MCQ Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Getting to Know Plants Advertisement MCQ’s for All Chapters – Science Class 6th 1. Which is a shrub among the following?Mango treeSpinachLemonTomato PlantQuestion 1 of 122. Which part of plant helps to carry food to all parts of plant?FlowerLeafRootStemQuestion 2 of 123. Most of the fruits haveseedsroot leavesflowersleavesQuestion 3 of 124. Plants take carbon dioxide from the air through tiny openings found on thestemsrootsfruitsleavesQuestion 4 of 125. Male reproductive part of a flower ispetalssepalspistilstamenQuestion 5 of 126. Which of the following has fibrous roots?WheatPeasRadishNeemQuestion 6 of 127. The plants having green and tender stems are calledshrubtreesherball of theseQuestion 7 of 128. Which part of plant is not always present?StemRootFruitLeafQuestion 8 of 129. Which of the following plants have parallel venation in its leaves?Mango treeBananaMustardChina roseQuestion 9 of 1210. Which plant has reticulate venation in its leaves?WheatSugar caneBambooMarigoldQuestion 10 of 1211. Grape is an example ofCreeperstreesshrubsclimbersQuestion 11 of 1212. Which modified part of a plant sweet potato is?FruitLeafStemRootQuestion 12 of 12 Loading...
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