MCQ Class 11 Geography Chapter 9 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems Advertisement Fundamental of Physical GeographyMCQ’s For All Chapters – Geography Class 11th 1. In northern hemisphere, from where does cold air flow?A.) From north direction of frontB.) Polar atmosphereC.) CycloneD.) Air fieldQuestion 1 of 152. What is called to the process when two different type of air masses meet at mid boundary.A.) Air boundaryB.) CycloneC.) FrontD.) None of the aboveQuestion 2 of 153. Horizontally moving air means?A.) ColdB.) The earthC.) The windD.) PressureQuestion 3 of 154. What determines when to raise the air and when to lower it?A.) Atmospheric pressureB.) HumidityC.) TemperatureD.) CycleQuestion 4 of 155. Who redistributes temperature and humidity on earth?A.) TemperatureB.) ColdC.) HumidityD.) The windQuestion 5 of 156. What affects our body?A.) Air pressureB.) The windC.) The earthD.) PressureQuestion 6 of 157. Why does it become harder to breathe as we go high in the sky?A.) Air becomes rarefiedB.) Due to different gases in atmosphereC.) GravityD.) None of the aboveQuestion 7 of 158. What is the unit to measure air pressure in the metric system?A.) MillibarB.) BytesC.) Gravitational forceD.) None of the aboveQuestion 8 of 159. What is the atmospheric pressure at the bottom of the sea?A.) 84,327 millibarsB.) 4,023.25 millibarsC.) 2,0324.15 millibarsD.) 1,013.25 millibarsQuestion 9 of 1510. What is the use of mercury barometer or aneroid barometer?A.) To measure air pressureB.) To measure ultraviolet raysC.) To measure gas proportionsD.) None of the aboveQuestion 10 of 1511. What is equatorial low?A.) Low gravitational force near equatorB.) Low air pressure near equatorC.) Low and equal proportion of gasesD.) None of the aboveQuestion 11 of 1512. When the air pressure decreases near the equator, it is known by what name?A.) Equatorial low-pressure regionB.) Lower equatorC.) Higher pressure pointD.) None of the aboveQuestion 12 of 1513. What is called to high pressure area is seen between 30° north and 30° south latitudes?A.) Subtropical high-pressure areaB.) Low pressure areaC.) Long pressure fieldD.) AxisQuestion 13 of 1514. What is called when air pressure is higher near the poles?A.) Air pressure beltB.) DisplacementC.) SubtropicalD.) PressureQuestion 14 of 1515. Who influences the movement of wind?A.) Friction with unevenness on the surface of the earthB.) Coriolis forceC.) ForceD.) MountainQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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