MCQ Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Components of Food Advertisement MCQ’s for All Chapters – Science Class 6th 1. Which of the following is not a nutrient?VitaminsWaterFatsCarbohydratesQuestion 1 of 102. Carbohydrates are found inpulsescarrotricelemonQuestion 2 of 103. Composition of fats arecarbon, hydrogen and oxygenoxygen, nitrogen and hydrogenCarbon, Sulphur and nitrogencarbon, Sulphur and hydrogenQuestion 3 of 104. Starch can be tested by usingCopper sulfatecaustic sodaiodine solutionFehling’s solutionQuestion 4 of 105. Which of the following are ‘energy-giving foods’?FatsCarbohydratesBoth (a) & (b)None of theseQuestion 5 of 106. Ghee and butter are also called asnatural fatmixed fatvegetable fatanimal fatQuestion 6 of 107. Which of the following are the good sources of plant proteins?EggsMilkNutsFishQuestion 7 of 108. Which of the following nutrients helps us to fight diseases?ProteinsCarbohydratesVitaminsRoughageQuestion 8 of 109. Diseases caused due to the deficiency of vitamins are calleddietary diseaseschronic diseasesdeficiency diseasestransmitted diseasesQuestion 9 of 1010. All the deficiency diseases can be prevented bycleanlinesstaking antibioticsvaccinationtaking balanced dietQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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