MCQ Class 6 Science Chapter 5 Body Movements Advertisement MCQ’s for All Chapters – Science Class 6th 1. Skeleton of human body is made up ofbonescartilageboth bones and cartilageNone of theseQuestion 1 of 102. Human skeleton comprisesskull and backboneribs and breast boneshoulder and hip bonesAll of theseQuestion 2 of 103. Fixed joints are found inlower jawskullhandship boneQuestion 3 of 104. Knee joints arehinge jointsball and socket jointspivotal jointsfixed jointsQuestion 4 of 105. Fish swims byforming loops alternately on two sides of the bodyforming loops on single sidesomersaltingalternate dipping and coming upQuestion 5 of 106. Which one of the following is the characteristics of birds?Strong musclesLight bonesHollow bonesAll of theseQuestion 6 of 107. In cockroaches, the body parts helping in movement arethree pairs of legs and two pairs of wingstwo pairs of legs and two pairs of wingstwo pairs of legs and three pairs of wingsnone of theseQuestion 7 of 108. Muscular foot is a locomotary organ inbutterflyearthwormhouseflysnailsQuestion 8 of 109. The organ that protects the main nerve cord isskullbackbonebreast bonechest boneQuestion 9 of 1010. The number of cervical vertebrae in man istenfiveseveneightQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
I got 7 because my book is different
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It is a very best way for studying
I got 10 out by 10 it was very nice experience for me when I was doing it thank you for it and keep more chapters for this thank you
A good way of studying
it is very nice
It is very helpful for my exams . I got 10/10
not bad