MCQ Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Air Around Us Advertisement MCQ’s for All Chapters – Science Class 6th 1. Moving air is callednitrogendustsmokewindQuestion 1 of 102. The composition of nitrogen gas in the atmosphere is1%21%78%0.01%Question 2 of 103. Oxygen is a supporter ofnitrogencombustionsmokedustQuestion 3 of 104. Smoke is produced mainly by burningkerosenewoodcoalall of theseQuestion 4 of 105. The two gases which together make up about 99 per cent of the air arecarbon dioxide and oxygennitrogen and oxygennitrogen and carbon dioxidenitrogen and ozoneQuestion 5 of 106. Air is considered to bea solventan elementa compounda mixtureQuestion 6 of 107. Wind does not help in the movement ofsailing yachtfirkiweather cockceiling fanQuestion 7 of 108. Envelope of air that surrounds the earth is known asenvironmentecosystembiosphereatmosphereQuestion 8 of 109. Mountaineers carry oxygen cylinder with them becauseoxygen keeps them warm at low temperaturethere is no oxygen on high mountainsthere is deficiency of oxygen on mountains at high altitudeoxygen is used for cookingQuestion 9 of 1010. Which of the following gas is used for breathing?OxygenCarbon dioxideNitrogenNone of theseQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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