Science Class 6 MCQ Chapter 12 Beyond Earth Curiosity Advertisement 1. What is the closest star to the Earth?SiriusSunPole StarAlpha CentauriQuestion 1 of 202. Which star appears stationary in the sky from the Northern Hemisphere?SiriusOrionPolarisBetelgeuseQuestion 2 of 203. What are groups of stars forming recognizable patterns called?AsteroidsSatellitesConstellationsPlanetsQuestion 3 of 204. Which of the following is known as the Red Planet?EarthJupiterVenusMarsQuestion 4 of 205. How many planets are in our Solar System?78910Question 5 of 206. The star Sirius belongs to which constellation?Ursa MajorOrionCanis MajorTaurusQuestion 6 of 207. What is light pollution?Excessive natural lightExcessive artificial light at nightAbsence of lightPollution from starsQuestion 7 of 208. What is the name of Earth’s natural satellite?MarsMoonVenusJupiterQuestion 8 of 209. How long does it take for the Earth to complete one rotation?24 hours365 days27 days12 hoursQuestion 9 of 2010. Which of these objects is not part of our Solar System?AsteroidsCometsSiriusPlutoQuestion 10 of 2011. What is another name for the Big Dipper in India?Canis MajorOrionSaptaṛiṣhiPleiadesQuestion 11 of 2012. What is the name of the brightest star in the night sky?PolarisSiriusBetelgeuseAldebaranQuestion 12 of 2013. Orion is often represented as a __________.DogHunterBullBoatQuestion 13 of 2014. Which constellation contains the star Betelgeuse?Canis MajorOrionTaurusUrsa MajorQuestion 14 of 2015. The Pole Star belongs to which constellation?Ursa MajorUrsa MinorCanis MajorOrionQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the Indian name for the Pole Star?Pleiades Dhruva tārāĀrdrāRohiṇīQuestion 16 of 2017. Which star is commonly known as the Morning Star or Evening Star?VenusMarsJupiterSaturnQuestion 17 of 2018. What is the unit used to express distances within the Solar System?Light yearKilometerAstronomical unitMeterQuestion 18 of 2019. Which planet is the farthest from the Sun?UranusNeptuneSaturnJupiterQuestion 19 of 2020. The surface of Mars is __________.Covered with iceMostly waterRed due to iron oxideGreen with vegetationQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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