MCQ Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists In The Modern World Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – History Class 9th 1. Half of world’s pastoral population lives in which continent?IndiaChinaAfricaRussiaQuestion 1 of 152. The social changes in Maasai society are thatthe traditional difference based on age, between the elders and warriors, has been disturbed, but it has not broken downa new distinction between the wealthy and the poor pastoralists has developedboth ( a) and ( b)none of the aboveQuestion 2 of 153. Pastoralists sustain byHerdingTradeCultivationAll the optionsQuestion 3 of 154. When did a severe drought take place, killing over half the cattle in the Maasai Reserve?1946 and 194719001933 and 1934 more1945Question 4 of 155. The Maru Raikas herdedsheepcamelsgoatsall the threeQuestion 5 of 156. What was the percentage of land lost by Maasais as a result of the division of Maasailand?60%10%25%35%Question 6 of 157. The nomadic cattle herders of Kaokoland belonged toSouth AfricaNamibiaZambiaZimbabweQuestion 7 of 158. In 1885, Maasailand was cut into half with an international boundary betweenAngola and BotswanaKenya and TanganyikaKenya and EthiopiaCongo and AngolaQuestion 8 of 159. With the passage of time, what was the position of the Maasai chiefs?Some eked out a living as charcoal burners, others did odd jobsThey had regular income with which they could buy animals, goods and land.In times of war and famine, they lost nearly everythingThey did not have resources to tide over bad timesQuestion 9 of 1510. The warriors consisted ofhealthy peopleelder peopleyounger peoplechildrenQuestion 10 of 1511. In pre-colonial period, the African society was divided intoagriculturists and industrialistselders and warriorspriests and warriorsnone of the aboveQuestion 11 of 1512. What was the tax imposed by colonists on pastoralistsSalt taxGrazing taxCanal water taxLand taxQuestion 12 of 1513. In what ways lives of Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir similar to that of Gaddi shepherds of Himachal Pradesh?They both have a similar cycle of seasonal movementThey both spend their winters on low hills of Siwalik range, grazing their herds in dry scrub forestsIn April, they begin their upward journey again for their summer grazing groundsAll the aboveQuestion 13 of 1514. The Maasais are cattle herders ofIndonesiaEast AfricaIndiaSouth AfricaQuestion 14 of 1515. The Criminal Tribes Act was passed in1787187117811817Question 15 of 15 Loading...
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