MCQ Class 9 Geography Chapter 4 Climate Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Geography Class 9th 1. Which force is responsible for the deflection of winds to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere?Force of the warm ocean currentsCoriolis forceGravitational force Jet streamQuestion 1 of 102. In the northwestern states of India, the withdrawal of the monsoons generally begins from which month? Early OctoberLate SeptemberMid AugustEarly SeptemberQuestion 2 of 103. Which of the following places receive the highest rainfall in the world? SiachenCherrapunjiMawsynramThiruvananthapuramQuestion 3 of 104. The Indian climate has characteristics of which type of climate?TropicalSub-tropicalTropical and sub-tropicalNone of the aboveQuestion 4 of 105. Which part of India receives precipitation generally in the form of snowfall?Himalayan regionNorth eastern partsWestern partsDeccan regionQuestion 5 of 106. Which of the following regions of India receives more than 400 cm of rainfall? Deccan PlateauNorth eastern IndiaCentral India Western RajasthanQuestion 6 of 107. Which of the following is the main characteristic of the trade winds? Dry and coldCold and humidHot and cool Hot and humidQuestion 7 of 108. The climate of India is strongly influenced by which winds?LooTrade windsMonsoon windsEasterly windsQuestion 8 of 109. What is the local name given to the winter rainfall that occurs over the northern plains during the cold season? Kaal BaisakhiMahawatLooMango showerQuestion 9 of 1010. Which of the following does not affect the climate of a place? Distance from the sea Ocean currentsLatitude Vegetation coverQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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The questions are amazing