MCQ Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Separation of Substances Advertisement MCQ’s for All Chapters – Science Class 6th 1. Mixtures need to be separated becauseto obtain highly pure substancesto get desirable substancesto remove undesirable substancesall of the aboveQuestion 1 of 152. The method of separation used to separate stones from rice iswinnowingthreshinghandpickingall of theseQuestion 2 of 153. The separation of grains from husk is done by the process ofthreshingwinnowinghandpickingsievingQuestion 3 of 154. A solid is dissolved in water. Which one of the following methods can be used to separate it?EvaporationDistillationDecantationFiltrationQuestion 4 of 155. Petroleum containswateroilpetrolmethanolQuestion 5 of 156. Which of the following method is used when there is a difference in size and colour of desirable and undesirable constituents?FiltrationHandpickingThreshingDecantationQuestion 6 of 157. The components of a solution of sugar in water can be separated bysedimentationCrystallisationfiltrationdecantationQuestion 7 of 158. At water treatment plants, the river water is filtered by usingcloth filtersporcelain filtersfilter papersand filtersQuestion 8 of 159. The process of separating grains from the stalks is calledhandpickingdecantationthreshingevaporationQuestion 9 of 1510. Iodine can be recovered from tincture of iodine by the process ofdecantationevaporationdistillationfiltrationQuestion 10 of 1511. A mesh which is used to separate things on the basis of their difference in sizefilter paperthreshersievenone of theseQuestion 11 of 1512. The process of conversion of water into vapour is calleddecantationsedimentationevaporationcondensationQuestion 12 of 1513. The process of separation of tea leaves by strainer is calledcondensationevaporationfiltrationsedimentationQuestion 13 of 1514. Which of the following mixtures cannot be separated by using water as solvent followed by filtration and evaporation?Sand and SulphurSalt and chalk powderSand and sugarBlue vitriol and sandQuestion 14 of 1515. When no more salt dissolves in water at a particular temperature, then the solution at that temperature is calledsupersaturatedsaturatedunsaturatednone of theseQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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To recover both the components (iodine and alcohol) from the tincture of iodine, the distillation process is used because the difference between the boiling points of both components is more than 25 ∘C.
Very helpful website
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