MCQ Maths Basic Geometrical Ideas, Chapter 4 Class 6 Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Maths Class 6th 1. A __________ of a circle is a line segment joining any two points on the circle (a)radius (b) diameter (c) circumference (d) chordABCDQuestion 1 of 202. If two lines intersects each other then the common point between them is known as point of __________ . (a) Contact (b) vertex (c) intersection (d) concurrenceABCDQuestion 2 of 203. Two lines in a plane either intersect exactly at one point or are (a) perpendicular (b) parallel (c) equal (d) equidistantABCDQuestion 3 of 204. Three or more points lying on the same line are known as ___________ points. (a) non – collinear (b) collinear (c) intersecting (d) none of these.ABCDQuestion 4 of 205. A flat surface which extends indefinitely in all directions is called ___________ . (a) line (b) line segment (c) plane (d) pointABCDQuestion 5 of 206. Number of lines which can be drawn from one point: (a) one (b) infinite (c) two (d) zeroABCDQuestion 6 of 207. Three or more points which lie on a same line are called: (a) non – collinear points (b) straight lines (c) collinear points (d) point of concurrenceABCDQuestion 7 of 208. Two lines meeting at a point are called ___________ . (a) parallel lines (b) intersecting lines (c) concurrent lines (d) interceptABCDQuestion 8 of 209. A line has ___________ length. (a) definite (b) indefinite (c) no (d) none of these.ABCDQuestion 9 of 2010. The edge of a ruler draws _____________ . (a) ray (b) line (c) line segment (d) curveABCDQuestion 10 of 2011. Three or more lines which pass through same point are called (a) intersecting lines (b) parallel lines (c) perpendicular lines (d) concurrent lines.ABCDQuestion 11 of 2012. Geometrical figure which has no dimension is (a) line (b) plane (c) line segment (d) point.ABCDQuestion 12 of 2013. The lines which do not intersect and have equal distance between them are called: (a) parallel lines (b) perpendicular lines (c) intersecting lines (d) straight linesABCDQuestion 13 of 2014. Number of points a line can have are : (a) infinite (b) one (c) two (d) zero.ABCDQuestion 14 of 2015. The point at which two lines cross each other is called: (a) point of intersection (b) point of concurrence (c) parallel lines (d) concurrent lines.ABCDQuestion 15 of 2016. A line segment has: (a) definite length but no end points (b) infinite length but no end point (c) definite length and have end points (d) none of these.ABCDQuestion 16 of 2017. If the length of a line segment AB = 3 cm then 2AB will be (a) 8 cm (b) 6 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 9 cmABCDQuestion 17 of 2018. Number of line segments which can be drawn joining two points: (a) two (b) one (c) infinite (d) noneABCDQuestion 18 of 2019. A portion of a line is known as: (a) line segment (b) line (c) portion of a line (d) none of theseABCDQuestion 19 of 2020. Two line segments having the same length are said to be: (a) same (b) unequal (c) parallel (d) equalABCDQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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