MCQ Class 12 English Poem 3 A Thing of Beauty Flamingo Advertisement MCQ’s For All Poems – Flamingo Class 12th 1. The ‘endless fountain’ gets its immortal drink from(a) the river banks (b) the tap (c) the waterfall (d) heaven’s brinkQuestion 1 of 302. ‘Immortal drink’ of the endless fountain is a reference to(a) the continuous flow of sacred or holy water (b) water of Ganges (c) water from the Yamuna (d) water from the tapQuestion 2 of 303. What are the things that are read or heard by us?(a) plays and classical music (b) novels and songs (c) lovely tales (d) poetry and western musicQuestion 3 of 304. The poet talks about ‘grandeur’. Whose grandeur is he talking about?(a) dooms of mighty dead (b) tombs of our ancestors (c) grand palaces (d) grand towersQuestion 4 of 305. What makes for itself a cooling covert against the hot season?(a) the sheep (b) the daffodils (c) the dogs (d) the clear rillsQuestion 5 of 306. ‘Clear rills’ are the(a) clean windows (b) streams of clear water (c) clear thoughts (d) clear solutionsQuestion 6 of 307. ‘Sheep’ could also be a reference to(a) mountainous animals (b) human beings (c) harmless creatures (d) animals of prey(a) mountainous animals (b) human beings (c) harmless creatures (d) animals of preyQuestion 7 of 308. What is ‘sprout a shady boon for sheep’?(a) human beings (b) creepers (c) trees new and young (d) trees old and youngQuestion 8 of 309. From our dark spirits’ is a reference to(a) our dampened and demoralized spirits (b) dark coloured ghosts (c) unhappy moments (d) the happy side of our personalityQuestion 9 of 3010. ‘Of all the unhealthy’ means(a) ill-health (b) pain (c) neglect (d) sufferingQuestion 10 of 3011. ‘Spite of despondency’ refers to(a) sadness and depression (b) health and well-being (c) suffering and pain (d) hatred and greedQuestion 11 of 3012. Every morning, we all are(a) brushing our teeth (b) having breakfast (c) wreathing a flowery band (d) getting ready to go to workQuestion 12 of 3013. ‘Full of sweet dreams’ means(a) pleasant and peaceful sleep (b) disturbed sleep (c) nightmares (d) wishes coming trueQuestion 13 of 3014. Beautiful things never ‘pass into nothingness’ means that they(a) never increase (b) never fade away (c) always bring unhappiness (d) create unpleasantness between friendsQuestion 14 of 3015. According to the poet, a thing of beauty is(a) never joyful (b) creates sadness (c) a joy forever (d) horrible to look atQuestion 15 of 3016. What is inhuman in life?(a) human inside a river (b) human inside caves (c) human on trees (d) self centred tendency and inability to rise above shallow circlesQuestion 16 of 3017. What does morrow mean?(a) morning time (b) present time (c) noon time (d) the next dayQuestion 17 of 3018. Which figure of speech is used in the words-Some shape of beauty?(a) Alliteration (b) simile (c) metaphor (d) allQuestion 18 of 3019. How does beauty help us when we are grief stricken?(a) By giving a ray of hope (b) sprouting a shady boon (c) by giving daffodils (d) noneQuestion 19 of 3020. What removes pall from our life?(a) dark spirits (b) Trees old, and young (c) all the unhealthy things (d) Nature’s beautyQuestion 20 of 3021. What is the effect of immortal drink?(a) no one is thirsty (b) everyone is happy (c) immense joy and happiness (d) beauty never moves awayQuestion 21 of 3022. What does immortal mean?(a) ever flowing (b) evergreen (c) forever beautiful (d) never ending or endlessQuestion 22 of 3023. What is the endless fountain of immortal drink?(a) rivers (b) flowing streams (c) Sunlight (d) All the things of beautyQuestion 23 of 3024. Why do we need sweet dreams, health and quiet breathing?(a) to have a healthy mind and body (b) to have sound sleep (c) to have peace and happiness (d) All theseQuestion 24 of 3025. Write the phrase which means ‘it is immortal’(a) it will never fade (b) it will never pass into nothingness (c) it will never cease (d) it will keep giving happiness for a longer timeQuestion 25 of 3026. How does a thing of beauty provide shelter and comfort?(a) By giving a sense of joy and happiness (b) by removing pain and suffering (c) like a bower (d) All theseQuestion 26 of 3027. Do we experience things of beauty only for a short time ?(a) yes they are short lived (b) yes beauty is a temporary thing (c) it never lasts forever (d) no, they make a lasting impression of happinessQuestion 27 of 3028. What is Beauty in Keats’ opinion?(a) a suffering (b) a cause of suffering (c) a cause of pain (d) a joy foreverQuestion 28 of 3029. What is the endless fountain and what is its effect?(a) Moving streams (b) The Sunlight (c) A thing of beauty is endless fountain and it gives happiness (d) NoneQuestion 29 of 3030. What is the message of the poem?(a) Beauty never fades (b) beauty lifts spirits high (c) beauty is a joy forever (d) All theseQuestion 30 of 30 Loading...
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