MCQ Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 3 Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Chemistry Class 11th 1. Lothar Meyer arranged the elements in order of increasing: Atomic weightDensityAtomic volumeAtomic radiiQuestion 1 of 202. Law of Octaves was proposed by: JW Dobereiner D.I MendeleevJohn Alexander NewlandsLothar MeyerQuestion 2 of 203. Law of Triads is applicable to which set of elements? Sodium, Potassium, RubidiumFluorine, Iodine, BromineChlorine, Bromine, IodineLithium, Beryllium, BoronQuestion 3 of 204. In Mendeleev's periodic table, the groups were divided into how many subgroups?4123Question 4 of 205. Modern periodic table is divided into:18 periods and 7 groups8 periods and 18 groups18 periods and 8 groups7 periods and 18 groupsQuestion 5 of 206. Moseley performed experiments and studied the frequencies of which radiations emitted from the elements? Gamma raysX-raysUV raysInfra red raysQuestion 6 of 207. Among the following statements the one that is not true about Mendeleev's Periodic Table is:Elements of group 7 and 8 were arranged on the basis of equivalent weightsSome elements in the same group differ in their propertiesElements were arranged on the basis of atomic weightsThe position of hydrogen was not justifiedQuestion 7 of 208. Which scientist proposed that atomic number is more fundamental property of an element than its atomic mass? NewlandsLothar MeyerMoseleyMeyerQuestion 8 of 209. Johann Dobereiner classified elements in group of three elements called asTrinityTrialsTriadsDiadsQuestion 9 of 2010. In the modern periodic table, which period contains 32 elements? SixthFirstSeventhSecondQuestion 10 of 2011. Horizontal rows in the periodic table are called: CellTableGroupsPeriodsQuestion 11 of 2012. The second and third period of the modern periodic table contains how many elements?832182Question 12 of 2013. Newland arranged elements in increasing order of atomic weights and noted that every eighth element had properties similar to:Third elementFourth elementSecond elementFirst elementQuestion 13 of 2014. According to Dobereiner's law of triads the number of elements present in each group is:2453Question 14 of 2015. Lothar Meyer proposed that on arranging the elements in order of increasing atomic weights; similarities appear in which type of properties?Only physical propertiesOnly chemical propertiesIn both physical and chemical propertiesthermodynamic propertiesQuestion 15 of 2016. Eka silicon predicted by Mendeleev is which element: GermaniumAluminiumGalliumSodiumQuestion 16 of 2017. Eka aluminium predicted by Mendeleev is which element? GermaniumMagnesiumGalliumSodiumQuestion 17 of 2018. The basis of long form of periodic table is: Mass numberAtomic weightAtomic numberIonic radiusQuestion 18 of 2019. Mendeleev predicted the existence of which element/elements in the periodic table? GalliumSodium and germaniumGallium and germaniumGermanium and GoldQuestion 19 of 2020. At present how many elements are known?11011463105Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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