MCQ Class 10 English Chapter 8 The Sermon at Benares Advertisement First FlightMCQ’s For All Chapters – First Flight Class 10th 1. Why was Kisa Gotami sad?her only son had died. her all property was snatched. she was beaten up. None of the AboveQuestion 1 of 182. Where did Buddha preach his first sermon?Haridwar BenaresChennaiPatliputraQuestion 2 of 183. What is the world afflicted with?LoveDiseasesDeath and decay None of the AboveQuestion 3 of 184. What does the ripe fruit fear?Someone will eat them They will rot Falling down None of the AboveQuestion 4 of 185. Where did Budhha sit?Peepal Tree Fig Tree Mango Tree Deodar cedarQuestion 5 of 186. According to Buddha, what is an inscrutable kind of suffering?loss of a loved one beatinghatredverbal abuseQuestion 6 of 187. Those who do not grieve are _____.arrogant proudhappywiseQuestion 7 of 188. Who is free from sorrow?who overcomes sorrow who does not see sorrow who remains happy who gives sorrow to othersQuestion 8 of 189. What did Kisa ask for to bring her son back to life?medicinemoneydoctorprayersQuestion 9 of 1810. He got enlightenment after how many days?101571Question 10 of 1811. “The wise do not _____, knowing the terms of the world”laugh smilegrieveall of the aboveQuestion 11 of 1812. What does Kisa search for from house to house in the first place?mustard seed a medicine to bring her son back to life pumpkin seeds None of the aboveQuestion 12 of 1813. Both young and adults, fools and wise fall into the power of _____life deathfoodall of the aboveQuestion 13 of 1814. What did the flickering lights made her realize?she is being selfish death is common to all men are mortals all of the aboveQuestion 14 of 1815. What was the condition imposed upon the source of the seeds?to be borrowed from a man to be borrowed from a woman to be borrowed from a child None of the aboveQuestion 15 of 1816. What did he name the tree?Bodhi tree Buddha tree Gautama tree Siddhartha treeQuestion 16 of 1817. For how many years did he wander?7896Question 17 of 1818. What was Gautama Buddha’s early name?Sidhha SadhuSiddharthaSidhanthQuestion 18 of 18 Loading...
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