MCQ Class 10 English Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story Advertisement Footprints Without FeetMCQ’s For All Chapters – Footprints Without Feet Class 10th 1. What was the name of the shop above which Anil lived?Laddu Sweet Shop Rasgulla Sweet Shop Jamun Sweet Shop Jumna Sweet ShopQuestion 1 of 232. What do you mean by the word “unlined”?in a lineshowing no sign of worry or anxietynone of the aboveQuestion 2 of 233. Did Anil say anything about the robbery?yes nomaybenone of the aboveQuestion 3 of 234. How, according to the narrator, would Anil feel upon finding out?angryfearacceptancesadQuestion 4 of 235. How much money did he steal?500600700800Question 5 of 236. Who is easier to rob?a careless mana greedy man a trusting man AnilQuestion 6 of 237. “a queer way to earn money”..What is the meaning of the word “queer”?strangefamousrareillegalQuestion 7 of 238. What did Anil promise him to teach?write his namecookwrite full sentences all of the aboveQuestion 8 of 239. How was the meal he cooked first night?deliciousmouth-watering finger-licking goodterribleQuestion 9 of 2310. What name did he tell Anil?Anil SinghHari LalHari SinghAnil LalQuestion 10 of 2311. How often did he change his name?every day every week every month every yearQuestion 11 of 2312. How did the narrator attempt at being friends with Anil?flattering him teasing him introducing himself none of the aboveQuestion 12 of 2313. How has the narrator described Anil?simplekindeasy-goingall of the aboveQuestion 13 of 2314. What was the boy’s age?152520none of the aboveQuestion 14 of 2315. What is he a “fairly successful hand” at?wrestlingstealingdeceivingworking hardQuestion 15 of 2316. What promise did Anil make to the thief boy?giving him a good jobgiving him good clothesteaching him reading and writingplaying with himQuestion 16 of 2317. Which of the following traits describes Anil?easy-goingcarefulgreedyextravagantQuestion 17 of 2318. What was the boy’s real profession?a household servanttheftcheatingworking honestlyQuestion 18 of 2319. What did Anil do to the food cooked by the boy the first day?ate it with enjoyput it in the cupboardthrew it to a stray dogasked the boy to eat it allQuestion 19 of 2320. Anil lived in a room in a shop named :Jumna Sweet ShopGanesh Sweet ShopGanga Sweet ShopShah Sweet ShopQuestion 20 of 2321. What did Anil do for a living?wrote articles for magazineswrestlingactingbusinessQuestion 21 of 2322. How old was Anil?20 years21 years22 years25 yearsQuestion 22 of 2323. What was the name of the thief boy?AnilAjit SinghHari SinghChanderQuestion 23 of 23 Loading...
Oh it’s nice site to prepare for upcoming exams.
these are good questions🙏🏻
Nice can practice one day before exam.
This is Good Question
thanks for these MCQ types questions . through it was simple for me to prepare this chapter for exam very well.