MCQ Class 6 Science Chapter 6 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings Advertisement MCQ’s for All Chapters – Science Class 6th 1. Living things need energy toexercisegrowplayall of theseQuestion 1 of 122. The removal of waste substances from the body is calledbreathingreproductionexcretionrespirationQuestion 2 of 123. _____ is the structural and functional unit of all living things.MatterCellOrgansTissueQuestion 3 of 124. Fishes move about in the water with the help of theirfins and tailsmouths and gillslegs and scalewings and tailsQuestion 4 of 125. Which one of these animals can live on land as well as in water?FrogFoxDeerGiraffeQuestion 5 of 126. Which of the following aquatic plants grows completely submerged in water?LotusWater hyacinthHydrillaWater lilyQuestion 6 of 127. Which one of the following is not terrestrial habitat?DesertSoilTreeOceanQuestion 7 of 128. Which of the following animals does not have gills?FishSquidsOctopusDolphinQuestion 8 of 129. An animal lives on land and in water. It has a tail and its body is covered with scales. This animal isfishcrocodilefrogsharkQuestion 9 of 1210. Sunlight, water and air areabiotic componentshabitatsbiotic componentsadaptationsQuestion 10 of 1211. The non-living thing among the following isdoggrasshopperlog piecetreeQuestion 11 of 1212. The leaves of which of the following plants fold up on being touched?Mimosa plantMustard plantMango plantMoney plantQuestion 12 of 12 Loading...
But lotus always emerged with water
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