be submitted on the Proforma/ Format placed at Appendix-l. The said Proforma /Format is available on these websites-littps://, and littps:// (iv) The claim of the disability shall be examined by the Medical Board of the University for assessing the degree/extent of disability of the selected applicant before issuing appointment letter.
Official Website Document