MCQ Class 11 Geography Chapter 10 Water in The Atmosphere Advertisement Fundamental of Physical GeographyMCQ’s For All Chapters – Geography Class 11th 1. In what form is water present in the atmosphere?A.) Gas, liquid and solidB.) SnowC.) Water vaporD.) HumidityQuestion 1 of 202. What is the water vapor in the air called?A.) HumidityB.) GasC.) LiquidD.) SolidQuestion 2 of 203. What is the moisture in the air called regardless of temperature?A.) Absolute humidityB.) Absolute steamC.) DewD.) FogQuestion 3 of 204. What is called to a water vapor in a water-air mixture compared to the possible maximum amount?A.) Relative humidityB.) Absolute humidityC.) Water vaporD.) HumidityQuestion 4 of 205. What is it called when a sample of air reaches saturation point of temperature?A.) Absolute humadityB.) EvaporationC.) The atmosphereD.) DewQuestion 5 of 206. Due to which reason the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere decreases and increases?A.) Evaporation or condensationB.) Different gasesC.) WindD.) HumidityQuestion 6 of 207. How liquid turns in to gas?A.) Humidity B.) Gas formationC.) WindsD.) EvaporationQuestion 7 of 208. What is the main cause of evaporation?A.) TemperatureB.) HumidityC.) HeliumD.) None of the aboveQuestion 8 of 209. What is latent heat of vaporization?A.) The temperature at which vaporization beginsB.) HeatC.) Air without vaporD.) None of the aboveQuestion 9 of 2010. What is called to air which holds as much water vapor as it can with 100% relative humidity?A.) Saturated airB.) Intense airC.) Watery airD.) None of the aboveQuestion 10 of 2011. What is the conversion of water vapor into water called?A.) CondensationB.) Water vaporC.) IntenseD.) SpeedQuestion 11 of 2012. What is the cause of condensation?A.) WaterB.) CondensationC.) HumidityD.) Temperature reductionQuestion 12 of 2013. When does air’s capacity to hold water vapor ends?A.) When the humid air coolsB.) When water vapor gets hotC.) When the weather gets windyD.) None of the aboveQuestion 13 of 2014. When does condensation occur?A.) Consolidation centerB.) Because of the oceanC.) When the small particle gets cold all aroundD.) ChangedQuestion 14 of 2015. What are small particles called when they cool around in free air?A.) Condensation nucleusB.) WaterC.) MoistD.) The airQuestion 15 of 2016. What gets affected by temperature, pressure and humidity of air?A.) ConsolidationB.) GasC.) TemperatureD.) HumidQuestion 16 of 2017. After condensation in which form it could be converted?A.) Dew, fog, frost, cloudB.) Humidity, fogC.) Vapor, cloudD.) None of the aboveQuestion 17 of 2018. What happens when the dew point falls below the frozen point?A.) CondensationB.) The fogC.) FrostD.) A cloudQuestion 18 of 2019. What is it called when the moisture in the air does not condense instead it turns into droplets on the solids like stones, grass or cold drops on the leaves of plants?A.) DewB.) HumidityC.) PointD.) FrostQuestion 19 of 2020. What is necessary for the formation of dew?A.) Temperature above the dew pointB.) FrostC.) HumidityD.) The airQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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