MCQ Class 10 English Chapter 1 A Letter to God First Flight Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – First Flight Class 10th 1. How much money did lencho ask from God ?70 Pesos30 Pesos80 Pesos100 PesosQuestion 1 of 152. How much money did Lencho receive through mail?35 Pesos65 Pesos90 Pesos70 PesosQuestion 2 of 153. Where did Lencho live ?On the top of a hillIn a villageIn a big cityIn a townQuestion 3 of 154. Who sent the money to Lencho ?GodPostmasterHeadmaster SarpanchQuestion 4 of 155. Who was a fat amiable fellow?PostmasterPostmanLencho PrincipalQuestion 5 of 156. What does Lencho call the rain drops ?Very beautiful pearlsNew gold coinsNew coins New silver coinsQuestion 6 of 157. What does Lencho call the rain drops ?Very beautiful pearlsNew gold coinsNew coins New silver coinsQuestion 7 of 158. Under which tree was the poet standing ? Oak HemlockMango PineQuestion 8 of 159. What is the name of Farmer?RamLenchoShyam MohanQuestion 9 of 1510. What is the only thing the earth needed?ShowerAirTreeRiverQuestion 10 of 1511. What kind of man was Lencho?LazyAngryHardworking LiarQuestion 11 of 1512. How much money did he needed?100 pesos200 pesos 300 pesos400 pesosQuestion 12 of 1513. What did the postman never known?Address to GodAddress to LenchoAddress to ShyamAddress to MohanQuestion 13 of 1514. What kind of a fellow was the postmaster? RudeKind HeartedAngry LiarQuestion 14 of 1515. Who sent the money to Lencho?God PostmasterHis WifeMohanQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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I got 12/15..but can you please increase the number of questions ❓😊
Very nice 👍🙂
Nice 👍 but can you increase the no. of questions…
Sir I got 14/15
Very nice
I got 15/15
Question number 10
Thanx for the material…I searched for this stuff every where…once again thank u sir 🙏
tq sir mujhe yeh online exam dkr bht accha lga