MCQ Class 11 History Chapter 5 Changing Cultural Traditions Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 11th 1. William Tyndal while presenting English version of Bible says(a) It will create public awareness to religion (b) Network of Christianity would increase (c) It will imprint virtues in the hearts of masses (d) It will disclose how trickily, the church and its clergy men have made Bible all for their advantage.Question 1 of 112. Copernicus was afraid of printing his manuscript because(a) It was not good to mankind (b) It was a disclosure of Church’s fallacy (c) It would here jeopardise his image in society (d) He wanted to avoid its bitter percussions in his individual life-time.Question 2 of 113. Protestant Reformers was(a) A document opposing church practises (b) A movement against Catholic Church by Martin Luther, a monk (c) A mutiny (d) Peasants movement opposing over-taxation.Question 3 of 114. Erasmus, a Christian humanist was from(a) Africa (b) Asia (c) Holland (d) England.Question 4 of 115. Cassandra Fedele was(a) Women humanist (b) Orator (c) Curator (d) ProfessorQuestion 5 of 116. According to sociologists aircraft was invented in(a) 1901(b) 1905(c) 1903(d) 1906Question 6 of 117. According to researcher writing your final report and specify conclusions supported by the data is called Share your result(a) Thesis (b) Conclusions (c) Ethical issueQuestion 7 of 118. The universities of Padua and Bologna had been centres of ___________ studies.(a) Medicine (b) Legal (c) Literature (d) CommerceQuestion 8 of 119. Andreas Vesalius was a professor of _____ at the University of Padua.(a) Medicine (b) Astronomy (c) Philosophy (d) MathematicsQuestion 9 of 1110. Ibn Rushd was an Arab philosopher of _____.(a) France(b) Germany(c) Britain(d) SpainQuestion 10 of 1111. Ptolemy’s Almagest was a work on ______.(a) Mathematics(b) Astronomy(c) Philosophy(d) SociologyQuestion 11 of 11 Loading...
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