MCQ Class 11 English Chapter 2 We’re Not Afraid to Die Advertisement HornbillMCQ’s For All Chapters – Hornbill Class 11th 1. What happened when the author’s head smashed into the wheel?he was hurt but steady he flew overboard sinking below the waves he was not hurt he gained control immediatelyQuestion 1 of 122. How long did they take for the ship’s testing and fitting?months few days 2 years few weeksQuestion 2 of 123. When did they reach lle Amsterdam?around 6 pm in the evening never reached there at 11 in the next morning they decided to take different routeQuestion 3 of 124. What was their first meal in two days?Meatloavesbread and milk noodlescorned beef and cracker biscuitsQuestion 4 of 125. What happened after the hand pumps started to block up with the debris floating around the cabins?the author connected an electric-pump to an out-pipe by taking out water with the help of bucket by repairing hand pump the author found another hand pumpQuestion 5 of 126. What was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan?8 & 9 years old 7 & 6 years old 10 & 7 years old 4 years & 6 yearsQuestion 6 of 127. What was the condition of the ship?Broken timbers, starboard side bulged inwards; clothes, crockery, charts, tins and toys sloshed There personal belongings were missing water filled in every room and their clothes were missing Can’t say Question 7 of 128. What happened to the author’s body when he managed to reach the deck?his head smashed again his left ribs cracked; mouth filled with blood and broken teeth he broke his leg his broke his left handQuestion 8 of 129. Why did the author accept his approaching death?Pirates had attacked the ship because he was injured by the explosion he was thrown in the sea he was stabbedQuestion 9 of 1210. What happened after the first indication of the disaster?a wave appeared vertical and almost twice the height of other waves it broke the ship from inside the ship turned upside down it didn’t affect the shipQuestion 10 of 1211. What did they do to slow down the boat in the storm?Stopped sailing dropped the storm jib and lashed a heavy mooring rope just dropped the storm jib did nothing and waited for storm to calm downQuestion 11 of 1212. Why did the author hire the two crewmen?to take rest from long the voyage to help tackle one of the world’s roughest seas, the southern Indian Ocean because he could no longer sail the ship he wanted to spend some time with his familyQuestion 12 of 12 Loading...
Its so funny
I giving test first time that s really shocking
I am giving first time online test
You are so cute