MCQ Class 11 Geography Chapter 1 Geography As A Discipline Advertisement Fundamental of Physical GeographyMCQ’s For All Chapters – Geography Class 11th 1. What synthesis does geography attempt?A) regional synthesisB) water and airC) replicationD) featuresQuestion 1 of 152. What is the interconnectedness of the world?A) dependency systemB) houseC) forestD) natureQuestion 2 of 153. What is the present universe?A) knowledge in the skyB) visionC) reciprocalD) global villageQuestion 3 of 154. This has narrowed the gap?A) transportationB) phoneC) mobileD) communicationQuestion 4 of 155. What opportunities has technology given us?A) natural, economic and social parametersB) development in mathematicsC) development of computerD) prosperity of humansQuestion 5 of 156. The synthesis of geography as a subject relates to which inner being?A) natural and socialB) naturalC) historicalD) geographicalQuestion 6 of 157. What is the purpose of natural or social science?A) teaching geographyB) information of waterC) forecast weatherD) check factsQuestion 7 of 158. Why do we make our shields when there is war?A) seaB) riverC) gunD) damQuestion 8 of 159. Who protects india as a barrier in the form of the great barrier?A) himalayasB) gangesC) mountainD) forestQuestion 9 of 1510. Who helped colonize India Europe Asia Africa?A) navigational technologyB) pilotC) primitive manD) doctorQuestion 10 of 1511. Who understood that geography is an interdisciplinary subject?A) alexander von humboldtB) malcomnicholsonC) jake nixonD) al-idrisQuestion 11 of 1512. Who developed regional geography?A) carl ritterB) alexander the greatC) newtonD) alexander von humboldtQuestion 12 of 1513. In the past, which subject scholars used to study?A) physical geographyB) historyC) psychologyD) mathematicsQuestion 13 of 1514. What does plant geography study?A) study of plantsB) a study of excavationC) study of marine plantsD) study of vegetation in excavationsQuestion 14 of 1515. Name the geographic information system among theseA.) GeoinformaticsB.) H.p.iC.) G.p.lD.) M.b.b.sQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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