MCQ Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists In The Modern World Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 9th 1. Which of the following regions is known for its traditional pastoral nomadic communities?RainforestsPlateau regionsCoastal areasUrban centersQuestion 1 of 102. Pastoralists primarily depend on which of the following activities for their livelihood?Industrial workAgricultureFishingAnimal husbandryQuestion 2 of 103. The term "Pastoralism" refers to:Trade and commerce in urban centersFarming and cultivation of cropsHunting and gathering of foodRearing and herding of animalsQuestion 3 of 104. The Maasai community is a pastoral nomadic tribe found in:South AmericaCentral AsiaAustraliaEast AfricaQuestion 4 of 105. Which of the following animals is commonly reared by pastoralists in arid regions?SheepCattlePigsDucksQuestion 5 of 106. Pastoralists are known for their seasonal movement in search of:Valuable artifactsGold and precious metalsFertile land for cultivationWater and fresh pasturesQuestion 6 of 107. The practice of enclosing common grazing lands for private use is known as:Sustainable agricultureSubsistence farmingDeforestationEnclosureQuestion 7 of 108. The government's policy of excluding pastoralists from certain regions to conserve wildlife is known as:Conservation-induced displacementAfforestationDisplacementLand degradationQuestion 8 of 109. Which tribe combined cultivators with pastoralism in India?GaddiRaikasMaruGujjarsQuestion 9 of 1010. Gaddi Shepherds came down from the high meadow in:OctoberSeptemberFebruaryMid of OctoberQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...