MCQ Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 2 Structure Of Atom Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Chemistry Class 11th 1. Which one of the following statements applies to atoms which are isotopes of the same element? The number of electrons outside the nucleus is the same.The mass numbers are the same.The sum of the number of electrons and neutrons is the same.The sum of the number of protons and neutrons is the same.Question 1 of 202. An atom of the most common isotope of platinum, has the following combination of protons, neutrons, and electrons. 78, 116, 78194, 78, 7878, 116, 7878, 194, 78Question 2 of 203. The nucleus of an atom of contains: 8 protons and 18 electrons8 protons and 18 neutrons8 protons and 10 neutrons10 protons and 8 neutronsQuestion 3 of 204. The atoms of different isotopes of same element differ from each other in the number of ProtonsNeutronsElectrons in the inner shell onlyElectrons in outer most shell onlyQuestion 4 of 205. Which statement is correct?protons, neutrons and electrons together uniformly occupy the total volume of the atomNeutrons and protons together have the least massElectrons occupy most of the space and contributes very little to the mass of the atom.Electrons and protons have most of the mass and occupy very little space.Question 5 of 206. The radius of the nucleus of an atom is approximately: 10-15 m1 nm10-10 m10-12 mQuestion 6 of 207. contains 12 neutrons22 nucleons22 protons22 neutronsQuestion 7 of 208. differ from each in respect of ? electronsprotonsneutronsNone of theseQuestion 8 of 209. Thomson's plum pudding model explained: Existence of protonsElectrical neutrality of an atomExistence of electronsElectrons move in fixed circular orbitsQuestion 9 of 2010. In which pair is the two species Isoelectronic? As, PO, FFe2+, Fe3+O, N-Question 10 of 2011. Which pair of species has the same number of electrons? Fe, Mn+Ar, K+Te, Se Mn, TcQuestion 11 of 2012. The smallest particle of an element which can take part in chemical reactions and may or may not exist independently is the NucleusCompoundAtomNeutronQuestion 12 of 2013. The charge on electron was determined by CrooksBohrMillikenSchrodingerQuestion 13 of 2014. The ratio of e/m for cathode rays Varies with gas in discharge tubeIs maximum when hydrogen is taken Is fixedVaries with different electrodeQuestion 14 of 2015. The three fundamental particles of the atom areMesons, Quarks and Anti-neutrino Positron, Neutrino and Gamma RaysNucleus, Anti-quarks and Electrons Proton, Neutron and ElectronQuestion 15 of 2016. A subshell with n = 6, = 2 can accomodate a maximum of 10 electrons 72 electrons12 electrons36 electronsQuestion 16 of 2017. The triad of nuclei that is isotonic is: ABCDQuestion 17 of 2018. The radius of an atom is approximately : 10-12 cm1 nm1cm10-10 mQuestion 18 of 2019. The nucleus of a tritium atom, 3H, contains three protonsthree neutronstwo protons and one neutrontwo neutrons and one protonQuestion 19 of 2020. Which of the following is true about electron: It is negatively charged and is lighter than a proton.It is negatively charged and has same mass as a proton.It is positively charged and has no massNone of the aboveQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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