MCQ Class 11 Geography Chapter 1 Geography As A Discipline Advertisement Fundamental of Physical GeographyMCQ’s For All Chapters – Geography Class 11th 1. Which tool is used to know the exact position?A.) G.p.sB.) G.e.oC.) G.i.sD.) H.pQuestion 1 of 92. Branches of geography are closely related to which subject?A) social, economic, land, populationB) mathematics sanskritC) soilD) forestQuestion 2 of 93. What traits are studied in ecology?A) habitat and area of the speciesB) rain weather windC) a forest tree on the groundD) contaminated landQuestion 3 of 94. What is studied in historical geography?A) delimitationB) neighboring boundariesC) organized and scattered populationD) rural and urban distribution in tribal geographyQuestion 4 of 95. What has evolved on a plateau?A) forests and mineralsB) agricultureC) shapeD) the weatherQuestion 5 of 96. Who developed air conditioning in confined spaces?A) human beingB) animalsC) treeD) airQuestion 6 of 97. What define dense element of forest and quality of grass?A) temperature and rainfallB) waterC) light synthesisD) sunlightQuestion 7 of 98. Who believes that the purpose of geography is to describe the local regional variations of the earth?A) richardhartshorneB) alfredheitnerC) herotusD) galileoQuestion 8 of 99. Which scholar coined the term geography?A) heroitesB) socratesC) eratosthenesD) aristotleQuestion 9 of 9 Loading...
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