Notes For All Chapters English Snapshots Class 11 CBSE
The Ghat of the Only World Summary In English
The lesson opens on a note where the author’s friend Shahid who has a malignant tumour wants him to write about him after his last breath and how the author resists it. This is because of his lack of ability to respond in a situation like this. Shahid knew him well and thus, he made him agree on this. The author tells us how he made notes of every encounter and telephone conversation with Shahid after that day to be able to write about him. Now, the author’s fascination with his friend dates back to a time when they were not friends. Amitav knew Shahid for his work in poetry. It was only through a friend that they met but remained only acquaintances. A year later when Shahid moved to Brooklyn, they got closer upon frequent brunches. It was after a sudden temporary lapse of memory, that Shahid moved from Manhattan to live with his sister. The author mentions one such day when he went along with Shahid’s siblings to pick him up from the hospital after a surgery. Shahid refused to take the help of a wheelchair claiming that he is still fit to trust his toes.
Upon seeing him lose his balance, they called the escort back with the wheelchair. Shahid, being full of life, got excited upon knowing that the guy knows Spanish as he had always wanted to learn the language. Shahid and the author had a great deal in common. To quote a few, they had common love for Indian dishes like rogan josh and a shared indifference towards cricket. Despite knowing where his disease was going to take him, Shahid always surrounded himself with people which according to him gave him no time to be sad. There used to be a party in his living room almost daily with a person or two in the kitchen cooking his favourite rogan josh while he gave direction amidst his partying. He talked endlessly about his favourite Ghazal singer and her stories of witty replies. Once at Barcelona airport, he too replied wittily to the security guard and made a mention about it in his poetry. The author then talks about how the prevailing situations in Kashmir affected him. He wrote a lot of poetry about Kashmir and thought that politics and religion should act separately. He felt that people must stay united despite religion. He gave the credit of this way of thinking to his upbringing. The author mentions how he wished to be in Kashmir while taking his last breath but could not due to logistical issues. He took his last breath in his sleep leaving a void in the author’s life. The author is left thinking how a bond of such short duration can have such a lasting impact.
The Ghat of the Only World Summary In Hindi
अमिताव घोष द्वारा द घाट ऑफ़ द ओनली वर्ल्ड शाहिद के बारे में एक कहानी है जो लेखक के मित्र थे। लेखक जानता था कि उसका दोस्त लंबे समय तक जीवित नहीं रहेगा, इसलिए शाहिद अपने दोस्त से उसके बारे में लिखने के लिए कहता है जब वह मर जाएगा।
लेखक को शाहिद के प्रति अपना वादा निभाना चाहिए। लेखक और शाहिद दोनों ने एक ही विश्वविद्यालय में अध्ययन किया जोकी दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में था। चूँकि शाहिद कश्मीर से था, 1975 में वह अमेरिका चला गया और बाद में शाहिद की दो बहनें भी उसके पास चली गयी।
शाहिद की लिखी कविताओं से लेखक प्रभावित हुआ। तब से लेखक शाहिद से कभी नहीं मिले। बाद में 1998 से 1999 तक वे लगातार बातचीत करते थे और कभी-कभी मिलते थे। फरवरी 2000 में अचानक एक दिन ठीक शाहिद का सामना एक ब्लैकआउट से हुआ।
ब्लैकआउट का कारण कैंसर के कारण होना बताया गया था। बाद में अपनी बहनों के करीब होने के लिए, शाहिद ब्रुकलिन चले गए और इसलिए लेखक ब्रुकलिन में भी कुछ समय के लिए रहे। अप्रैल में लेखक शाहिद को बुलाता है और उसे एक मित्र से मिलने वाले दोपहर के भोजन के निमंत्रण के बारे में याद दिलाता है।
शाहिद ने अपनी मृत्यु के बारे में लेखक से बात की और वह लेखक से उसके बारे में लिखने के लिए कहता है जब वह नहीं रहेगा। तब से लेखक ने शाहिद के साथ सभी कॉल, मीटिंग और बातचीत को याद रखा। शाहिद को 21 मई 2001 को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया था।
वह बहुत कमजोर हो गया और खडा भी नहीं हो पा रहा था। लेखक शाहिद से आखिरी बार 27 अक्टूबर को मिले और 8 दिसंबर 2001 को शाहिद की मृत्यु हो गई। लेखक शाहिद के बिना शून्य महसूस करता है। जब भी लेखक लिविंग रूम में चलता है वह शाहिद की उपस्थिति को महसूस करता है।
Full lesson summary