MCQ Class 11 Geography Chapter 1 Geography As A Discipline Advertisement Fundamental of Physical GeographyMCQ’s For All Chapters – Geography Class 11th 1. Which scholars have described the earth?A) bhabhajahangirB) al-khwarizmiC) eratosthenesD) galileogalileiQuestion 1 of 152. Which two words combine to form the word geography?A.) Geo-graphsB.) Water-soilC.) Geo-earthD.) Soil-mountainQuestion 2 of 153. Earth is always seen as the abode of whom?A) of animalsB) of humanC) of scholarsD) of plantQuestion 3 of 154. How do scholars define geography?A) description of the earth inhabited by humansB) human housing and clothingC) based on animalsD) based on the skyQuestion 4 of 155. What is the most versatile?A) the earthB) waterC) animals in the forestD) humanQuestion 5 of 156. Geography is closely related to which subject?A) natural social synthesisB) subject matter and ritual techniqueC) history geographyD) sun and waterQuestion 6 of 157. How to study geography?A) varies by regional contextB) integral by regional contextC) considering field phenomena onlyD) considering regional phenomena onlyQuestion 7 of 158. On what basis does a geographer interpret geography?A) intersectional connections of natureB) climate changeC) changes in rainfallD) human-caused changes in the environmentQuestion 8 of 159. Human society generally depended on what?A) on the environmentB) on the climateC) on the rainD) on the sunQuestion 9 of 1510. What is human nature?A) component of the natureB) burden on natureC) past of the natureD) future of the natureQuestion 10 of 1511. What are humans currently adopting?A) technologyB) mobileC) environmentD) foodQuestion 11 of 1512. What did humans gained from technology?A) reduced laborB) disease changedC) everything is pollutedD) environmental destructionQuestion 12 of 1513. What claim do humans make when using natural resources?A) to make a creative contributionB) to give laborC) to make technical changesD) depleting natural resourcesQuestion 13 of 1514. Humans progressed with the help of technology towards?A) from necessity to freedomB) to technologyC) toward the rigors of laborD) towards regional developmentQuestion 14 of 1515. What kind of human beings do we see?A) humans affected by human action and natureB) primitive manC) scientist humanD) saint humanQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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