MCQ Class 10 English Poem 6 Fog Advertisement First FlightMCQ’s For All Poems – First Flight Class 10th 1. What is the name of the poet?Sylvia Plath Carl Sandburg Robert Frost Robert BurnsQuestion 1 of 102. What does the fog look over?Over houses Over the harbour and the city. Over offices. None of the Above.Question 2 of 103. How does the fog come?Slowly and silently. Faster and silently. Faster and making noise. None of the Above.Question 3 of 104. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem ‘Fog’?aabbccdd abcd aabc aabc no rhyme schemeQuestion 4 of 105. What does the fog do while it looks over the city and the harbour?sitsmovesstandsdancesQuestion 5 of 106. What has been personified in the poem?fogcitycatharbourQuestion 6 of 107. How does the fog arrive and depart?by announcing its arrivalsilentlyloudlyboth1 and 3Question 7 of 108. What has the poet compared the fog with?dogcatwomannone of the aboveQuestion 8 of 109. After sitting, the fog ___Disappears sits there only moves on gets denseQuestion 9 of 1010. The feet of the fog are like __ feet.catliontigerdogQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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