MCQ Class 12 English Chapter 1 The Last Lesson Flamingo Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Flamingo Class 12th 1. Franz looked for opportunities to skip school to do what?(a) work on mills (b) go fishing (c) water the plants (d) collect birds eggsQuestion 1 of 182. What was Franz banking on to enter the class as he was late?(a) M.Hamel’s teaching on the blackboard (b) commotion in the class (c) Hauser helping him sneak in (d) to quietly walk in when everyone was preoccupied with participlesQuestion 2 of 183. M. Hamel is introduced as a ruler-wielding teacher. This demonstrates that:(a) he is concerned. (b) he is adamant. (c) he is unfeeling. (d) he is a hard taskmaster.Question 3 of 184. Franz thinks- will they make them sing in German- even the pigeons? What could this mean?(a) German would use brutal force over everyone (b) harsh orders will be passed (c) when people are deprived of their essence even the surroundings are affected. (d) the Germans will rob France of its language.Question 4 of 185. What does M. Hamel’s motionless posture reflect?(a) the school is dismissed (b) sense of finality (c) changing order of life (d) feeling of nostalgiaQuestion 5 of 186. What is the moral that the Alphonse Daudet wants to bring out?(a) not to put off things that one can do that day (b) old order changed to new (c) one should accept everything that happens (d) teachers should be respectedQuestion 6 of 187. Why did Hamel blame himself?(a) not having taught them enough French (b) not being strict (c) giving students a holiday at times (d) not being responsibleQuestion 7 of 188. Who sat on the back bench on the last lesson?(a) Franz (b) Prussians (c) the village people (d) The new teacherQuestion 8 of 189. What was M. Hamel going to question Franz about?(a) participles (b) adjectives (c) old primer (d) Ba be bi bo buQuestion 9 of 1810. For the last two years, where did all the bad news come from?(a) the Bulletin Board (b) Town Hall (c) school (d) M. Hamel’s HouseQuestion 10 of 1811. Don’t go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time means ___(a) getting late (b) very early (c) not early (d) early enoughQuestion 11 of 1812. What did Mr. Hamel bring for his class on his last day in the school?(a) new pens (b) new notebooks (c) sweets (d) story booksQuestion 12 of 1813. What was Franz expected to be prepared for at school that day?(a) song (b) dance (c) essay writing (d) ParticiplesQuestion 13 of 1814. Why did the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school?(a) to complain (b) to say goodbye (c) to gossip (d) to show gratitudeQuestion 14 of 1815. Why was Franz surprised?(a) Because of village elders (b) Because of police patrolling (c) because of students’ behavior (d) because of M.Hamel’s kind and polite behaviourQuestion 15 of 1816. What did Franz find on reaching the school?(a) People were dancing (b) school was closed (c) Police patrolling (d) strange quietnessQuestion 16 of 1817. The story ‘The Last Lesson’ highlights which human tendency?(a) Male Chauvinism (b) Procrastination (c) Courage (d) CowardiceQuestion 17 of 1818. `Who is the author of The Last Lesson?(a) Jane Austen (b) Rabindra Nath Tagore (c) None (d) Alphonse DaudetQuestion 18 of 18 Loading...
nice questions
oohh really
The questions are amazing but easy……
More questions should be add
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It was very helpful