MCQ Class 12 English Chapter 1 The Third Level Vistas Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Vistas Class 12th 1. What was Sam invited for according to the letter?(a) for a party (b) for a tea party (c) for a bachelor’s party (d) for a lemonade partyQuestion 1 of 252. Whose signatures were there on the letter?(a) Charle’s teacher (b) Charle’s friend (c) Sam (d) NoneQuestion 2 of 253. What convinced Charly that he had reached the Third Level Grand Central Station and not the second level?(a) A different world of gas lights and brass spittoons (b) beards and mustaches of 1894 (c) newspaper with a date June 11, 1894 (d) All of theseQuestion 3 of 254. What did Charley find in his stamp collection?(a) old addresses (b) hair styles (c) old letters (d) First day coverQuestion 4 of 255. What was the strangest thing at The Third Level?(a) Beards (b) Mustaches (c) dresses (d) The corridor that led him into the past.Question 5 of 256. What specific difference did Charley notice at the Third Level of Central Station?(a) Everything was weird (b) Everything was old styled and smaller in size (c) everything was too big (d) everything was shiningQuestion 6 of 257. What is First Day Cover?(a) A new stamp gets the Postmark and date (b) A gift (c) A gift wrapper (d) A gift wrapped in a beautiful wrapperQuestion 7 of 258. Why does Charley want to visit Galesberg?(a) to escape from the troublesome world (b) to enjoy (c) to see the beautiful landscape (d) to meet his old friendsQuestion 8 of 259. What did Charley see at the Third Level?(a) flickering gas lights and people with funny mustaches (b) brass spittoons (c) men wearing a tan gabardine suit and a straw (d) All theseQuestion 9 of 2510. What did Charley see at the Third Level?(a) flickering gas lights and people with funny mustaches (b) brass spittoons (c) men wearing a tan gabardine suit and a straw (d) All theseQuestion 10 of 2511. How did Charlie reach the Third Level?(a) In his fantasy he takes a subway or a corridor faster than a bus (b) in a superfast train (c) in jetways (d) in an escalatorQuestion 11 of 2512. Why was the narrator seeing this Third Level?(a) as a wish to visit Galesberg (b) wanted to meet his friends (c) wanted to take a break from office (d) As a result of stress and anxiety in his mindQuestion 12 of 2513. Does the Third Level really exist at Grand Station?(a) Yes (b) yes, there were 3 levels (c) No, there were only two levels at the station (d) NoneQuestion 13 of 2514. Who was sam in The Third Level?(a) a doctor (b) a friend (c) a psychiatrist and a friend of Charley (d) NoneQuestion 14 of 2515. In what way do we try to overcome the insecurities of the present harsh times(a) by engaging ourselves in practical activities (b) by talking to friends and family (c) reading good books (d) All theseQuestion 15 of 2516. What is Sam’s letter to Charles represent?(a) A blend (b) an acceptance to visit (c) a proof of his fantasy (d) a blend of reality with fantasyQuestion 16 of 2517. What is ‘Waking dream wish fulfillment” according to the psychiatrist in the lesson?(a) Charles finding of a Third level at Grand Central Station and realization of his wish to visit Galesberg Illinois (b) Charles escapism (c) Charles escapism from realities (d) NoneQuestion 17 of 2518. How does the story begin?(a) in a jovial manner (b) in an aggressive manner (c) on a happy note (d) in a serious mannerQuestion 18 of 2519. What is the meaning of ‘Waking dream wish fulfillment”?(a) a pleasant wish that makes one forget the present (b) a pleasant wish that takes one to the future (c) A pleasant wish which inspires to work Question 19 of 2520. Why was the author renamed?(a) to change his name (b) Priest’s suggestion (c) to honor his mother (d) as an honor to his fatherQuestion 20 of 2521. Who is the author of The Third Level?(a)George Orwell (b) Agatha Christie (c) James Joyce (d) Jack FinneyQuestion 21 of 2522. What kind of appearances people had at Third level and why did the clerk refuse to accept money?(a) funny and clerk refused to accept money because it was currency of modern times (b) weird and notes were big (c) weird and notes were torn (d) weird and notes were wetQuestion 22 of 2523. What did the letter state?(a) That everything is okay (b) that Sam is joining them (c) Third level do exist and Charle was advised to keep looking at this worth seeing place (d) NoneQuestion 23 of 2524. Who had sent that ‘First Day cover and when?(a) Sam’s father (b) Sam’s uncle (c) Sam’s friend (d) Sam a psychiatrist in 1894Question 24 of 2525. What happens when Charley enters the Grand Central Station?(a) He finds a huge tree like Station (b) new staircases, corridors and tunnels (c) tree keeps spreading its roots throwing rooms and windows (d) All of theseQuestion 25 of 25 Loading...
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