MCQ Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light Shadows and Reflection Advertisement MCQ’s for All Chapters – Science Class 6th 1. The shape of shadow depends upon thesize of source of lightshape of the objectsize of the objectcolour of the source lightQuestion 1 of 92. The position of the shadow changes withthe position of the light sourcethe movement of the light sourceboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 2 of 93. Image formed by a pinhole camera isinvertedsometimes erect, sometimes invertederectnone of theseQuestion 3 of 94. The pinhole image of the sun iscircularsometimes long sometime circularlongnone of theseQuestion 4 of 95. Shadow of an object isreddark (black)bluedepends on the colour of objectQuestion 5 of 96. Shadow gives information aboutsize of objectshape of objectshape of the light sourcesurfaceQuestion 6 of 97. The formation of shadow of one celestial body on the other is known aseclipseimagereflectionnone of theseQuestion 7 of 98. The ray of light that falls on a plane mirror is calledreflected rayincident rayboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 8 of 99. When a light ray returns back after striking the surface of the plane mirror is calledincident rayreflected rayboth (a) and (b)none of theseQuestion 9 of 9 Loading...
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